I've been looking around and reading and doing research just for myself from this I was lay in bed the other morning
and was thinking about Nolvadex and how its used to bind with estrogen receptors to help with gyno but also is used in pct to help with recovery and raise natural testosterone levels back your base line before the use of Steroid

With doing research I read that that 20mgs of Nolvadex will raise your testosterone levels about 150%

Lets say I have just finished my pct phase taking Nolvadex {I know you wouldn’t just take Nolvadex alone} to recover which would have raised my natural
Testosterone so I’m ready to come off pct HERE is the part that really got thinking and the reason for this thread that if Nolvadex raises levels by 150%
Surely you will raise your levels above baseline so when you discontinue your levels will still be high could this cause an estrogen rebound with your own natural testosterone levels being the cause if so how could you prevent this

Sorry if this has already been asked and answered