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  1. #1
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    Jul 2003
    North Carolina

    Liquidex for HRT

    My doc lets me inject myself every week 200mg. Over the past four months I have slowly begun to feel the effects of obvious estrogen issues. EXTREMELY bloated, lethargic. No gyno issues though.

    She won't test me for estrogen but gave me a lasik. I can literally piss 17-20 pounds of water on that stuff. HARSH!

    So I took it upon myself to obtain some liquidex. Mistake? For two days I've taken .5 subL. Good to go? Dumb move jackass?

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i take .5 2x weekly. same trt dose as you. works great for me, never really gets rid of the bloating tho

  3. #3
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    North Carolina

    I just took a dose yesterday and today - I'll split and do another on Friday and see how things go.

    Taking that lasik was just a killer. I'd wait and do it every few days and I would amaze myself at how much I held. lol

  4. #4
    durak's Avatar
    durak is offline Member
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    is that you in the picture? If so, losing weight will greatly help the estrogen issue.

  5. #5
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    North Carolina
    Yep that is me. Old picture.

    Ex-powerlifter. Dropped 55 pounds since September. Still hovering around 305 though. Off the HRT I don't carry much water. On, I'm like a frickin' camel.

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