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Thread: Workout Plan (Arms Twice/Week)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Workout Plan (Arms Twice/Week)

    Thinking about running a workout with this plan:

    Monday - 12sets chest & 3sets tris

    Tuesday - 12sets back & 3set bis

    Thursday - 12sets shoulders & 6sets bis & 6sets tris

    Saturday - 9sets quads & 6sets hamstrings

    OR should i do the 6 sets bis on saturday so there's more of a resting period?

    I'm not just some schmuck looking for beach arms - my back is huge, my chest is big, and my shoulders are pumped .. my legs I just demand strength, power & testosterone, not size/definition really - HOWEVER, my arms are ridiculously lagging for my body frame/structure.

    Also - my left arm is about 1/4inch-1/2inch smaller than my right arm, so how would I go about fixing this? Added reps on a lighter set or an extra set at the end of the first/last workout?... THANKS
    Last edited by YoungGunsNY; 05-09-2010 at 10:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    i run the same thing almost but alot on your tris maybe just switch them too saturday if u could

  4. #4
    i want to get rid of my fat and i have test-250 what should i do

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Give tris and bicep their own day maybe that will work for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    pic in avatar is good, i dont need to tell you how to train, but adding bb stand curls stand heavy alternating db curls and maybe single arm preacher also pull ups with back with add bi training, ...for tris close grip bench, dips and incline behind head presses, phsyique looks good, concentrate one whatever you feel is lagging....

    good luck

  7. #7
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by verino View Post
    Give tris and bicep their own day maybe that will work for you.
    I've been working out for 4 years mostly with a hypertrophy based workout (6-12 rep range) and have done both bis one day, tris one day & bis and tris on one day also..

    i'm on the pendulum bodybuilding workout for now and it gave me some ideas on splitting body parts throughout the week

    I feel that dedicating one day to them wasn't enough.. my arms are seriously lagging compared to the rest of my body

    so i'm trying to split them on a 4 day workout (since i read that its best for anabolic recovery) - im just not sure whats optimal for recovery and gains,etc.

    Im also thinking about doing legs twice a week too - to keep strength high as well

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZRSOIZE View Post
    pic in avatar is good, i dont need to tell you how to train, but adding bb stand curls stand heavy alternating db curls and maybe single arm preacher also pull ups with back with add bi training, ...for tris close grip bench, dips and incline behind head presses, phsyique looks good, concentrate one whatever you feel is lagging....

    good luck
    thanks - as far as workouts .. i understand what to do - usually ill plan out a months workouts before heading to the gym based on thickness, width, strength, etc.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by elliottj66 View Post
    i want to get rid of my fat and i have test-250 what should i do
    your in the wrong spot pal - and based on that info - i wouldnt touch the juice - head to the diet section

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoungGunsNY View Post
    Thinking about running a workout with this plan:

    Monday - 12sets chest & 3sets tris

    Tuesday - 12sets back & 3set bis

    Thursday - 12sets shoulders & 6sets bis & 6sets tris

    Saturday - 9sets quads & 6sets hamstrings

    OR should i do the 6 sets bis on saturday so there's more of a resting period?

    I'm not just some schmuck looking for beach arms - my back is huge, my chest is big, and my shoulders are pumped .. my legs I just demand strength, power & testosterone, not size/definition really - HOWEVER, my arms are ridiculously lagging for my body frame/structure.

    Also - my left arm is about 1/4inch-1/2inch smaller than my right arm, so how would I go about fixing this? Added reps on a lighter set or an extra set at the end of the first/last workout?... THANKS
    Need another day or so in between lifts for the biceps. I don't have a set schedule that I go on I just throw then in there about twice a week in back of whatever other major part I happen to be doing that day. You have an odd way you break up your days on and off so it might be hard.

    And I would just deal with the fact one arm is slightly smaller, I tried to train my left arm more and now have tennis elbow in that arm that will not go away.

    Most people are like that anyway.
    Last edited by bigslick7878; 05-12-2010 at 09:47 PM.

  12. #12
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    heres what i would do

    Monday: Back and bi's
    Tues: Chest and Tris
    Wednes: rest
    Thursday: bi's and tri's
    Fridasy: legs
    Sat: shoulders

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    heres what i would do

    Monday: Back and bi's
    Tues: Chest and Tris
    Wednes: rest
    Thursday: bi's and tri's
    Fridasy: legs
    Sat: shoulders
    Thanks man - currently following this plan for a month as follows:

    S:Cardio & abs
    M:15 sets for back width (5 workouts @ 3 sets) & 3 sets preacher curls (curl bar) for bis
    T:15 sets for chest (5 workouts @ 3 sets) & 3 sets barbell skull-crushers
    W:Cardio & abs
    T:9 sets for bi peak (3 workouts @ 3 sets) & 9 sets for tris (3 workouts @ 3 sets)
    F:9 sets for quads (3 workouts @ 3 sets) & 6 sets for hams (2 workouts @ 3 sets) & 3 sets for calves
    S:12 sets for shoulders (4 workouts @ 3 sets) & 3 sets forearms
    Last edited by YoungGunsNY; 05-24-2010 at 09:30 AM.

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