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Thread: seasoned weightlifter contemplating use of AAS (long post)

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psillyness seasoned weightlifter... 11-16-2010, 02:18 PM
MACHINE5150 haha.. i just answered this... 11-16-2010, 02:53 PM
psillyness Haha yeah I posted this on a... 11-16-2010, 03:02 PM
nowaymang I'll just address the cycle... 11-16-2010, 03:18 PM
psillyness Thanks I appreciate the... 11-16-2010, 03:29 PM
ScotchGuard02 x2. Your first cycle should... 11-16-2010, 03:30 PM
psillyness I see where you're coming... 11-16-2010, 03:54 PM
kleaver sounds like you are trying to... 11-16-2010, 03:39 PM
Far from massive I am no expert by any means... 11-16-2010, 03:42 PM
psillyness Thanks for this. 11-16-2010, 03:58 PM
psillyness Yeah...the androgenic side... 11-16-2010, 03:43 PM
nowaymang bro your not going to get all... 11-16-2010, 04:17 PM
psillyness well my diet has always been... 11-16-2010, 05:05 PM
MACHINE5150 you would not want to run... 11-16-2010, 05:58 PM
nowaymang 400mg-500mg, doesnt make a... 11-16-2010, 05:23 PM
psillyness Thanks. What I will probably... 11-16-2010, 07:13 PM
nowaymang You can start PCT 2-3days... 11-16-2010, 07:43 PM
psillyness ill get right on that, soon... 11-16-2010, 08:41 PM
psillyness alright - if i'm going to do... 11-19-2010, 05:35 PM
nowaymang just post it all here mate... 11-19-2010, 08:50 PM
psillyness This is an example of what... 11-20-2010, 08:53 AM
psillyness Here is an example of my... 11-20-2010, 08:58 AM
psillyness well it doesn't look like I'm... 12-04-2010, 07:24 PM
dec11 you need to learn how to eat... 12-04-2010, 10:43 PM
psillyness get out of here man - I don't... 12-05-2010, 09:55 AM
dec11 ok mr seasoned 5yr lifter,... 12-05-2010, 12:28 PM
psillyness heh. I wasn't really dissing... 12-05-2010, 01:17 PM
dec11 and im fine with a bsc in... 12-05-2010, 01:21 PM
psillyness we're all still learning man.... 12-05-2010, 01:39 PM
dec11 you need to understand that... 12-05-2010, 01:50 PM
psillyness well..alright then. sleep... 12-05-2010, 03:03 PM
dec11 im guessing 'sleep hygiene'... 12-05-2010, 07:00 PM
psillyness i'm not sure where the term... 12-05-2010, 07:49 PM
dec11 dont get me wrong, i can... 12-05-2010, 09:20 PM
psillyness lol yeah i used to listen to... 12-06-2010, 09:49 AM
dec11 always has been from day one,... 12-06-2010, 02:19 PM
psillyness well grime is from the... 12-06-2010, 06:11 PM
dec11 youtube their album 'a grand... 12-06-2010, 06:20 PM
psillyness interesting....kinda... 12-06-2010, 06:57 PM
dec11 yeah, its addictive once you... 12-06-2010, 07:11 PM
psillyness what you need is a death... 12-06-2010, 07:28 PM
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  1. #1

    seasoned weightlifter contemplating use of AAS (long post)


    I guess I should start by giving a brief background of myself. I'm 23 years old, I'm a full-time student - one semester away from receiving my BS in biochemistry. I've been training for 5 years, and bodybuilding for the latter 3. I have never done a show or anything like that (I've always thought I was too short for that), but i use the term bodybuilder because I have catered my workouts, impeccable diet and good sleep hygiene in the past with the general goal of maximizing muscle hypertrophy while at the same time maintaining very good overall athleticism/physical performance. And it has worked out very well for me in the past - I got exactly what I wanted - an excellent physique and very conditioned in the process. You might be wondering why I would be even considering the use of steroids at this point (being as I do not play sports - though I would like to take up fighting)

    About 1 year ago, my doctor prescribed me a drug commonly used to treat ADD, called strattera (yes I know stimulants are bad, but at the time I was taking a very hard grad-level course and went to the doctor inquiring about adderall). Strattera is what he gave me. To this day I have no ****ing clue why I decided to take this drug (as it is very uncharacteristic of me to do something like this), but I did. At the time I knew that the use of certain drugs like this (which can be broadly classified as stimulants) upregulate beta-oxidation (fatty-acid breakdown), so I knew going in that there was going to be an issue with weightloss - during the 4 week time period that I was taking this drug, I upped my unsaturated fat intake by (I think) 3-4X, as I feared I may end up burning some muscle if I did not replace the defeceit. I had no idea what I was in for. During the last week of taking the drug, I lost 14lbs - mind you, at the time I was about 177lbs (5'6") with very little bodyfat (maybe 7%). As soon as I had realized what happened I immediately stopped. This drug brought on a whole slew of various side effects (which I don't even care to get into right now), some of which disappeared upon discontinuing usage, some did not.

