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Thread: first time m-drol log

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  1. #1
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    first time m-drol log

    this will be my first time writing a log and first time using a PH.I am 22,5"10(previously stated at 5"11 but was mistaken) weighed after workout today at 190 lbs. and around 13%bf.
    I will be taking 20mg of mdrol ed for three weeks. I preloaded with RYR+coQ10,milk thistle,ALA,Hawthorn berry and grape seed extract. will also continue taking these throughout cycle and pct. For pct i am taking tamox at 40/40/30/20 (i know about the progesteron possible gyno problems but it is all i can get.) i will also be taking formadrol xtreme for my AI 4 caps ed.
    Workout split- mon-chest
    *will do cardio every other day (hopefully) abs twice a week.

  2. #2
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    monday workout-chest *warmups not included*
    flat db press-80s-10
    incline bar-155-10
    weighted dips(45lbs) 12,12,11,10

    incline db flye 30lbs-15
    finished off with 13 minutes of cardio due to time constraints.

  3. #3
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    todays meals will be:
    1-preworkout-1 large bananna with scoop nitrocore protein
    2- pwo-1 serving cytogainer with 2 cups skim milk,tblspoon peanut butter,1/2 cup of oatmeal with large bananna
    3-3egg whites 1 whole egg,1 large whole wheat bagel,1/2 cup oatmeal
    4-1 can of tuna,1 cup of low fat cottage cheese with pinapple chunks1/2 cup of whole wheat pasta and broccili
    5-half of a big sirloin steak(dont have a scale but it is alot) romaine salad and broccli with 1/4 cup of whole grain pasta
    6-turkey breast,cup of fat free yogurt,1/4 cup of soy nuts,1/4 cup of crasins
    7 before bed-scoop of nitrocore protein in skim milk.

  4. #4
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    appreciate any critiques on diet,training ect.. will post pictures after cycle and pct

  5. #5
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    my goal for this three weeks is to hopefully add at least 10 pounds of lean mass to my frame. i think this sounds reasonable. will also be taking cell tech and super pump during pct to help maintain gains.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    my goal for this three weeks is to hopefully add at least 10 pounds of lean mass to my frame. i think this sounds reasonable. will also be taking cell tech and super pump during pct to help maintain gains.
    Seems like u did some of ur hw but of course not all. First off, no excuse if u live in the u.s. to not be able to get tamox, arimidex, aromasin, caber, clomid, letro, list goes on bro. Its this great thing called research chems and they work just as the real deal from the doc, even got cialis too. Second, lean gains ur goal? Mix ur protein shakes with water, not milk. Especially before bed bro, gonna get some fat gain from that alone. Why only 3 weeks and on 20mg? Dont be scared and if ur taking this step u might as well take it right and not tip toe ur way in. GO with 4 weeks at 20/30/30/30 bro, much better gains. I know cus ive done both ways. 20mg u start to see little gains, 30mg u see the gains u expect to see, 40mg is for another time down the road. Not sure how ur doin it but for the first week take 1 cap with meal before working out and second cap 6-8hrs later. SO if u train first thing like me it would be 1 cap with breakfast then another 6-8hrs later with a meal. When ur on 30mg take 1 cap with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pretty easy bro and should get some pretty damn good gains if u do it this way with a legit diet for ur goals and training routine. Ill check this post out.

  7. #7
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    appreciate the info,i do have a bottle of tamox(nolvadex) that i am running at 40/40/30/20,along with the formadrol. any suggestions on my tamox dosing?the reason i chose three weeks was that from what i have read the fourth week doesnt yeild results good enough to cancel out side effects. i am thinking of upping the dosage to 30mg on the second or third week,depending of amount of side effects. btw was reading your log the other day,pretty good ride id say.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    appreciate the info,i do have a bottle of tamox(nolvadex) that i am running at 40/40/30/20,along with the formadrol. any suggestions on my tamox dosing?the reason i chose three weeks was that from what i have read the fourth week doesnt yeild results good enough to cancel out side effects. i am thinking of upping the dosage to 30mg on the second or third week,depending of amount of side effects. btw was reading your log the other day,pretty good ride id say.
    Thanks for checkin out the log! I know what u read, just sayin 4 weeks is where its at for gains. If by day 7 ur not noticing much sides then day 8 to 30 hit up 30mg ed bro as i said before, youll be happy u did. WOuldnt want u to come out ur first ph cycle a week early at barely 20mg and wondering why u didnt feel much and only gained a few lbs. ANd thats the cytogainer givin u the sh*ts, they do that haha. M-drol wont kick in till about day 5-7. Takes a few days to get stable in ur system. Ur taking the support supps right, 2 servings twice a day. Anabolic innovations makes a good one called life support. Theyre caps that have all the stuff u need in just 2 caps twice a day. Only bout 30 bucks too. I only take that stuff for harsher ph cycles like m-drol, h-drol i probably wouldnt since its so mild, p-plex i would too cus its kinda harsh. Oh, dose ur tamox at 40/20/20/20. U could really just do 20/20/20/20, its up to u. Not smart to stay with an otc ai since m-drol is strong stuff bro. Pm me if u need a place for chems but id take aromasin or at least arimidex instead on pct along with ur tamox.

