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  1. #1
    DP_Builtforlife's Avatar
    DP_Builtforlife is offline New Member
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    Morning or Night for Clen

    Just received my first shipment of Clen , wicked quick shipping!! Is it better to give it to my rats in the morning or night?

    Also wanting to know if this is a good dosage for the rats!

    Day 1-3 60mcg
    Day 4-6 80mcg
    Day 7-9 100mcg
    Day 10-12 120mcg
    After day 12 test tolerance!

    Thanks a lot for your help guys!!

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    in the morning for sure man, try not to take it that late. I find that I cannot sleep well at al on clen . eca works much better for me. just my 2cents.

  3. #3
    casberger is offline Junior Member
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    I take all mine first thing in the morning. I cant sleep if I take it too late in the day.

  4. #4
    DP_Builtforlife's Avatar
    DP_Builtforlife is offline New Member
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    I currently take a Spike(300mg caffine) at about 10:30 in the morning. Along with my pre-workout around 4:30p.m. Should I stop taking the Spike while I am on Clen ? Seems like it wouold be a little to much for the heart!!

  5. #5
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    Yea clen gives me the shakes, I have to take it in the morning, or else I will never get to sleep.

  6. #6
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    I take clen in the early AM.

    I will still take some caffeine pre workout.

  7. #7
    the big 1's Avatar
    the big 1 is offline Senior Member
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    Ive tried taking clen in the evening before bed and had no drama in doing so, but im a fairly light sleeper anyway and always get up early hours to piss!!!

    If you dont mind your heart beating out of your chest whilst kipping its fine!!!

    Just try different dosages at different times of day to see what suits you best.

  8. #8
    toothache's Avatar
    toothache is offline Senior Member
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    I take clen in the morning and at night I take ketotifen to not only up regulate the receptors but it makes you drowsy so I get to sleep without problems.

  9. #9
    DP_Builtforlife's Avatar
    DP_Builtforlife is offline New Member
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    Well I started my clen today. I did not start with 60mcg like i was going to. I started with 20. One question is should you count the tip, end, nipple, whatever it is called, when measuring? I didn't know so i went on the cautious side and counted it.

    I took it at 7am and felt nothing for the first hour. The next hour I could feel it in my body but it was just faint enough to let me know it was there. Now at lunch time there is nothing. I will try 60mcg tomorrow and report back on how I feel!!

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