    For the past year I have fruitlessly tried to gain back what I lost, but it has not been going very well. I would go through bouts of overtraining, with the onset of some of the most horrible symptoms I have ever experienced. Because of certain changes in my metabolism that I feel that this drug induced, I was more prone to overtraining, and injury as well. On two separate occasions I had injured both of my wrists (pretty bad), and experienced a lot of joint issues (knee, wrists). I feel as though I had lost mass in my joints, as they are significantly weaker. I basically lost mass everywhere - even my face looks different due to losing musculature in the jaw area. Strattera pretty much all-around ****ed me over, and reset me back to day 1 of my training. For the past year, in addition to eating very well, resting very well, I've basically been trying to convince myself that everything i've experienced is mental, because i feel it is unhealthy to dwell on stuff like this (even though i can see plain as day that I was significantly effected in a variety of [physical] ways by this drug)

    1 year later, I am starting to feel as though the affects are disappearing, I am able to perform exercises normally without experiencing severe effects of overtraining. Everything else is about the same, but overtraining has been the limiting step in my training for the past year, so I'm pretty much thrilled to be back in the gym for the most part (i took 3 months off completely). I've been training for a few months now without any problems, gains are steady, but I can tell from progression that it's going to take me at least another year or two to get to where I was. I'd like to speed this process up a bit.

    I was consdering running a 10-12 week cycle of equipose (boldenone) w/ test enanthate. I'd like to run a lower dosage i.e. 200mgs EQ + 250mgs Test E.....

    things that have scared me away from using gear in the past: side effects obviously - I cant deal with hair loss or excessive acne and scarring. I have also heard from a few that the natural gains they experience post steroid use are significantly less than what was accomplished pre steroid. Also obviously the decrease in natural endogenous testosterone post steroid use.

    ^ this is why I would run equipoise before any other much as I would like to run it solo, it seems like from what I have read about the pharmacology that it would be pretty pointless to run it without some kind of test. Has anyone ever ran EQ solo? I'd just really like to take advantage of it's low androgenic activity

    any comments? thoughts at all? Would be much appreciated. (sorry about the longass post)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    haha.. i just answered this on ology.. my advice remains the same

  3. #3
    Haha yeah I posted this on a few boards. thanks I'll check it out.

  4. #4
    I'll just address the cycle side of your post and others can give you any other advice and critise why i suggest. Ditch the EQ, stick with 500mg test-e per week (2ml per week, mon/thur injections or just 2ml on mon, wont make much difference) for 12 weeks, with a AI like arimidex or aromasin to keep estrogen related sides down and like bloating. Eat big, train hard and you'll bounce back like crazy, this is your first cycle and your receptors are fresh as a motherfcker so take advantage of that shit and do a proper first cycle then maybe you can throw in some EQ in your next cycle. It's good to stick with test for your first cycle aswell so you see how you react to it in general so every cycle after that, if you add more compounds to your cycles you will know what side effects are caused by what compounds.

  5. #5
    Thanks I appreciate the feedback. I would like to know though, out of the two responses i've received so far, why exactly are we discouraging use of EQ in the first cycle? Also, I should've made this clear in the post (and I'm sure you guys read this all the time...), but I'm not planning on doing another cycle. I would like to pack on a significant amount of mass here with this cycle, and then revert to my normal routines, and possibly incorporate crossfit-type workouts into my bodybuilding regimen to scale down the muscle to what is required for my old training styles. Maybe I would do another cycle when I'm 30 or something...

