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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Next 4 people to find the promo code win!!!!

    Next 4 people to find the promo code win!!!!

    We have hidden a promo code worth 50% somewhere on our website. That's right 50% off your purchase. This promo code will be visible for 1 hour and will ONLY work ONE TIME. So as soon as you find it, be sure to use it up before its gone.

    There will also be 3 ONE TIME use promo codes worth 10% off any purchase hidden on the website. So if you find one of those promo codes, you can try your luck and keep searching for the 50% off code, or just take the 10% and checkout. It's up to you the customer to decide.

    These codes will be visible for one hour, so stop by the store and look for them. The codes will be hidden in one of our product descriptions. The codes will either be in the research chem or peptides sections. There are no restrictions on these codes, so they can be used for anything.

    Good Luck and Happy Halloween


  2. #2
    SukaDaddio is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I hope no one found that 50% yet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    All promo codes have been used! Thanks to everyone for participating!

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