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Thread: I don’t think this is DHB

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    I don’t think this is DHB

    I’ve been on a cycle for about 2 months and a couple of weeks ago I added “DHB” at 200 mg/week.

    In the past week I’ve become increasingly intolerant with some things. Last night I was so angry at things that were said to me by my ex, in the past, that I couldn’t sleep. I was raging just lying down.

    She’s been staying with me because her house is getting remodeled, and I’ve been helping her remodel every weekend. She brought over this random construction guy to her house who I find out was some dude she fucked after we broke up. I didn’t really know the situation till I put the pieces together later the next day (last night). I even drove the retard home, an hour away, because he didn’t have a license/vehicle.

    Then I thought of all the negative things she said about me during fights in the past. I gave this bitch over a thousand to pay for the contractor and spent the last 4 weekends (sat and sun) working on her house, and she has the nerve to bring some dude that fucked her near me?

    Today, while driving to her house to finish up what I said I was going to finish (Because I’m a fucking man) I told her to pack her shit and get out. She’s all crying and playing the victim, but I’m just not having it right now. All I see is red. My knuckles are bloody right now and I’m still pissed. She’s out of my house, back to her half-finished house. I just can’t let go of the jealousy and rage, but it’s not like I even wanted to be with her before, And I haven’t been jealous like this since my teens. It’s almost like I cannot stand the disrespect, perceived or real.

    I know this sounds crazy and I just wanted to explain the situation because there are all kinds of ways to interpret “roid rage,” but this is how it has manifested for me. I am increasingly more antisocial, more than I’ve already been in the past. I hide it well in public but inside I’m burning. I’m getting pissed when I even see someone calling me. Pets piss me off, holy Christ. I wanted to kick her dog to the moon ever time the little fucker scurried off in fear while I was trying to feed his stupid little ass.

    Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it... I might need to go relax or something. DHB =/= Trenbolone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I mean, you might have gotten some tren. What all else are you taking?

    The thing that gets me is, that’s not really a fair situation to gauge “roid rage” in at all. I’d have snapped the fuck out if I wasn’t on anything at all. Throw alcohol into the mix if you want to see some nightmare rage come out of me.

    Honestly I think the whole situation was just toxic and you’ll probably be better now that you’re out of it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    ISC, Yeah you’re right, it’s hard to tell if I would have been this pissed without the help. I am taking another 300 mg deca and 250 mg Test C every week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    The dog did nothing wrong. Don't hurt the dog . If its pissed you off that bad walk away . Hoes ain't worth jail time

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    I don’t think this is DHB

    How’s your sleep?
    In my experience and understanding as androgen load increases sleep often becomes disrupted and ability/patience with issues becomes compromised. Here’s the thing though considering your dosages (quite low) your androgen load is not really that high even if your dhb were tren.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    How’s your sleep?
    In my experience and understanding as androgen load increases sleep often becomes disrupted and ability/patience with issues becomes compromised. Here’s the thing though considering your dosages (quite pow) your androgen load is not really that high even if your dhb were tren.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I had trouble sleeping running 40mg tren a eod . I had trouble with 100mg tren e 2x a week

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Cut your self some slack...I would’ve fucking raged too. Even test can turn my emotions up, add that type of disrespect and that’s a fucking nightmare for anyone...hormones or not. I can always tell if the tren I have is tren. Mine always has the color and the smell, that distinctive fucking smell. Would think you’d be able to tell just by the looks and smell of it. I run hot headed as it is, and am actually going to run DHB for the first time starting in February, I’ll try and remember to be mindful.

    But back to your original point and as others have pointed out, that kind of disrespect would get any man boiling, and if it didn’’re a better man than me.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Cut your self some slack...I would’ve fucking raged too. Even test can turn my emotions up, add that type of disrespect and that’s a fucking nightmare for anyone...hormones or not. I can always tell if the tren I have is tren. Mine always has the color and the smell, that distinctive fucking smell. Would think you’d be able to tell just by the looks and smell of it. I run hot headed as it is, and am actually going to run DHB for the first time starting in February, I’ll try and remember to be mindful.

    But back to your original point and as others have pointed out, that kind of disrespect would get any man boiling, and if it didn’’re a better man than me.
    He's mad his ex/gf had sex with another dude after they broke up ... was she supposed to vow to a life of celibacy?

    The real question is why did they break up , he may have a temper and not control his anger and scared the piss out of her daily ?
    Yea you gave dude a ride home , but would you rather her drive him home and boom ten million thoughts in your head

    Realistically yea she should have told you , but i understand why she didn't. She wants her place remodeled and needs the labor.