  6. #6
    x2. Your first cycle should be a long ester Test, like Test E. Keep it simple on the first go around. You don't know how your body's going to react. If you're going to get acne you'll probably get in after 4 or 5 weeks on the cycle. An AI like arimidex (anastrizol) lowers your estrogen level. Many of the bad side affects like hair loss, acne, bloating, etc are due to excessive estrogen. Keep your body clean. When you first cycle with Test you're going to sweat oil like a grease rag. Your sebaceous glands work overtime like it did when you went through puberty. Shower a couple of times a day and just maintain good hygiene. If you do get acne, keep your eyes on it. If it get's really bad you might want to get a doc to prescribe something. I took accutane because I was covered front and back with acne. That accutane stuff is not the greatest for you but it will stop the acne. Hair loss is something you're going to have to find out for yourself. The test seem to affect people differently. Some people lose hair. I grew hair all over the place. My facial hair got thicker and I grew hair on my belly! LOL Good luck. Your first cycle is your best cycle so get your diet in check (you alrea do so great) and you're good to go.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by kleaver View Post
    sounds like you are trying to use aas, which alter your natural hormone balance, to fix something you think may be caused by a medication you took: bad idea

    if that medicine really did mess up your body somehow, then you should talk to your doctor, get a workup, and you could possibly be a candidate for hrt or something.

    don't be too hasty imo... and rush into aas because you are frustrated with loss of muscle.
    I see where you're coming from, because I have thought about this long and hard, and this is something that definitely crossed my mind. I also didn't randomly decide I wanted to take steroids, this is something ive been contemplating and dismissing for the past 1 year

    I have gotten quite extensive bloodwork, which all indicates that I am in perfect health. No doctor I've been to is able to offer a logical explanation as to what may have happened. My testosterone is normal (good actually), my cortisol is normal. Thyroid is fine. Pituitary is fine. I don't know about neurotransmitters, but I assume they are fine. Also, I am not an eligible candidate for HRT...i inquired about it (to a sports medicine doc)....he thought it would be a very bad idea

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    sounds like you are trying to use aas, which alter your natural hormone balance, to fix something you think may be caused by a medication you took: bad idea

    if that medicine really did mess up your body somehow, then you should talk to your doctor, get a workup, and you could possibly be a candidate for hrt or something.

    don't be too hasty imo... and rush into aas because you are frustrated with loss of muscle.

  9. #9
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    I am no expert by any means but I had a similar experience with amphetamines when I was young (55 now). Not the sudden weight loss but the terrible degraded feeling in the joints, and yes it lasted at least a year after stopping. Anyway my concern is if you have just gotten over this and are just now starting to experience gains again I would be very concerned that speeding up the process thought the use of AAS would set you up to reinjure of your joints or other connective tissues, your CNS and general body chemistry probably could use more time to adjust drug free with good nutrition before adding AAS to the scenario.

    I am certainly not in a position to tell you what to do, I just have the advantage of looking in from the outside of the situation, you should step back and try to decide if the desire to use AAS at this point is being made by your intellectual brain or your emotional one.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I am no expert by any means but I had a similar experience with amphetamines when I was young (55 now). Not the sudden weight loss but the terrible degraded feeling in the joints, and yes it lasted at least a year after stopping. Anyway my concern is if you have just gotten over this and are just now starting to experience gains again I would be very concerned that speeding up the process thought the use of AAS would set you up to reinjure of your joints or other connective tissues, your CNS and general body chemistry probably could use more time to adjust drug free with good nutrition before adding AAS to the scenario.

    I am certainly not in a position to tell you what to do, I just have the advantage of looking in from the outside of the situation, you should step back and try to decide if the desire to use AAS at this point is being made by your intellectual brain or your emotional one.
    Thanks for this.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    x2. Your first cycle should be a long ester Test, like Test E. Keep it simple on the first go around. You don't know how your body's going to react. If you're going to get acne you'll probably get in after 4 or 5 weeks on the cycle. An AI like arimidex (anastrizol) lowers your estrogen level. Many of the bad side affects like hair loss, acne, bloating, etc are due to excessive estrogen. Keep your body clean. When you first cycle with Test you're going to sweat oil like a grease rag. Your sebaceous glands work overtime like it did when you went through puberty. Shower a couple of times a day and just maintain good hygiene. If you do get acne, keep your eyes on it. If it get's really bad you might want to get a doc to prescribe something. I took accutane because I was covered front and back with acne. That accutane stuff is not the greatest for you but it will stop the acne. Hair loss is something you're going to have to find out for yourself. The test seem to affect people differently. Some people lose hair. I grew hair all over the place. My facial hair got thicker and I grew hair on my belly! LOL Good luck. Your first cycle is your best cycle so get your diet in check (you alrea do so great) and you're good to go.

