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  1. #1
    windz is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    My clen got siezed

    I live in Korea at the moment and I ordered clen about a week and ago half ago. I just find out that the customs seized it. They asked for documents and stuff and I'm not sure how I should handle this. Someone in this board said he got it shipped smoothly 7 times to Korea so I don't know whats up.

    Please help

  2. #2
    DasChamp's Avatar
    DasChamp is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010
    Currently in Iraq
    Just deny deny deny bro. You cant be held responsible for what you receive in the mail. I had to open a package infront of my platoon sergeant at random in 2003. Well wouldnt you know it I just happened to have a couple (30) amps of Test E and all the supportive items in said package. They tried to nail me but couldnt because there was no evidence that I ordered it or that I even knew about it. They also made me take a UA specifically for AAS but it was in vain as I hadnt yet taken the Test E, so I was in the clear. On another note I always got my Ar-r products when I was stationed in Korea.
    Last edited by DasChamp; 01-24-2010 at 04:33 AM.

  3. #3
    number28's Avatar
    number28 is offline Associate Member
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    Big Apple
    quick question,
    how do you deny? do you only have an address on the package and no name?
    what about setting up a po box and having it sent there?

    so pretty much no traces with WU but do they have a right to seize ur computer?

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