My quick Back Story- Back in July I weighed 290+, Through Diet and Exercise (who woulda thought) I'm now at 220 with much more muscle. I lift 3-4 times a week and run 3-4 times a week. My Diet is my weak point at the moment but it is imporoving at a rapid pace.

I've been at 220lbs for about 2 months now and it is winter and my diet wasn't fantastic but I feel like I've hit a plateau. I'm about 22% BF.

Is now a time that I can try a cycle of clen /t3/albut? (Not all 3, just saying lol) I've been doing a lot of reading and I'm not getting the answers I really want, I know the correct way to cycle it and how I would do it, but will it aid me at this stage of the game once my diet is solid? (It is now, it just hasn't been for long)

Thanks Guys