    Yeah...the androgenic side effects of steroids scare the shit outta me...this is why I wanted to incorporate EQ. I guess you guys are probably right - test only really would be the best for a first cycle. introducing multiple steroids (as nowaymang said) would only give me a foggier picture of whats going on side-effect wise. and for someone whose already paranoid about side-effects it would prolly be best to just stick with just one steroid. 500mg/wk of test scares me though =(

    I took tribulus once (which obviously doesnt even remoetly compare to this), but i didn't like the way it made me feel...hopefully there was something else funky going on other than increase test production because I wasn't really able to deal with the weird feeling (mood swing i guess)....i think i stopped taking it after 3 weeks

  12. #12
    bro your not going to get all weird on cycle lol 500mg test isn't that much. actually you'll probably feel really ****ing good and manly. let me clear something up, the reason why i said no point chucking in EQ is for two reasons
    1) as i said first cycle - just simple test yields the best gains at 500mg because receptors are fresh etc etc etc.
    2) 200mg EQ wouldnt make a ant grow, u say u want to make good gains and not run a cycle again till ur 30? well with EQ to get good results u need to run it for 12-16weeks at 500mg-600mg. thats why we say keep it simple and stick to test so u can stick to a 12week frame and grow like crazy if your diet is spot on.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by nowaymang View Post
    bro your not going to get all weird on cycle lol 500mg test isn't that much. actually you'll probably feel really ****ing good and manly. let me clear something up, the reason why i said no point chucking in EQ is for two reasons
    1) as i said first cycle - just simple test yields the best gains at 500mg because receptors are fresh etc etc etc.
    2) 200mg EQ wouldnt make a ant grow, u say u want to make good gains and not run a cycle again till ur 30? well with EQ to get good results u need to run it for 12-16weeks at 500mg-600mg. thats why we say keep it simple and stick to test so u can stick to a 12week frame and grow like crazy if your diet is spot on.
    well my diet has always been spot on. and yeah lol i know man it just scares me because i've had so much success in the past, busted my ass for 5 years...lost everything...I wouldn't want to screw myself over somehow. you never know - some people more sensitive to these things. it just sucks. never do any stimulants. it took me 5 years to convince my body it needed to carry around an extra 16-17lbs of muscle, and 1 week to take it away. I feel like even though it seems like what muscle memory I had has almost completely faded, it's still somewhat there...and I still have that going for me, I just don't want to **** myself over (again!!)

    so it seems like the general consensus that a first cycle would be best suited with running 500mgs/wk test. for 12 weeks....I was gonna go with enanthate (or maybe cypionate), do you have a recontamination/preference on the ester?

    could I get away with running 400mgs/wk test? (with my smaller size and all - 155lbs 5'6").....and 12 weeks seems like an eternity...could I work with 10?

    also, regarding your ant I wouldn't be able to get away with running a larger dose of EQ? like say 450mgs/wk with 200mgs/wk test? (i know you're gonna feel like stabbing me at this point for not letting go of the equipoise) :beats dead horse:
    Last edited by psillyness; 11-16-2010 at 05:17 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    well my diet has always been spot on. and yeah lol i know man it just scares me because i've had so much success in the past, busted my ass for 5 years...lost everything...I wouldn't want to screw myself over somehow. you never know - some people more sensitive to these things. it just sucks. never do any stimulants. it took me 5 years to convince my body it needed to carry around an extra 16-17lbs of muscle, and 1 week to take it away. I feel like even though it seems like what muscle memory I had has almost completely faded, it's still somewhat there...and I still have that going for me, I just don't want to **** myself over (again!!)

    so it seems like the general consensus that a first cycle would be best suited with running 500mgs/wk test. for 12 weeks....I was gonna go with enanthate (or maybe cypionate), do you have a recontamination/preference on the ester?

    could I get away with running 400mgs/wk test? (with my smaller size and all - 155lbs 5'6").....and 12 weeks seems like an eternity...could I work with 10?

    also, regarding your ant I wouldn't be able to get away with running a larger dose of EQ? like say 450mgs/wk with 200mgs/wk test? (i know you're gonna feel like stabbing me at this point for not letting go of the equipoise) :beats dead horse:
    you would not want to run that much of the EQ alone as i believe it dries your joints a bit.. its not a good idea to run it alone.. just let it go bud, Test is all you need