    Yea you're on gear , control your temper. Have a conversation after a few hours or days. Honestly were you seriously trying to use gear as an excuse to act unreasonable? There's a million different ways you could have handled this and you probably chose in the top ten worst ways .

    Gee next time try to top your horrible behavior maybe smack her up and tag her in post on fb where you're shit talking her and post her nudes

    My points are
    ppl like to fuck .
    The two of you weren't dating
    Control your temper
    Don't hurt animals
    Cheap labor

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    [QUOTE=bomb_r2;7486164]He's mad his ex/gf had sex with another dude after they broke up ... was she supposed to vow to a life of celibacy?

    The real question is why did they break up , he may have a temper and not control his anger and scared the piss out of her daily ?
    Yea you gave dude a ride home , but would you rather her drive him home and boom ten million thoughts in your head

    Realistically yea she should have told you , but i understand why she didn't. She wants her place remodeled and needs the labor.

    Yea you're on gear , control your temper. Have a conversation after a few hours or days. Honestly were you seriously trying to use gear as an excuse to act unreasonable? There's a million different ways you could have handled this and you probably chose in the top ten worst ways .

    Gee next time try to top your horrible behavior maybe smack her up and tag her in post on fb where you're shit talking her and post her nudes

    My points are
    ppl like to fuck .
    The two of you weren't dating
    Control your temper
    Don't hurt animals
    Cheap labor

    No offense but you sound like Dr. Phil

    Fuck all that, except for the don’t hurt animals part. Even then, some dogs are annoying as shit and can use a foot broom.

    Enjoy your Lifetime movies this holiday season

  10. #10
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Cut your self some slack...I would’ve fucking raged too. Even test can turn my emotions up, add that type of disrespect and that’s a fucking nightmare for anyone...hormones or not. I can always tell if the tren I have is tren. Mine always has the color and the smell, that distinctive fucking smell. Would think you’d be able to tell just by the looks and smell of it. I run hot headed as it is, and am actually going to run DHB for the first time starting in February, I’ll try and remember to be mindful.

    But back to your original point and as others have pointed out, that kind of disrespect would get any man boiling, and if it didn’’re a better man than me.
    Thanks for the reassurance. I have never done tren and the liquid is pretty clear, not much yellow, and doesn’t smell any different as far as I can tell. Prob not tren.

    I fucking hate women right now

  11. #11
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    LOL kinda sounds like tren to me. Just take a step back , breath. I think you’re kinda over reacting maybe just a tad honestly. In a friendly kinda way to put it...put it behind you and move on, if it bothers you and tears you up this much maybe just stop communication all together.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    I don't think this is even a question . this thread should be in the anabolic lounge cause the whole situation described as nothing to do with wither "this is real DHB" or not . thats totally irrelevant to the situation at hand

    99% of guys who don't even run AAS would of reacted in the same way . more violent acts and rage are commited by normal guys every day that have never ran AAS in their life, let alone Tren .

    your situation is your situation. your actions were your actions. your DHB is probably DHB. but I still think its irrelevant either way what it is

  13. #13
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    Jun 2018
    Yeah I need to stop talking to her completely. She’s been using me ever since we broke up. I was trying to be nice but fuck that. Maybe it’s not the gear.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I’ve been on a cycle for about 2 months and a couple of weeks ago I added “DHB” at 200 mg/week.

    In the past week I’ve become increasingly intolerant with some things. Last night I was so angry at things that were said to me by my ex, in the past, that I couldn’t sleep. I was raging just lying down.

    She’s been staying with me because her house is getting remodeled, and I’ve been helping her remodel every weekend. She brought over this random construction guy to her house who I find out was some dude she fucked after we broke up. I didn’t really know the situation till I put the pieces together later the next day (last night). I even drove the retard home, an hour away, because he didn’t have a license/vehicle.

    Then I thought of all the negative things she said about me during fights in the past. I gave this bitch over a thousand to pay for the contractor and spent the last 4 weekends (sat and sun) working on her house, and she has the nerve to bring some dude that fucked her near me?

    Today, while driving to her house to finish up what I said I was going to finish (Because I’m a fucking man) I told her to pack her shit and get out. She’s all crying and playing the victim, but I’m just not having it right now. All I see is red. My knuckles are bloody right now and I’m still pissed. She’s out of my house, back to her half-finished house. I just can’t let go of the jealousy and rage, but it’s not like I even wanted to be with her before, And I haven’t been jealous like this since my teens. It’s almost like I cannot stand the disrespect, perceived or real.

