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Thread: Missed Sale?!?!

  1. #1
    Arian's Avatar
    Arian is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010

    Missed Sale?!?!

    Man that sucks. I was planning on buying some stuff, just had some issues getting money at the right time. I saw there was a pretty good sale going on, everything was cheaper. Hell yeah! Of course now I go to buy and nothing is on sale. Damnit! So, I guess I'll just hang on and see what happens.

  2. #2
    Arian's Avatar
    Arian is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010
    Wow, did I really screw myself over? Now I'm noticing that I can't find the combos anymore. Am I crazy or something?

  3. #3
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Arian View Post
    Wow, did I really screw myself over? Now I'm noticing that I can't find the combos anymore. Am I crazy or something?
    They have a new feature....'create your own combo' so whatever you want you can create a combo and get it discounted.

  4. #4
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006
    yea it's better than before, sign up for the loyalty account, and you get that discount plus the combo savings, thanks ar-r

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