  15. #15
    400mg-500mg, doesnt make a difference, stick with test-e but really once again test is test, you could use test-e, prop, cyp, sus250, your results will all be very similiar. 10-12 weeks, once again doesnt make a difference man the thing is with long estered testosterones like enanthate and cyp it takes 2-4weeks to kick in so really weeks 4-10 or 4-12 will be your peak where u make most gains thats why i say run it for 12 weeks, if you were running test prop then you could get away with awesome gains with 8-10 weeks only. You could run that bro but i have a feeling you would feel worse on a high dose of EQ than a high dose of test because you said you were prescribed stimulants and were on them for awhile, stimulants normally have an adverse effect on anxiety even in the long term after stopping usage. Some people complain about anxiety issues on EQ so that could spark something there but not guarantees, you might be fine. If you really want to run EQ then and low dose of test you could run something like this:
    250mg test-e per week, weeks 1-13
    500-600mg EQ per week, weeks 1-12
    PCT weeks 15-19 nolva or clomid
    but now you would be running a 13 week cycle.. in my opinion EQ isnt the compound your after for your goals champ. But at the end of the day it's your choice, i still stick by my first suggestion: 500mg test-e, 12 weeks, arimidex 0.5mg mon/wed/fri. Keeps it basic, lets you see how you react to testosterone by itsself and yields awesome gains catered by your diet. goodluck mate.


  16. #16
    Thanks. What I will probably do (if i decide i want to go along with it) is go with a shorter ester like propionate, run 350-400mg/wk for 8-10 weeks. I would want to start PCT 3 weeks after my last shot yeah? What dosage would I use given this cycle (assuming arimidex or nolvadex)? I would want to taper this dosage off over the course of say.....8-9 weeks?

    Thanks again

  17. #17
    You can start PCT 2-3days after your last injection if you use prop. Theres plenty of info on PCT in the stickies in the PCT section, reading time

  18. #18
    ill get right on that, soon as I stop staring at your avatar

  19. #19
    alright - if i'm going to do this, im going to do it right. I'd like to post my normal diet and normal training routine, and then post a modified diet/training routine for when im on it cool if I post that here, or do i need to move it? do mods care?

    a couple things I wanted to mention first... nowaymang, i noticed you mentioned possible anxiety onset w/ use of EQ - is this ever an issue with just regular test? I ask because, well I probably should've said it before, but I'd be lying if I said there hasn't been at least a mild anxiety onset post-strattera...although I think the anxiety/stress was not brought on by the drug itself but more or less the frustration of my set-back alone. Not to mention I have had insomnia issues in the past, so I wouldn't want both of those to come back with a vengeance on cycle.

    I was also wondering about something else - frontloading. Not that I'm considering frontloading, but I was actually wondering about the opposite. What if one was to run a lower dosage (say 150mgs) for the first 2 weeks, then kick it up to a higher dosage (say 350mgs)...this may sound silly to many, but my thought process is this:

    a lower drug concentration would take longer to induce hormonal suppression (as compared to a higher drug concentration), and allow for a short time period of moderate growth and preparation for the rest of the cycle. By the time the larger doses are introduced, significant suppression has only just started. Doing it this way may allow you to run a cycle longer while shortening the time-period of HPG suppression (which to me is the thing that scares me most about steroid use). If this thinking is wrong I'm sure I'm probably missing something here...if it's right I'm sure you've heard it all before.

    Also, anyone have any experience with Naltrexone and/or GnRH agonists to combat HPTA supression?

  20. #20
    just post it all here mate we'll help you out. no anxiety issues with test, test is just good feelings dont worry, u wont want to come off, worry about that if anything lol. You are over complicating everything just stick to the basics bro and post up ur diet and training routine, all this frontloading, offloading bullshit isn't needed for a first cycle all you need is a test base + a decent diet and training program

  21. #21
    This is an example of what I've eaten over the course of today and yesterday....when the intensity of my training is high, I'll usually add a little more cals all around (maybe double the carbs), but lately i've just been trying to get back into the swing of things, and stay lean in the process.

