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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Exclamation Liquid Albut, I have a question. How many mgs do I get with 60mL 6mg/mL ?

    60mL 6mg/mL = 600mgs? Is that correct? Because if I were to take 6mgs a day that could last me 100 days lol.

    Please answer that question above along with these two It will be well appreciated

    I'm 5'7 157 pounds and 17% body fat (i was surprised at my body fat).

    So I was told to take 2-6mgs of this 1-2hours before my workout. Is this correct?

    Also, how should I come off of it? All at once or slowly tamper? This is my first cycle of any type.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Blog Entries
    no bro unless my math is wrong it comes to should last you 60 days at 6mg a day......i have never used it though so i cant advise you any further...

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