First off i'd like to say that i'm extremely impressed with this website and it's follwers.the info is very informative and i could tell the majority of posters are the real deal.
About me..
I've been out of the loop for a while (went through a bad break up) and pretty much went to shit...been hitting the gym hard again for about 6 months..i've done aas before with great results,however due to my career i no longer can reap aas's benefits.
I've been researching sarms s-4 and am going to order some and hopefully start next week..i will give an informative log and look forward to sharing my results with everyone..
Eventhough there are some very good posts here (bass and dat) there seams to be a lack of logs indicating weight/mass gain (my main reason for using sarms)...i am aware that my gains wont be comparable to aas,but i have to stay legal and undetectable so it's my best alternative...
Hope my upcoming log helps you guys out...and if any of you have a weight/mass gain log i'd love to read it...
Thank you all keep up the good work