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  1. #1
    austin2012's Avatar
    austin2012 is offline Junior Member
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    Question Ostarine---Am I Just Wasting It?

    I work out religiously every evening, but am off season as far as my bulk weight cycles are concerned.

    My business is physically exerting (outdoor work), which coupled with my nightly workout is constant muscle exertion.

    Would it be beneficial to run another cycle of Ostarine (25mg), or am I just wasting my time and PCT supply ?

    I only consider this since I have extra Ostarine.



  2. #2
    davesah1's Avatar
    davesah1 is offline Member
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    i've read that at doses in the 12mg range the suppression is minimal enough not warrant PCT or at least it it seems those that show supression with bloods were running it at 25mgs. If I recall correctly it was about a 20% reduction in test at 25mgs in some logs with bloods. google around a bit, its been a while since I looked at ost.

  3. #3
    austin2012's Avatar
    austin2012 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    i've read that at doses in the 12mg range the suppression is minimal enough not warrant PCT or at least it it seems those that show supression with bloods were running it at 25mgs. If I recall correctly it was about a 20% reduction in test at 25mgs in some logs with bloods. google around a bit, its been a while since I looked at ost.
    I have ran MK-2866 / Ostarine at 15mgs for 4
    Weeks without PCT and used a blend of Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Zinc to maintain testosterone levels .
    However, 25mgs would definitely warrant an OTC pct.
    my main question here is more opinion based in that sense that I am curious of other members would find it useful to run Ostarine when not on a heavy weight cycle.

  4. #4
    davesah1's Avatar
    davesah1 is offline Member
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    From personal experience osta put on about 2 pounds of lean mass in 8 weeks, but it seems to have more of recomp effect than muscle building effect. Keeps the fat off while I get a little bigger and somewhat harder. I used 15mg a day.

  5. #5
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    i've read that at doses in the 12mg range the suppression is minimal enough not warrant PCT or at least it it seems those that show supression with bloods were running it at 25mgs. If I recall correctly it was about a 20% reduction in test at 25mgs in some logs with bloods. google around a bit, its been a while since I looked at ost.
    A 1mg dose of Ostarine has been shown to reduce TT with statistical significance.

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