  9. #9
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    end of my first day,just got off work at 2am. dont know if it is the mdrol or just me, but i felt like shit all day. had terrible gas and shits possible from the cytogainer as i have never taken it before. the worst part was i was not hungry at all! i literally had to choke my food down. on my last break i planned on eating 2 turkey breasts with some nuts and could only manage 1 breast as it was pretty dry already. hopefully this will get better as i get used to the compound,or else this is going to be a shitty 3 weeks. got back tomorrow.

  10. #10
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    ohhh yea thanks wukillabee i think i will stop using as much dairy products.

  11. #11
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    just finished back. id say a less than satisfying day today,but not horrible.maybe i just wasnt focusing enough on movements.
    wide grip chins-12/10/10/8*after each set i do as many partials all the way up half way down to failure*
    wide grip pull downs 150lbs-11/10/10
    close grip double-d handle pull downs 150lbs-10/10/9
    bent over bar rows 135lbs-12/11/9
    deadlifts 225-9/7-wasnt really feeling these today so just tried to focus on making my form better didnt go to failure on either set.i have a problem controling my breathing sometimes with these,as i will let all my air out at the top after like 4 reps.
    bent db rows with 45-1 set of 25 per arm to finish

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    just finished back. id say a less than satisfying day today,but not horrible.maybe i just wasnt focusing enough on movements.
    wide grip chins-12/10/10/8*after each set i do as many partials all the way up half way down to failure*
    wide grip pull downs 150lbs-11/10/10
    close grip double-d handle pull downs 150lbs-10/10/9
    bent over bar rows 135lbs-12/11/9
    deadlifts 225-9/7-wasnt really feeling these today so just tried to focus on making my form better didnt go to failure on either set.i have a problem controling my breathing sometimes with these,as i will let all my air out at the top after like 4 reps.
    bent db rows with 45-1 set of 25 per arm to finish
    Post up some before and after pics bro.

  13. #13
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    was wondering if i should take my support supps throughout the day-milk thistle,then hour later RYR=coq10 then hour later hawthorn? or how i am taking them right now which is all of them at once two times a day spaced apart by about 7-8 hours?

  14. #14
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    these were taken a couple months ago, since then my back has gotten a little wider, and my lower chest is lookin better. i will post pics of after cycle and after pct. yea definitly going to bump up to 30mg after day 7 or so depending on sides.
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  15. #15
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    end of my second day,still got the shits and terrible gas. appologies to all who work with me. damn cytogainer,does this ever get better,i mean the cytoshits? thankfully my appetite was back almost completely,it wasnt the blackhole it normally is,but there was no gagging on food or anything like that.

  16. #16
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    have to go and hit a light leg day tomorrow because i missed on sunday. my job rented out cedar point on saturday so i was there all day and night riding rides with NO LINES,come sunday i was too ate up to do legs.

  17. #17
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    just finished my light leg workout,forgot to record lifts. didnt do bar squats since i did back yesterday so i stuck with back supported lifts. if memory serves me right it went somthing like this.
    leg xtends-3 warm up sets like 15+ reps
    hammerstrength hack squats-105lbs per side,wide stance-2sets 8/7
    90lbs per side,close stance-2 sets 12/10
    leg press-6 plates per side-15 reps
    7 plates per side,2 sets-12/10
    leg extends-3 sets about 12-15 reps
    leg curls-4 sets 12-15 reps
    standing calf raises 12-20 reps for 3 sets
    cardio for 25 minutes on the treadmill, really hate cardio while i am doing it, but soon as i am done i feel great.

  18. #18
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    as of today i dont think i am going to be continuing the cytogainer because it really makes me feel like shit. i mean i have used supplements that gave me the shits and whatnot but this stuff makes me feel like i am actually sick with the flu or somthing. so i will be using 2 scoops nitrocore,12oz skim milk,12oz water,3 tablespoons of peanut butter,and 1 large bananna mixed together along with a cup of whole oatmeal and peaches for pwo meal.

  19. #19
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    Good luck bud I'm following. The diet could use some work. You done with week 1?? You should be up in weight

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Good luck bud I'm following. The diet could use some work. You done with week 1?? You should be up in weight
    glad to see ya here,i figured not many would read since it isnt an aas cycle but this log is pretty cool if only for me to use to track my progress. but i am just finishing my third day today,started on monday and right now in ohio it is 2 am technically thursday but just got off work so it feels still liike wednesday. please input on my diet,i can always use help since i have only been lifting for a little over a year. thanks bro.