    1 egg
    30g whey
    raisens (handful)
    dates (several)
    almonds (several)
    oats (30g carbs)
    fish oil + multivitamin

    1 can tuna (+peppers, onion)
    1.5 tsp olive oil
    1.5 tsp mayo
    slice of whole grain bread
    apricots (several)
    fish oil

    -3:00pm – 3:30pm
    2 eggs
    2 egg whites
    V8 juice
    almonds (several)
    fish oil

    -7:00pm – 7:30pm
    0.5lbs beef hearts (+onions, peppers, carrots)
    apricots (several)
    fish oil

    11:00pm – 12:00pm (usually 20-30min prior to bed)
    4% cottage cheese (23-28g protein)

    On a training day, my meal setup is basically the same, but I will typically eat my breakfast (around 8:00), then my pre-workout meal (~11:30am) will be something like:

    2 eggs
    2 egg whites
    40g carbs (whole grain)

    about 60-90mins prior...i'll also be drinking around 30-40g sugar from gatorade (+ 1 tsp of whey) during my workout. Post workout is usually 35g whey + 35g-45g dextrose + banana...then i'll have my next meal about 60-90mins after the shake.

    because I'm able to stay lean with diet like this, I will obviously be adding more calories when I'm on cycle. Hell, I used to eat more than this anyways. Suggestions are welcome

  22. #22
    Here is an example of my training currently (typically 45 mins, 55min tops). Usually every week I will change the sets/reps/rest addition to the exercises performed

    MON. (shoulders/deadlifts/tris)
    3 sets; 5 reps; 60 sec rest

    standing military dumbell
    seated military barbell
    side raises
    front+rear raises
    shrugs (dumbell) + skullcrushers (superset)
    dips (triceps)

    WEDS. (legs)
    3 sets; 8 reps; 90 sec rest

    High-bar squat
    Hack squat
    Straight leg deadlift
    Calf raises
    Hip adduct/abduct
    Incline powewalking

    FRI (chest+back+bis)
    3 sets; 15 reps; 120sec rest

    Flat barbell
    Incline dumbell
    Decline dumbell
    dumbell rows (1 arm)
    standing barbell curls
    hammer curls

    SUN. (shoulders/deadlifts/tris)
    3 sets; 5 reps; 60 sec rest

    seated military dumbell
    standing military barbell
    deadlifts + leglifts/knees-to-elbows (antagonist superset)
    a side raise derivative
    front raise + rear raise (antagonist superset)
    shrugs + skullcrushers
    rope tricep extension

    TUES. (legs)
    3 sets; 8 reps; 90sec rest

    High-bar squat
    Barbell lunges
    Leg curls + quad extension (antagonist superset)
    quad (sartorius) band exercise + hamstring stretch (antagonist)
    calf raises + shin (antagonist)
    incline powerwalking

    THURS. (chest/back/bis)

    Incline dumbell + pullups (antagonist superset)
    Flat dumbell + lat pulldown (antagonist superset)
    Decline dumbell + bent-over rows (straddle barbell) (antagonist superset)
    Wide dips + face pulls (antagonist superset)
    Hammer Curls + skullcrushers (antagonist superset)

    One thing im pretty excited about is being able to train for like 90mins...i love the feeling of long workouts but I generally try to avoid them....which i will not have to do on cycle again, suggestions welcome!

  23. #23
    well it doesn't look like I'm going to do that cycle after all. over the past few weeks my overtraining issues have started to appear, and they are now back in full swing....even mild workouts/cardio sets me off. I've got another appt. with the sports medicine doc Monday so we'll see what he has to say this time...

    and to top it all off, I had a stomach virus this week, and I lost a lot of muscle. I lost everything I gained in the past couple months. I was shocked that so much came off. Now I'm back to square 1....literally. Time to take another 3 months off before I can workout again - maybe I'll just go straight for the test. after my break this time...who knows...this ****in sucks.

  24. #24
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    you need to learn how to eat b4 you ever touch AAS, and seriously, 5yrs does not make you anywhere near a seasoned weightlifter mate

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you need to learn how to eat b4 you ever touch AAS, and seriously, 5yrs does not make you anywhere near a seasoned weightlifter mate
    get out of here man - I don't need some mysterious motorhead elitist telling me i need to learn how to eat. you need to learn how to read. the diet I posted (as i mentioned) is geared toward sustaining the mass I currently have, and staying lean in the process. I get around 40-45g of protein, 40-60g carb, and 8-15g fat every meal and I eat every 3-3.5 hours. Obviously (again, as I mentioned) when I am bulking, the calories go up a lot. But from your standpoint, you can't tell me my diet is horrible when any issue you claim to see could be *remedied* by an extra scoop protein, another slice of bread, or a tsp of olive oil.

