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  1. #1
    lestat88 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2009

    Gain weight on clen?

    Hi Guys, after asking a few questions about packaging and such on ar-r 's clen and not getting a proper response, I found a local source for clen, after doing 20 days of a pill that contained sibutramine, I lost a total of 8kg and jumped straight onto the clen, I am now at the end of my 2 week run and I have gained 4kg of the 8kg I lost, would you think this is possible, as thats 2kg a week of gains, it's definitely not muscle, if anyone knows if the packaging of clen, if it comes in a box thats branded or whatever, please let me know as I am keen to actually order some from lion as I believe my local source was just dodgy clen, I did have some sideeffects that lasted a few hours which was mainly the shaking, but I was told to start on 1ml of it, then 1.5ml the next day and 2ml for the rest of the 2 weeks and as I said, I have gained weight

  2. #2
    8iron's Avatar
    8iron is offline Associate Member
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    clen is measured in mcg, the clen from lion is at 200mcg per ml, i never go over 100mcg..

  3. #3
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    ARR's clen is good to go and the shaking should last more than a couple of hours. The half life of clen is 36 hours.

  4. #4
    caffeine_menace's Avatar
    caffeine_menace is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestat88 View Post
    I believe my local source was just dodgy clen
    AR-R 'S stuff is good to go...If ur local source wasnt reputable why would u even consider taking it? Could hav been some off the shelf fat burner that gave u some side effects...You could always post up wut u got with a pic in the picture forum to see if its legit...

  5. #5
    Failure's Avatar
    Failure is offline Associate Member
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    Ar-r 's stuff doesn't come in a box stamped CLENBUTEROL . It comes in a discrete white bubblewrap envelope simply with RUI on the return address. IIRC.

    It's said in pretty much every Clenbuterol thread in existance, diet is the key factor.

    But it sounds to me like you got beat by your local guy, or got a super diluted batch if he said take 1ml.
    Last edited by Failure; 02-17-2010 at 03:24 PM.

  6. #6
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    ARR's clen and cutting chems are legit. I have used the clen before and my dose limit is about 100 mcgs per day, anything over that and I am shakin like a leaf. Can't function at work. But it is great for cutting.

  7. #7
    lestat88 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2009
    Thanks guys, will be purchasing for lion then for sure, my diet was unchanged, I still had the same set meals every day at the same times, so hopefully when I get my order my second attempt will actually work

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