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Thread: Sarm Cycle For That Winny/Var look?

  1. #1
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Sarm Cycle For That Winny/Var look?

    So I really like the aesthetic look I get from Winny and Var but at the same time understand how bad oral cycles are and AAS in general. WHat would be the Sarm alternative that would give that kind of look? Im thinking Ostarine or ACP 105 with a very good strict diet? Obviously your never gonna get the same 'look' as AAS but Im looking for the closest without using AAS. Rather not run more than one true AAS cycle per year. Not really interested in S23, since I might as well just do anavar based on the sides and not interested in S4 because who knows what the long term sides are on vision and i dont want to fuck with my perfect 20/13 (actually better than perfect) vision.

    p.s. anavar and winstrol are fucking awesome...

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Winny is unique in that it blocks the production of Cortisol all together (whereas other AAS only blunt receptors).. this is how you get that dry hard lean look with Winny (also why you get achy joints, cause you have no cortisol).. there is NO Sarm that I know of that does this.

    Var is particularly good at upregulating CP (creatine phosphate) and thus producing ATP. this is why Var increases your gym performance and what you were getting for 12 reps your now easily getting for like 15+ .. there is NO Sarm that I know of that does this in particular like Var does.

    both Var and Winny will lower SHBG , which will then elevate free/available androgens (mostly DHT) . the more androgens the more 'hard' of a look you can achieve.
    Most Sarms will also lower SHBG . so you can at least get this effect with something like Ostarine and Rad140.

    but again, what makes Var and Winny special, you will not be able to duplicate with Sarms
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  3. #3
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Winny is unique in that it blocks the production of Cortisol all together (whereas other AAS only blunt receptors).. this is how you get that dry hard lean look with Winny (also why you get achy joints, cause you have no cortisol).. there is NO Sarm that I know of that does this.

    Var is particularly good at upregulating CP (creatine phosphate) and thus producing ATP. this is why Var increases your gym performance and what you were getting for 12 reps your now easily getting for like 15+ .. there is NO Sarm that I know of that does this in particular like Var does.

    both Var and Winny will lower SHBG , which will then elevate free/available androgens (mostly DHT) . the more androgens the more 'hard' of a look you can achieve.
    Most Sarms will also lower SHBG . so you can at least get this effect with something like Ostarine and Rad140.

    but again, what makes Var and Winny special, you will not be able to duplicate with Sarms
    yes and i guess it fair to say even though Var is the mildest of AAS its still far worse than something like Rad or Ostarine...

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemyoDude View Post
    yes and i guess it fair to say even though Var is the mildest of AAS its still far worse than something like Rad or Ostarine...
    I've seen SARMs only blood work that is just as bad or worse then Var blood work.. the idea that SARMs (at effective bodybuilding dosages) don't effect your blood work is just a sales gimmick spouted by SARMs salesmen.

    there is a reason why Var is prescribed in anti aging clinics. its very effective with little risk/side effects

  5. #5
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've seen SARMs only blood work that is just as bad or worse then Var blood work.. the idea that SARMs (at effective bodybuilding dosages) don't effect your blood work is just a sales gimmick spouted by SARMs salesmen.

    there is a reason why Var is prescribed in anti aging clinics. its very effective with little risk/side effects
    thats interesting, how is var "anti aging" dont you think it would be harsher on the liver than something as mild as say ostarine?

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Var is regenerative .. its actually prescribed in medicine to treat alcoholic liver disease because its ability to regenerate cells is that strong and outweighs its supposed "toxic" effects

  7. #7
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post

    Var (at least pharma grade Var) is vetted to hell and back (at least in the US), like most prescription drugs. It has been around for decades and is well understood.

    SARMs are a relatively new thing and just don't have the history or vetting of prescription quality drugs.

    In short, people have been using (and abusing) var for lots longer than any of the SARMs, so there is just more data available. We know the limits and consequences of it, which we do not with SARMs.
    This is true but I think the exception is Ostarine. It has had human trials done and just from real world bodybuilder experience is as mild of a 'PED' as you can get from an unhealthy stand point. But yeah I agree just about on every other sarm.

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemyoDude View Post
    This is true but I think the exception is Ostarine. It has had human trials done and just from real world bodybuilder experience is as mild of a 'PED' as you can get from an unhealthy stand point. But yeah I agree just about on every other sarm.
    its also as mild as you can get in regards to gaining muscle.. maybe you could put on a couple pounds, but thats it.
    where as with real tried and true AAS, you can put on 60 pounds of muscle.

    before AAS
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    your not putting on that kind of weight with Ostarine
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  9. #9
    ChemyoDude is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its also as mild as you can get in regards to gaining muscle.. maybe you could put on a couple pounds, but thats it.
    where as with real tried and true AAS, you can put on 60 pounds of muscle.

    before AAS
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    your not putting on that kind of weight with Ostarine
    Very true. My first 2 SARMS cycles I put on about 7 pounds of lean mass each cycle. The first being just 25mgs ostarine the 2nd being ostarine and rad. Both for 12 weeks. Now on rad, car, winny, up 7 in a month

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  10. #10
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    The prescribed dose of var is something like 2.5 to 5mg a day, I think. So, comparing the liver toxicity of the prescribed dose to the typical male body building dose isn't an apples to apples thing. You might make the same argument for ostarine, I'm not familiar with it. Based on some of your and GHs responses, though, sounds like I have some reading to do!
    liver toxicity is one of the most over exaggerated side effects of AAS , yet its also really one of the least concerning. so if drug A is less liver toxic then drug B,, so what. its really not a big deal either way. so the idea that SARMs are supposedly less liver toxic then other AAS , thats not really that big of selling point.
    heck eating mcdonalds for a week will raise your liver values substantially.

    you never hear of bodybuilders dropping dead of liver failure. even though plenty of these guys abuse upwards of 300mg of orals per day.
    now cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attack ,, yeah that happens quite often. an IFBB pro just died last week at 46 of a heart attack.
    but again , where is all the liver failure deaths of bodybuilders ? yet liver toxicity is talked about all the time with AAS use. its over exaggerated so that supplement companies can keep selling cycle support sups and liver support sups.
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  11. #11
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemyoDude View Post
    Very true. My first 2 SARMS cycles I put on about 7 pounds of lean mass each cycle. The first being just 25mgs ostarine the 2nd being ostarine and rad. Both for 12 weeks. Now on rad, car, winny, up 7 in a month

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
    for putting on size with SARMs ,, stacking them together at higher dosages is the way to go . also using them along side a test base and other AAS as well.

  12. #12
    Flex Luger is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemyoDude View Post
    So I really like the aesthetic look I get from Winny and Var but at the same time understand how bad oral cycles are and AAS in general. WHat would be the Sarm alternative that would give that kind of look? Im thinking Ostarine or ACP 105 with a very good strict diet? Obviously your never gonna get the same 'look' as AAS but Im looking for the closest without using AAS. Rather not run more than one true AAS cycle per year. Not really interested in S23, since I might as well just do anavar based on the sides and not interested in S4 because who knows what the long term sides are on vision and i dont want to fuck with my perfect 20/13 (actually better than perfect) vision.

    p.s. anavar and winstrol are fucking awesome...
    S4 and S23 are about the only sarms currently available that you could try to replicate that look.
    Madcox likes this.

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