I'll start by apologizing by any grammar msitake you may see ad if this is the wrong forum (was not sure if in this one or injury one)
I had 4 months away from the gym and I recently began to workout back and well i did my workout as always (did bicepsand chest) but the next day i feel a hard sorness on the muscle worked, ntohing to wory about i said, iwas even happy about it.
3 days passed and the soreness is still their and is a little painfull to stretch completely my arm which is not normal I usuallly recover by the time 3 days pass since after chest/biceps i did 2nd legs and 3rd day rest so i did give it 3 days rest and usually i do recover within 3 days of soreness.
right away when i saw this happening i had 2 theory's
1)overtraining (2)because i had a long while without training so my msucle was nto ready for too much intensity.
I had doubt about overtrainign because usually you feel no disire to workout, ur lazy,stressed, Ill but with me everything was fine exept for the sore, mentally i was really pomped and i i could (literally) feel the energy flowing across my body so i had doubts about it being it also the routine i did was teh exact one i did 4 monthd ago and I have done it several time in my life and it always gave me good result and never this soreness so why was this time different, by the way i just train 1 hour so i was not training too much..
Also next day when i did leg assuminjg it was overtraining beleaving the casue was too many sets for small mucles (biceps) i did my leg workout with 16 sets (which researched was ok that much for legs) and im seing legs are going the same path.
My muscles are taking longer to recover from soreness, my diet is dicent i eat 2g prot per lb which i measure and weight myself,i sleep atleast 7 hours a day if not more I did not do anything i have neever done in my 2 years of workingout, so will teh cause be becasue i had to mcuh time without workout and began to strong?if so what can i do to avoid these long lasting pains?andhow can i treat it?