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Thread: Training 6 days a week

  1. #1

    Training 6 days a week

    Here is my routine

    Mon: Chest, Bi's
    Tue: Delts, Tris, abs
    Wed: Back
    Thur: Chest, Bi's
    Fri: Delts, Tri's, abs
    Sat: Off
    Sun: Legs

    Now I only hit legs and back once a week because I go pretty hard on them, and I think once a week for them is sufficient, plus they are big muscle groups.

    Just wondering if anyone else has a routine similar, I've been seeing good strength gains, and weight gains on this. I understand muscle grows while at rest, I get about 9 hours a sleep each night, so I don't feel like I'm overtraining. Does anyone see this as overtraining?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    no i dont think so personally...

    i was told that - "there is no such thing as overtraining, just undereating!"

    ill post my new split up tomorrow , its set out to focus on bringing up my back, thighs & hams

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I think it's a bad split. You have to pick the way you are going to train(either frequency or volume) then create a split that fits that mold. Once you have done this for a while then you can see how you respond and tweak. Above you are working some muscles once a week and some twice. That being said if you wanna work your muscles twice a week you should try a DC/HIT type split. At the very least if you wanna keep your split I would rearrange it to give yourself better recovery time and come back stronger every workout. Use legs as a bufffer and rest day for your upper body. It makes no sense having leg day then an off day. Throw legs in some where around wed- thurs and have your off day Sun. I think this change alone will make a huge DIff on your workouts, and will feel stronger all week

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Machdiesel View Post
    I think it's a bad split. You have to pick the way you are going to train(either frequency or volume) then create a split that fits that mold. Once you have done this for a while then you can see how you respond and tweak. Above you are working some muscles once a week and some twice. That being said if you wanna work your muscles twice a week you should try a DC/HIT type split. At the very least if you wanna keep your split I would rearrange it to give yourself better recovery time and come back stronger every workout. Use legs as a bufffer and rest day for your upper body. It makes no sense having leg day then an off day. Throw legs in some where around wed- thurs and have your off day Sun. I think this change alone will make a huge DIff on your workouts, and will feel stronger all week
    Ok thanks for the advice, maybe I will switch up wednesdays, I will go back in the morning, legs in the evening. Then have two days off over the weekend. That sound any better?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.
    you only need to work a muscle once a week not twice.

    some people hit twice, but you can only do it for short splits, you will get burnt out and actually not grow because they don't have time to heal

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    Ok thanks for the advice, maybe I will switch up wednesdays, I will go back in the morning, legs in the evening. Then have two days off over the weekend. That sound any better?
    Your missing the point of having legs in the middle. The point is to give your upper body time to rest and recover. Instead of working upper body all week then hitting your legs at the end, work upper body 2 days, then legs, then upper body, the day off. Like I said above your setup ist good to begin with, here's what I would do if you are set on working each twice a week. I will give you 2 ways to do it. The first one is the best, but doesn't have a set day for everything, it always chages. Its 3 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 1 day off

    (mon) Day 1- Chest/Shoulder/Tri
    (tue) Day 2- Legs
    (wed) Day 3- Back/Bi
    (Thurs) Off
    (Fri) Day 1
    (sat) Day 2
    (Sun) Day 3
    (mon) off

    If you have a tough schedule and can only workout Mon-Sat try this

    Mon- Chest/Shoulder/Tri
    Tue- Leg
    Wed - Back/Bi
    Thurs- Chest/Shoulder/Tri
    Fri - Leg
    Sat- Back Bi
    Sun- Off

    Also when you are Training this frequently you have to lower the volume substantially. Look into HIT training and DC training, like I said in my original post i think you are doing to much, If you wanna work out more frequently do a 2 day DC split or IRON MAN HIT. Look in the sticky called various training techiques, Iron man is 2/3 of the way down
    Last edited by Machdiesel; 03-21-2010 at 01:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    a lot of peeps think more workouts equal more muscle, and there is such a thing as overtraining.... rest and recovery are just as important as your have to find the balance....lee haney used to say "stimulate dont inialate" wise words imho...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    this is my split, as i said i would post up...

    MONDAY – BACK – thickness - SHOULDERS
    WEDNESDAY – THIGHS heavy – Light Hams
    SATURDAY – HAMS - GLUTES – CALVES - Light Thighs

    6 days a week... i always train 6 days a week... however this time im im targeting back, and legs (hams / thighs / glutes )

    im pretty sure this will work for me... but will be looking to see how it goes...

    if i feel im not getting the results i want.. i may add shoulders and arms together into a morning workout on chest day ... and take a second rest day... but ill play it by ear
    Last edited by GOONBAH; 03-21-2010 at 04:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GOONBAH View Post
    this is my split, as i said i would post up...

    MONDAY – BACK – thickness - SHOULDERS
    WEDNESDAY – THIGHS heavy – Light Hams
    SATURDAY – HAMS - GLUTES – CALVES - Light Thighs

    6 days a week... i always train 6 days a week... however this time im im targeting back, and legs (hams / thighs / glutes )

    im pretty sure this will work for me... but will be looking to see how it goes...

    if i feel im not getting the results i want.. i may add shoulders and arms together into a morning workout on chest day ... and take a second rest day... but ill play it by ear
    You not work your arms?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    yeh bro on fridays with abs...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by GOONBAH View Post
    yeh bro on fridays with abs...
    I see it, it's kind of hidden there.

    Anyways, I'm severely torn here. I have been enjoying my split I'm currently on, I have alot of spare time this semester and I get about 9+ hours of sleep each night.

    I know the symptoms of overtraining, however I feel I've been recovering good, my lifts go up each week, and all day i just look forward to hitting the gym. However, I have been contemplating on going 1 day on 1 day off, and keeping the same routine. I just don't know what I will do those evenings I have off, maybe cardio, but I'm bulking so not to much..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    haha thats where i was at... i honestly dont know wat do with myself when i take a night off from the gym...

    u really just need to listen to ur body... if u feel tired and run... then its too much... but if ur bouncing everyday to get in the gym and ur getting results, then go for it

    i will add though.... my split is going to be complimented by a very high calorie diet, supplement, and super supplement regime...

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GOONBAH View Post
    haha thats where i was at... i honestly dont know wat do with myself when i take a night off from the gym...

    u really just need to listen to ur body... if u feel tired and run... then its too much... but if ur bouncing everyday to get in the gym and ur getting results, then go for it

    i will add though.... my split is going to be complimented by a very high calorie diet, supplement, and super supplement regime...
    Right, same here I'm getting around 4,000-4,3000 calories a day. I'm not cycying but my supplements are very good I'm running neovar, and IGF-2 both excellent supplements by applied nutracueticals.

    Today, but your right I will go with what the body says.

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