  21. #21
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    diet was pretty much the same today except on meal number 5 instead of steak i had a grilled chicken breast. btw dont know if it makes a difference but i cook all meat on the george forman.

  22. #22
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    was wondering if i bump the dosage up to 30mg if i need to also bump the support supps up at all? currently at: milk thistle 2100mg/ALA 400mg/N-Acetyl-cysteine 2000mg/hawthorn berry 2200mg/ryr 2400mg/coQ10120mg

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    was wondering if i bump the dosage up to 30mg if i need to also bump the support supps up at all? currently at: milk thistle 2100mg/ALA 400mg/N-Acetyl-cysteine 2000mg/hawthorn berry 2200mg/ryr 2400mg/coQ10120mg
    Na, ur taking more than enough really. Just stay where ur at. Those supps r really just to keep ur blood pressure in check, u could also do that at rite aid for free. I know my blood pressure went up for some reason on m-drol, had bloody noses for about a week straight. This ph gave me the most sides out of any others ive takin and ive tried a lot of em. H-drol is my favorite, no sides and only quality gains and strength.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Na, ur taking more than enough really. Just stay where ur at. Those supps r really just to keep ur blood pressure in check, u could also do that at rite aid for free. I know my blood pressure went up for some reason on m-drol, had bloody noses for about a week straight. This ph gave me the most sides out of any others ive takin and ive tried a lot of em. H-drol is my favorite, no sides and only quality gains and strength.
    yea i was looking at hdrol for a next cycle,same protocol apply for this ph,pct support supss ect?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    yea i was looking at hdrol for a next cycle,same protocol apply for this ph,pct support supss ect?
    Yeah but id ad another ph to the hdrol, a non-methylated one of course. Hdrol to me is a very mild ph and not much compared to m-drol. U should have drastic results with m-drol since its ur first ph cycle and for some reason u want to use the strongest ph for it. For size then hdrol and a bulking non-methyl ph, for cutting (only if ur bf is under 9% or wont see much) hdrol and a lean cutting non-methyl ph. Thats if u want to do hdrol in the future.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Yeah but id ad another ph to the hdrol, a non-methylated one of course. Hdrol to me is a very mild ph and not much compared to m-drol. U should have drastic results with m-drol since its ur first ph cycle and for some reason u want to use the strongest ph for it. For size then hdrol and a bulking non-methyl ph, for cutting (only if ur bf is under 9% or wont see much) hdrol and a lean cutting non-methyl ph. Thats if u want to do hdrol in the future.
    thanks man you seem to know your stuff. yea i wanted to do a cycle of test but couldnt find a source so i decided to go with this as it got the most positive feedback. call me crazy but i want some results dammit lol.

  27. #27
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    today is day four and i just finished arms and abs.
    close grip bench on smithy-185/10
    behind neck db extend-70/13
    skulls on incline-75/13/13/10
    2 sets of palms facing away and 2 sets of palms facing in pressdowns for many reps to finish
    ez bar curl-65/10/9/7/7
    alt.db curl with drop a drop set numbers are per arm
    35/7 ==== 20/8
    hammer strgth. preach curl

  28. #28
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    finished day four. added a protein shake to my last meal,and a half cup of low fat cottage cheese to my before bed meal. i also decided to suck it up and keep taking the cytogainer. i think possible the shits might have been from too many carbs? cytogainer+skim milk+tablespoon peanut butter+cup of oatmeal+large bananna, might have done it. shoulders and cardio tomorrow, i cant wait to see some strength gains that come unnaturally

  29. #29
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    shoulders today,lifts felt a little stronger,i appear to be a litttle fuller and harder.
    seated db press 70s-7/6/7(odd)/6

    hammerstrength behind neck press-70perside-10/10
    arnolds 40s-12/10/9/8
    lateral rasies 25-9

    bent rear delt raise

  30. #30
    your stayin with your progress really good man

    keep it up !

  31. #31
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    end of day 5. feel fuller,a little edgy. my libido is still working,however i have been experiencing some joint pains in my elbows and knees. hope it doesnt effect my leg day on sunday. ohh and my appetite is up i added a chicken salad to my second meal an off day tomorrow. will be weighing in on monday to see any weight change!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    end of day 5. feel fuller,a little edgy. my libido is still working,however i have been experiencing some joint pains in my elbows and knees. hope it doesnt effect my leg day on sunday. ohh and my appetite is up i added a chicken salad to my second meal an off day tomorrow. will be weighing in on monday to see any weight change!
    Sounds great bro! Not sure about the joint pain. U got taurine? Might need it when u bump up to 30mg ed if u get shin splints or painful calf/lower back pumps. Thats what they say but i never got it. Try some msm or something for ur joints or maybe warm-up better before lifting heavy. Ive never really had joint problems so not sure bro.

