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Thread: Clen Help?

  1. #1
    baseball21's Avatar
    baseball21 is offline New Member
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    Clen Help?

    My anavar source fell through and I'm now thinking about purchasing your clen . My only questions are what else should I purchase with it? PCT, needle size, vials, or syringe sizes?

  2. #2
    Hitman Heimler's Avatar
    Hitman Heimler is offline Junior Member
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    I get the impression you will want to start here:

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    what else are you running?
    you dont need needles or pct for clen .
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    baseball21's Avatar
    baseball21 is offline New Member
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    I'm only running clen . Have been trying desperately and can't find roids in my area. With Spring Break coming up I decided to go with the last resort and just get some clen for a little extra help shedding body fat.

  5. #5
    slfmade's Avatar
    slfmade is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You don't need PCT for clen . At your age you shouldn't be running any aas. So forget the anavar idea!

    Vets what are your opinions of an 18 yr old running clen? Curious

  6. #6
    Standby's Avatar
    Standby is offline ~AR's Nice Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    You don't need PCT for clen . At your age you shouldn't be running any aas. So forget the anavar idea!

    Vets what are your opinions of an 18 yr old running clen? Curious
    definitely dont need it could do eca also instead but still his choice. hopefully he educates good and doses safely

  7. #7
    baseball21's Avatar
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    I regret putting my real age on here. I have been researching aas for quite some time now on the internet, while also reading books. I'm not some idiot kid wanting to get huge in a matter of weeks by injecting myself with fluids I know nothing about. I am interested to seeing what the vets have to say on clen for an 18 year old though.

  8. #8
    tballz's Avatar
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    Clen for anyone at any age isn't good. It's a powerful drug. Hard on the heart. So do some serious research on the subject before you do it. Having said all that, I have done quite a few cycles of it but I did my due diligence.

  9. #9
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseball21 View Post
    I regret putting my real age on here. I have been researching aas for quite some time now on the internet, while also reading books. I'm not some idiot kid wanting to get huge in a matter of weeks by injecting myself with fluids I know nothing about. I am interested to seeing what the vets have to say on clen for an 18 year old though.
    So let me get this straight. You would rather lie and get advice that doesn't apply to you rather than telling the truth and hearing something you don't want to hear. That sounds real grown up buddy!!! Do you think we're trying to sabotage your gains??? Really????

    You say that you've done your research, but has your research taught you anything in regards to HPTA or the Endocrine System? Until Age 24-25 these are still taking steroids now there's a strong likelyhood you'll damage these causing a life full of depression, ED, Loss of Libido, and many other health risk. You must wait until these systems fully develop before taking AAS.

    Many young members come on here daily thinking all they have to do is run a good pct and everything will be just fine. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!!!! You should only run aas once these are fully developed. So, as I said earlier...don't run the Anavar .

    Now in regards to Clen ...this is NOT a steroid so the same rules about the HPTA and endrocrine don't apply. I haven't done enough research to advise you on how to take it because I don't know if there are any health risk involved at your age. I don't think age would have a lot to do with Clen, but I'm not certain which is why I called on the vets.

    If there's one thing I've learned by being here; it's to take the info given by the vets and apply it. They won't steer you wrong!

  10. #10
    baseball21's Avatar
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    Slfmade, my post was in no way directed towards you. I really appreciated your post, and I know youre right about AAS disabling your testosterone production at the age of 18, but it being a very mild steroid I felt one quick cycle was pretty low risk. Regardless, I appreciate your answer and wasn't trying to start anything with the age thing, it was directed to the posters that think all 18yo posters are immature, uneducated, and just looking for the quickest solution without a care for the risks.

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I will say that "one quick cycle" is not worth it. Any gains that you can get from one quick, small cycle of a mild steroid are going to be small, and probably just as achievable with diet tweaks and making sure you are lifting correctly. Why risk the your health? My opinion has nothing to do with your age.

    Since you are talking about age, I will mention that everyone above is giving advice that is valid whether you are an immature, uneducated, lazy 18 year old OR a mature, educated and motivated 18 year old. It is your age, not your mental state that makes AAS bad for a young body.

  12. #12
    baseball21's Avatar
    baseball21 is offline New Member
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    Yes I know what you're saying is true for any AAS, but what about Clen ?

  13. #13
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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