Hello, I'm an Italian new user of this forum and read there a long time.
I decided to order Clomi Liquid and Liquid Tamox by the sponsor of the forum.
After I registered on the site proceed with the order but in the end after entering credit card details and confirming the transaction I get an error message telling me that my shipping address do not match the address of my credit card that the order could not be tried (provided that in my city recently changed the names of many streets and had inserted the name of the new street where I live while the card is still registered with the old address) . A few minutes later my bank sent me a text message where I said that I was charged for the order that I had done but going to check into my account may no orders!! I have already sent an email to [email protected] explaining what happened and look for an answer. Someone happened to that? Also will ship the products? I have to ask for a refund and then again the order? lion can do something to solve this problem? I do not want to lose my $ 224.01 and lose confidence in your company.