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  1. #1
    satsumass is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Post Ostarine – need help interpreting labs.

    Hi all. 33 year old male, 225lbs, beefy muscular, (plenty of fat).

    My endo has had me on TRT for a long time, Axiron 3x/day. I've also used Test E in the past.

    I used Ostarine 12.5-25mg/day for about a month, and felt some definite shutdown effects (libido mostly). Before ostarine, I was using anavar about 30-40mg/day mostly with the goal of visceral fat reduction (not sure it did much). Both of these were along with daily Axiron, 3x/day.

    I stopped Ostarine last week, and have continued with the Axiron, and just got labs. Libido is still pretty weak. I am not a hardcore BB (I do HIT lifting (superslow) about 1x/week) nor have I done a real-deal cycle before, so need some HELP figuring out whether I need some PCT from the anavar+ostarine. (My understanding is fairly limited and would rather not spend hours researching). Here are my labs (labcorp) taken two days ago, about a week after ostarine. Remember I am still using Axiron 3 swipes a day:

    Test, serum: 408 ng/dl
    LH: 2.8
    FSH: 2.0
    Estradiol: 9.1

    How do I interpret? Test is def a bit lower than it has been in the past. Feel best around 800-1000. LH and FSH don't signal "shutdown" to me, but would appreciate help? Estradiol seems OK?

    Do I need any form of PCT? If so, what, and how to take? Libido is definitely shut down and I am fatigued. No morning anything, very limp.

  2. #2
    SouthernS is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    While the test l are on the lower end of the scale I do no see anything indicating significant shut down. If you think your average t level should be higher you can do a basic PCT to get your HPT kicking harder;

    Nolva @ 40/40/20/20
    Clomid @ 100/100/50/50

    Curious, how did your liver levels look?

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