    there are some drawbacks to very high protein intake on a constant i try to stay away from that unless i AM bulking....and the extra fat and carbs (key word, trying to stay "LEAN"). This is what works for me. and 5 years doesnt make you seasoned - 10 or 15 years doesn't make you seasoned. I used the term seasoned to indicate my knowledge and success in that time period. Anyone who knows me would consider it laughable if told i dont know how to eat. I can't even tell you how many times I've been...'accused' of using steroids, or approached by randomass people in the gym on a daily basis seeking advice. I know what the f**k I'm doing my friend.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    get out of here man - I don't need some mysterious motorhead elitist telling me i need to learn how to eat. you need to learn how to read. the diet I posted (as i mentioned) is geared toward sustaining the mass I currently have, and staying lean in the process. I get around 40-45g of protein, 40-60g carb, and 8-15g fat every meal and I eat every 3-3.5 hours. Obviously (again, as I mentioned) when I am bulking, the calories go up a lot. But from your standpoint, you can't tell me my diet is horrible when any issue you claim to see could be *remedied* by an extra scoop protein, another slice of bread, or a tsp of olive oil.

    there are some drawbacks to very high protein intake on a constant i try to stay away from that unless i AM bulking....and the extra fat and carbs (key word, trying to stay "LEAN"). This is what works for me. and 5 years doesnt make you seasoned - 10 or 15 years doesn't make you seasoned. I used the term seasoned to indicate my knowledge and success in that time period. Anyone who knows me would consider it laughable if told i dont know how to eat. I can't even tell you how many times I've been...'accused' of using steroids, or approached by randomass people in the gym on a daily basis seeking advice. I know what the f**k I'm doing my friend.
    ok mr seasoned 5yr lifter, lmfao. Lemmy is god

  27. #27
    heh. I wasn't really dissing motorhead. I was just prodding at the fact that some randomass condescending guy decides to join the thread and doesn't even put a picture of himself up (which is sort of a requirement if you're going to offer cocky advice) well in my book at least - that is if you want me to listen.

    I guess I'll have to wait another 15 years before I can start calling myself "seasoned." I just that thought after 5 years of sensible lifting there would be some sort of term I could use to identify myself without people thinking I'm talking out of my ass - I guess it isn't seasoned. I will delete that title from my memory, just for you. I'm fine with a B.S. in biochemistry and a minor in human nutrition.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    heh. I wasn't really dissing motorhead. I was just prodding at the fact that some randomass condescending guy decides to join the thread and doesn't even put a picture of himself up (which is sort of a requirement if you're going to offer cocky advice) well in my book at least - that is if you want me to listen.

    I guess I'll have to wait another 15 years before I can start calling myself "seasoned." I just that thought after 5 years of sensible lifting there would be some sort of term I could use to identify myself without people thinking I'm talking out of my ass - I guess it isn't seasoned. I will delete that title from my memory, just for you. I'm fine with a B.S. in biochemistry and a minor in human nutrition.
    and im fine with a bsc in sport science and 17yrs exp, 15 competitive, and im still learning. you really wana reel in the childish attitude if you want advice. i wasnt being cocky, just pointing out that your diet isnt up to par. oh, and yes i have had a pic up, just not at the moment

  29. #29
    we're all still learning man. that's why I posted on this board. for instance, I have no experience with AAS so I realize the fact that someone like you would probably have a lot of advice to offer. But please, don't try and tell me you weren't being cocky - everything about what you said was cocky. sorry to have reacted that way and "reeled in the childish attitude," but it annoys me when people say things over message boards that they probably wouldn't say in person.

    and I'd be hard pressed to say that my diet isn't up to par for what I'm doing right'd better believe it's different when I'm tryin to pack on mass (and this is something I said)...not to mention on a cycle - calories would increase 3-fold at least

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    we're all still learning man. that's why I posted on this board. for instance, I have no experience with AAS so I realize the fact that someone like you would probably have a lot of advice to offer. But please, don't try and tell me you weren't being cocky - everything about what you said was cocky. sorry to have reacted that way and "reeled in the childish attitude," but it annoys me when people say things over message boards that they probably wouldn't say in person.

    and I'd be hard pressed to say that my diet isn't up to par for what I'm doing right'd better believe it's different when I'm tryin to pack on mass (and this is something I said)...not to mention on a cycle - calories would increase 3-fold at least
    you need to understand that things in text form can be perceived wrongly, which you did. 1st off, 200mg EQ is a total and utter waste, your diet needs to be varied and what in the hell is 'good sleep hygene'? think of 'you need to learn how to eat properly' as being said calmly and friendly instead of immediately getting on the offensive and taking it wrongly. stick on some motorhead and relax lol

