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  1. #1
    KsBoost is offline New Member
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    TB-500 Questions

    Every time i search TB500 the search engine just goes retarded, so im going to start a thread out of curiosity.

    If someone has the patience, to write up a run down on TB500 i would really appreciate it, I did do alot of reading up on it and lots of people that had joint issues, seemed to benefit from TB. Some saw better musculature, yada yada, pretty much sold on the joint issues+muscle growth and endurance.

    A few issues i have: It seems that people stopped reporting in on their TB500 runs, did tb500 negatively affect them in the long run?
    Proper loading/maintenance? i heard 2MG 1x weekly, then 2/5mg monthly maintenance, also heard 5mg weekly and 5mg monthly maintenance.
    Finally, how would this stack along with albuterol?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    My expereince.
    4mg/week for 4 weeks done in 2-2mg shots - so mon thurs -2mg each day
    2 mg/week for 4 weeks done in 2-1mg shots - so min thurs - 1mg eah day
    Then i did 1 mg/week in 2 - 1/2 mg shots on mon thurs for 4 weeks. then i stopped.
    In my case it was and injury so one it was healed and Physical therapy done no need to continue taking tb. I suppose with say a tendonitis one may need to continue with maintenance ...
    As far as albut - they are unrelated -I see no adverse effects running it alongside albut at all.
    Hope that helps

  3. #3
    KsBoost is offline New Member
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    Any particular reason why you stopped? Were you only using it for the injury benefits?

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    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I stopped because I was back to 100%. I was using it to assist in injury recovery hoping to avoid sugery which I was able to do successfully. In other words-goal accomplished - tb500=success.

  5. #5
    KsBoost is offline New Member
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    Well thats great news haha. What about the muscle growth, endurance, strength, etc. would you say you got a little of each of those in your experience?

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KsBoost View Post
    Well thats great news haha. What about the muscle growth, endurance, strength, etc. would you say you got a little of each of those in your experience?
    Nothing I was doing at that time was geared towards those goals at all. I was just hoping to be able to reach over my head and get things down off a shelf if you know what I mean. Thus I cant speak to those effects or benefits.

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