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  1. #1
    Adam_david is offline Junior Member
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    I got a question about clen

    I ran a bottle of Clen a little while back. The first 2 weeks the sides as far as shakiness and jittery feeling etc was something serious. The second 2 week run those sides were not there but I had a stopped up nose much like bad allergies and my lymph nodes swole up and hurt why did this happen

  2. #2
    Adam_david is offline Junior Member
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    My lymph nodes are STILL swollen over 2 weeks after I stopped the Clen . Has anyone else experienced this?

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    An educated guess - It has to do with beta receptors. A side effect of beta blockers is swollen lymph nodes. Clen causes a down regulation of beta receptors. I suspect there is a corolation. After 2 weeks is exactly when this down regulation due to clen administration would occur. I would suspect that is what you are experiencing. The simple addition of ketotifen to your clen protocol would probably prevent the down regulation of receptors and the swollen lymph nodes. Also that is why your sides diminished, the receptors became less responsive (or down regulated) and thus the sides (as well as the effects) of clen decreased dramatically.

  4. #4
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam_david View Post
    My lymph nodes are STILL swollen over 2 weeks after I stopped the Clen. Has anyone else experienced this?
    clen stops working after about 2 weeks. that is why sides went away.

  5. #5
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You may also have just happened to get sick at around 2 weeks in, for glands. but jimmy is right about a possible relation, but i never experiences this myself.

  6. #6
    Adam_david is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I went two weeks on two weeks off. I didn't have ketotifen so I tried benedryl instead. It didn't seem to make any difference at all. So does it have anti-catobolic effects? I read that it does but I also read that it does only in cattle but not humans

  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam_david View Post
    Yeah I went two weeks on two weeks off. I didn't have ketotifen so I tried benedryl instead. It didn't seem to make any difference at all. So does it have anti-catobolic effects? I read that it does but I also read that it does only in cattle but not humans
    Benadryl is useless for that purpose (as you found out). By its very mechanism of action (b2 agonist) it is muscle sparing...that cannot be argued. Anabolic ? Well thats where some debate enters in.

  8. #8
    Adam_david is offline Junior Member
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    May not have been the healthiest move but I ran Clen with 1500 mg of pure raspberry ketones a day 350mg 20 min before cardio and 350 mg immediately after twice a day five days a week. I went from 20% body fat to 10% body fat in a matter of weeks. I also added some test boosters to help save muscle while cutting. That combo had remarkable effects

  9. #9
    Giggle's Avatar
    Giggle is offline Female Member
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    That IS remarkable! How much cardio were you doing, if you don't mind me asking?
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam_david View Post
    May not have been the healthiest move but I ran Clen with 1500 mg of pure raspberry ketones a day 350mg 20 min before cardio and 350 mg immediately after twice a day five days a week. I went from 20% body fat to 10% body fat in a matter of weeks. I also added some test boosters to help save muscle while cutting. That combo had remarkable effects

  10. #10
    Adam_david is offline Junior Member
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    I was doing 30 min in the morning after weight training before breakfast then 45 min in the afternoon after weight training. All running was fairly low intensity about 4.5 on a tread mill. Diet was pretty clean. I minimized all carbs til the were almost nonexistent proteins and healthy fats It seemed to he my body used to using fat as energy as opposed to glucose. I'd take in carbs once or twice a week but in small amounts. They weight began to melt off

  11. #11
    Adam_david is offline Junior Member
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    But be prepared to get HOT!!!!! Ur core temp goes really high when mixing Clen and that high of a dozen of raspberry ketones. But hey. It worked for me

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