  31. #31
    well..alright then.

    sleep hygiene as in the factors that control the quality of your sleep. good sleep hygiene as in I have a set sleeping schedule that doesn't vary. I mean most people who train generally get enough rest, but in my experience, i've seen steady improvements over the years in changing around my diet/workout routines for the better, but I started seeing freakish results when I really started to buckle down and be a nazi about my sleep. there are a lot of tricks you can entertain to really get your body in tune with its circadian rhythm. better quality REM sleep/sleep in general is key to bodybuilding...and everything in life i believe

    anyway, when I hit my peak I wasn't eating anything like the way I do now....but i'm also not training that way now. one of my staple foods was a giant egg sandwich w/ whole grain bread and mayo...i swear i could eat that shit every day. and motorhead is not good relaxation music for me lol - i am perfectly relaxed right now studying and listening to this

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    well..alright then.

    sleep hygiene as in the factors that control the quality of your sleep. good sleep hygiene as in I have a set sleeping schedule that doesn't vary. I mean most people who train generally get enough rest, but in my experience, i've seen steady improvements over the years in changing around my diet/workout routines for the better, but I started seeing freakish results when I really started to buckle down and be a nazi about my sleep. there are a lot of tricks you can entertain to really get your body in tune with its circadian rhythm. better quality REM sleep/sleep in general is key to bodybuilding...and everything in life i believe

    anyway, when I hit my peak I wasn't eating anything like the way I do now....but i'm also not training that way now. one of my staple foods was a giant egg sandwich w/ whole grain bread and mayo...i swear i could eat that shit every day. and motorhead is not good relaxation music for me lol - i am perfectly relaxed right now studying and listening to this
    im guessing 'sleep hygiene' is an american term? i've neva heard of it

    i wouldnt even click a music link with the word remix in it, more than likely some dance crap lol

  33. #33
    i'm not sure where the term sleep hygiene originated, but probably here in the US, and it isn't commonly used anyway, so it never made its way over there

    and hell yeah. dubstep. and that's UK based so you had to of heard that term lol. I used to workout to metal/hard rock, but some electro is just the best music ever to workout to...hands down

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    i'm not sure where the term sleep hygiene originated, but probably here in the US, and it isn't commonly used anyway, so it never made its way over there

    and hell yeah. dubstep. and that's UK based so you had to of heard that term lol. I used to workout to metal/hard rock, but some electro is just the best music ever to workout to...hands down
    dont get me wrong, i can appreciate some dance aswell, chemical bros, prodigy, early to mid 90's UK rave scene etc. if you liked training to metal check out rammstein, good bit of keyboards in there too, youtube 'du reichst so gut'

  35. #35
    lol yeah i used to listen to rammstein too but that was pretty short lived. i much prefer electro now. the UK music scene is so much more developed and awesome than ours...well as far as electronic music goes. but yeah I used to be a metal-head and a die hard metallica fan....that S&M album, whoooo man...

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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    lol yeah i used to listen to rammstein too but that was pretty short lived. i much prefer electro now. the UK music scene is so much more developed and awesome than ours...well as far as electronic music goes. but yeah I used to be a metal-head and a die hard metallica fan....that S&M album, whoooo man...
    always has been from day one, but ironically most of the best metal bands are american, slayer, metallica, SOAD (SOAD are by far the most creative metal band to come along in the new wave era, and very much underrated imo) etc. man, dont get me started on music, we'll be here till eternity lol

  37. #37
    that is true.. those r the bands i grew up to lol. i guess we have all the good metal and hiphop, and you have all the best electronic music. although u do have grime....and grime is the shit.

  38. #38
    well grime is from the streets lol. never heard of "The Streets" tho.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by psillyness View Post
    well grime is from the streets lol. never heard of "The Streets" tho.
    youtube their album 'a grand dont come for free' record tells a whole story in the singers recent life experiences, landmark stuff. much better than that prof green stuff. id say you'd like it

  40. #40
    interesting....kinda differnt.

    but yea not all grime is like that tho, heres a much more chill song - featuring that same guy even

    but im much more into the deep bassy chill electronic/dubstep type shit. drum n bass is cool too. thats just me tho

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