I guess I should start by giving a brief background of myself. I'm 23 years old, I'm a full-time student - one semester away from receiving my BS in biochemistry. I've been training for 5 years, and bodybuilding for the latter 3. I have never done a show or anything like that (I've always thought I was too short for that), but i use the term bodybuilder because I have catered my workouts, impeccable diet and good sleep hygiene in the past with the general goal of maximizing muscle hypertrophy while at the same time maintaining very good overall athleticism/physical performance. And it has worked out very well for me in the past - I got exactly what I wanted - an excellent physique and very conditioned in the process. You might be wondering why I would be even considering the use of steroids at this point (being as I do not play sports - though I would like to take up fighting)
About 1 year ago, my doctor prescribed me a drug commonly used to treat ADD, called strattera (yes I know stimulants are bad, but at the time I was taking a very hard grad-level course and went to the doctor inquiring about adderall). Strattera is what he gave me. To this day I have no ****ing clue why I decided to take this drug (as it is very uncharacteristic of me to do something like this), but I did. At the time I knew that the use of certain drugs like this (which can be broadly classified as stimulants) upregulate beta-oxidation (fatty-acid breakdown), so I knew going in that there was going to be an issue with weightloss - during the 4 week time period that I was taking this drug, I upped my unsaturated fat intake by (I think) 3-4X, as I feared I may end up burning some muscle if I did not replace the defeceit. I had no idea what I was in for. During the last week of taking the drug, I lost 14lbs - mind you, at the time I was about 177lbs (5'6") with very little bodyfat (maybe 7%). As soon as I had realized what happened I immediately stopped. This drug brought on a whole slew of various side effects (which I don't even care to get into right now), some of which disappeared upon discontinuing usage, some did not.
For the past year I have fruitlessly tried to gain back what I lost, but it has not been going very well. I would go through bouts of overtraining, with the onset of some of the most horrible symptoms I have ever experienced. Because of certain changes in my metabolism that I feel that this drug induced, I was more prone to overtraining, and injury as well. On two separate occasions I had injured both of my wrists (pretty bad), and experienced a lot of joint issues (knee, wrists). I feel as though I had lost mass in my joints, as they are significantly weaker. I basically lost mass everywhere - even my face looks different due to losing musculature in the jaw area. Strattera pretty much all-around ****ed me over, and reset me back to day 1 of my training. For the past year, in addition to eating very well, resting very well, I've basically been trying to convince myself that everything i've experienced is mental, because i feel it is unhealthy to dwell on stuff like this (even though i can see plain as day that I was significantly effected in a variety of [physical] ways by this drug)
1 year later, I am starting to feel as though the affects are disappearing, I am able to perform exercises normally without experiencing severe effects of overtraining. Everything else is about the same, but overtraining has been the limiting step in my training for the past year, so I'm pretty much thrilled to be back in the gym for the most part (i took 3 months off completely). I've been training for a few months now without any problems, gains are steady, but I can tell from progression that it's going to take me at least another year or two to get to where I was. I'd like to speed this process up a bit.
I was consdering running a 10-12 week cycle of equipose (boldenone) w/ test enanthate. I'd like to run a lower dosage i.e. 200mgs EQ + 250mgs Test E.....
things that have scared me away from using gear in the past: side effects obviously - I cant deal with hair loss or excessive acne and scarring. I have also heard from a few that the natural gains they experience post steroid use are significantly less than what was accomplished pre steroid. Also obviously the decrease in natural endogenous testosterone post steroid use.
^ this is why I would run equipoise before any other AAS...as much as I would like to run it solo, it seems like from what I have read about the pharmacology that it would be pretty pointless to run it without some kind of test. Has anyone ever ran EQ solo? I'd just really like to take advantage of it's low androgenic activity
any comments? thoughts at all? Would be much appreciated. (sorry about the longass post)