  33. #33
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    updated pics day 7

    took some pics today.
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  34. #34
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    legs today. leg extgend for warm ups then a set of 135 for 12 with squats.
    bar squats(past parellel)
    ham.strgth.hacks 70lbs per side
    wide stance-10/10
    close stance-8/9
    leg extends 3sets high reps

    stiff leg deads
    lying leg curls 50lbs
    calves-3 sets standing/3 sets donkey/3 sets seated

  35. #35
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    Got some pretty good delts bud, focus on the rear delt more, it completes the shoulder (I had to do the same thing). Also try focusing on more incline movements to help bring up your chest, just a suggestion. Diet definitely needs work, do you have to workout right after meal one, go check out a diet plan in the diet forum. Also haven't made out what routine your following but from what I can tell you could step it up a bit and add in more exercises. I only saw two specific exercises for your chest, if you would like any examples let me know. In no way am I trying to down you bro just trying to get you on a better track. You do seem to be harding up a bit from the first set of pics, GOOD WORK!!
    Last edited by Reed; 09-14-2008 at 03:47 PM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Got some pretty good delts bud, focus on the rear delt more, it completes the shoulder (I had to do the same thing). Also try focusing on more incline movements to help bring up your chest, just a suggestion. Diet definitely needs work, do you have to workout right after meal one, go check out a diet plan in the diet forum. Also haven't made out what routine your following but from what I can tell you could step it up a bit and add in more exercises. I only saw two specific exercises for your chest, if you would like any examples let me know. In no way am I trying to down you bro just trying to get you on a better track. You do seem to be harding up a bit from the first set of pics, GOOD WORK!!
    hey bro all criticism is welcome,i am always trying to improve. thanks for the feedback on my pics,i went into this cycle thinking i need a better lower chest,but now i am looking at pics and my upper is deff.lagging thanks. since my electric has been out i have skipped the banna and protein, eating meal 3 with an added banna and 3 slices of turkey bacon, then after an hour going to the gym at my work,then drinking the cytogainer. i feel like the workout is better with more food in my stomach. i am limited to when i can lift though i work second shift 430-1 and have a forty minute drive to work. will be checking out the diet section.
    Last edited by toneloc85; 09-17-2008 at 12:26 AM. Reason: incorrect info

  37. #37
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    damn finally got my electricity back. had a bad storm and it has been out since sunday. luckily i got all my meat and other food to my moms to save it. it has been quit hectic but i have managed to keep eating and didnt miss any time away from the gym. as of monday i have upped to 30mg ed. i have gotten some bacne as well as a little on my face. that is the only side effect so far. all in all i like the way this makes me feel, it feels kinda like being all amped up for somthing all day. maybe it is just me though. my strength is deffinatly up and my workouts feel great as do my pumps during and after.

  38. #38
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    this was monday chest day.
    flat db w/90s

    incline bar
    175/8/5 press

    incline.db flye

    cable xover
    21s style 7normal/7lower/7two steps out
    3 sets

    REED please comment on this workout as to what could be done differently

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    this was monday chest day.
    flat db w/90s

    incline bar
    175/8/5 press

    incline.db flye

    cable xover
    21s style 7normal/7lower/7two steps out
    3 sets

    REED please comment on this workout as to what could be done differently
    Well if ur focusing on upper chest then do that first whe ur the strongest. Id say switch from starting incline barbell bench first one workout then next chest workout start with incline dumbell press for variety. Also try sometimes to pre-exhaust the upper pecs and do incline flys first then incline press (barbell or dumbell). FLys exhaust ur pecs, not ur delts or tris like presses. Then after incline id do flat dumbell or barbell (switch it up), then dips with ur bodyweight with perfect form and leaning forward to focus more of ur lower pecs than ur tris. End the workout with some drop sets of flys or something like that: example:
    Incline flys 3 sets
    Incline press 4 sets
    Flat press 4 sets
    Dips 3 sets
    Then for an extra pump can superset decline smith machine w/ decline flys, or 21's w/ cable flys, stuff like that. All the sets above are working sets, warm up sets dont count. Remember ur "On" so u need to add a set or 2 to ur routine along with more intensity and focus to maximize ur gains and take full advantage of being "On".

  40. #40
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    tuesday was backday. throughout the chaos i forgot my notebook,but remember my work boots so not a whole loss.
    workout was
    wide chins
    wide pull downs
    bent over bar rows
    t-bar rows
    close grip seated rows
    bar shrugs

    dont remember all the weight and reps,but deff feel stronger eachday.

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