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  1. #1
    oliver2828 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    new york

    Clen and Keto question

    Stats. 5'9 205 lbs 12% bf

    Trying to shed a couple more lbs with clen

    Ok I am running clen from day 1-60 at 100mcg/day

    Today is the first day of my 3rd week and I am going to start the keto tonight. What is the best method. Take keto week 3 and week 6 at 1mg per day, or start taking it now and then continue to take it all the way through.

    Thank you in advance for your response.

  2. #2
    oliver2828 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    new york
    Can anyone help me with this please?

  3. #3
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Start keto at the end of week 2 of clen . Take 1mg/day at night because it will make you drowsy. For however long you run your clen cycle take the keto.

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