Hi guys im not new to the board but i forgot my last log in details haha. after quite a while of umming and aring about turning to the dark side ive done it. currently on week 4 of my first cycle which will be going for 14weeks.

currently running 400mg test cyp a week and 50mg winstrol oral a day. along side 10mg of aromasin every day to keep water retention down an (dont hate me) i once did a dbol only cycle and my nipps hurt like shit so i know im prone to the sides so hence the other use for aromasin.

My question (at last) is im still getting sensitive nipples every now an again should i up my dose to 20mg a day or 10mg one day 20 another? and was walking through b an q the other day and my left arm went numb as hell. then suddenly felt like an electrode had been strapped to my nipples for like 20 seconds. then passed but the left arm going numb thing seems to be happening a bit to often.

Loving the results im getting and can train like a beast for age, just wish i could stop eating all food is my friend atm hahaha. (nothing fried) cheers for readin my rather large post. lol... maybe i hould bullet point the questions hahaha.