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Thread: Sarms

  1. #1
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    I always wondered if using sarms on trt between cycles would not let the receptors rest enough to get full effects of the steroids later.

    Does anyone else use sarms like
    Lgd or yk11 on trt between there runs???

    Is it worth the taking or full rest is better???

    Food is everything!!!

  2. #2
    Mr. Small's Avatar
    Mr. Small is offline Member
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    I think I'm going to run this LGD/Caradine cycle in between tren cycles to see what will happen.

    Why not?
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Small View Post
    I think I'm going to run this LGD/Caradine cycle in between tren cycles to see what will happen.

    Why not?
    Are you on TRT?
    If not then you shouldn't run LGD between cycles.

    It will keep you surpressed.
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  4. #4
    Mr. Small's Avatar
    Mr. Small is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Are you on TRT?
    If not then you shouldn't run LGD between cycles.

    It will keep you surpressed.
    Not on Trt, but I'm 100 per cent single, so it's not a deal breaker. I will take a good break between them cycles anyway
    jolter604 likes this.

  5. #5
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Very sure it will degrade your blasts. Never tried it for myself, but im sure.
    If u run short esters, u migth try to put in a few weeks of sarms in order to not crash into trt.
    Same with a cruise. It will degrade the blast.
    But. You will start at a higher level. All in all it will be the same. In the end. But running sarms in beetween will help u look all year good.

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