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  1. #1
    whatthehellizthat's Avatar
    whatthehellizthat is offline New Member
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    Got My T3/Cia/Melanotan Combo and was wondering

    How should I dose the T3? (30mL 200mcg/mL)

    I'm 39, 5'11, 220lbs, 13% BF

    On a cycle of

    Test Prop (150mg ED)
    Masteron (100mg ED)

    Am not running an AI yet... using Masteron for that.

    Have Tren (100mg/mL), but waiting 4 more weeks to start up on that.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    run a search for cytomel , you'll get alot of opinions on T3.

    What do you want to use the T3 for?

    13% bf isn't that bad, some on cycle cardio should trim that off easily.

    but a low dose of T3 (25-40mcg/ED) will help with protein synthesis...

  3. #3
    whatthehellizthat's Avatar
    whatthehellizthat is offline New Member
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    I had read someplace that adding T3 was a good idea when using Tren .

    Seeing as how the T3 comes in a 200mcg dose of 1 mL, I was curious to know if people were taking it in divided doses are all at once and how much.

    I taken cytomel before and started low and tapered both up and then down. I didn't know if this T3 was similar to that or not.

  4. #4
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    cytomel is t3.

    Do not start off at 1ml. Start off at .1 ml...25mcg. Then ramp up 25mcg ed until you hit 100mcg which is .5ml. You can go above that if you wish. I've gone up to 150mcg/day.

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