    I know this sounds crazy and I just wanted to explain the situation because there are all kinds of ways to interpret “roid rage,” but this is how it has manifested for me. I am increasingly more antisocial, more than I’ve already been in the past. I hide it well in public but inside I’m burning. I’m getting pissed when I even see someone calling me. Pets piss me off, holy Christ. I wanted to kick her dog to the moon ever time the little fucker scurried off in fear while I was trying to feed his stupid little ass.

    Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it... I might need to go relax or something. DHB =/= Trenbolone.
    Congrats we all been there done that
    Just dont hurt the dog man we all got some soft spot for defendless animals.

    Seriously even if I wasnt on gear I wouldve acted they way you did heck 99% of the population would, I know you heard this countless times but time does heal things, just take a breather and hang in there and try not to do stupid things.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by moetorious View Post
    Congrats we all been there done that
    Just dont hurt the dog man we all got some soft spot for defendless animals.

    Seriously even if I wasnt on gear I wouldve acted they way you did heck 99% of the population would, I know you heard this countless times but time does heal things, just take a breather and hang in there and try not to do stupid things.
    Tj? Is that you?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I have been in similar situations.
    Punched a windshield out of a girls car.

    She is getting a kick out of it and you know it.
    You made the right call.

    I loved dhb.
    It hit me different than test.
    It gave me a growth feeling I hadnt had in a long time.
    That is not the issue though.
    If I had not been on juice in a similar situation in my younger days...

    I would have taken the guy to my home.

    Old redneck tradition.
    Its called beating a mans ass because of his company.

    I tried to explain the concept to my liberal sister in law.
    She finally shut the fuck up.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Old redneck tradition.
    Its called beating a mans ass because of his company.

    I tried to explain the concept to my liberal sister in law.
    She finally shut the fuck up.
    This made my day right here

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Could be. DHB does have an androgenic load though. You never know for sure though when running UGL.
    Just drop it and see if it fixes the problem. You're a fucked up mental state isn't worth it (anyone would have a lot of difficulty in that situation, I'm just saying the Androgens arent helping). Up the deca if it helps you justify dropping the DHB
    Good luck though brother
    Staying in contact with ex's usually isn't worth it in my experience. It most likely leads to drama and puts strain on future relationships

  19. #19
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    Jun 2018
    Man I wrote this heartfelt message about how I appreciate the comments and helping me put things in perspective and then my phone died. Well, you guys are a solid group of men. God knows in other forums you have those idiot teeny boppers that say ignorant shit just to get a rise out of you - when you least need it.


    Today I’ve been ok for the most part. I managed to talk to her tonight and she explained she just wanted to get her house done faster. I’m still pissed of how it went down but the girl is literally helpless. She texted me that her basement “flooded” and doesn’t know if it’s her new toilet or dishwasher. On the one hand I want to kill her, on the other I want to help her. Strange combo.

    I think there is some androgenic component to the way I’m feeling. I can describe it as a calm anger. Like my jaw is slightly clenched throughout the day and I feel more mechanical than emotional, even though I raged out a bit there. Going to drop the deca soon and just ride out the DHB with test and see how it goes. Send me letters in prison! Jk just send an email.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post

    On the one hand I want to kill her, on the other I want to help her. Strange combo.

    Rough sex her...
    Thats the cure.
    Then tell her to get the other guy to fix it and never talk to her again.

    Does she have a sister?
    Last edited by Obs; 12-16-2019 at 10:36 PM.

  21. #21
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Rough sex her...
    Thats the cure.
    Then tell her to get the other guy to fox it and never talk to her again.

    Does she have a sister?
    You have a sick mind Obs... and you must have read my mind also. Unfortunately my pride got in the way. It’s like when you’re so angry you’re disgusted. Now I could use a rough BJ though.

    Her sister is in a different state, married with 2 kids. But I see where you’re going...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    You have a sick mind Obs... and you must have read my mind also. Unfortunately my pride got in the way. It’s like when you’re so angry you’re disgusted. Now I could use a rough BJ though.

    Her sister is in a different state, married with 2 kids. But I see where you’re going...
    All I am saying is you may want to stay in contact so you can tell her what her sister did.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    All I am saying is you may want to stay in contact so you can tell her what her sister did.
    The funny thing is I probably could do it with her best friend... you know, the one that’s been with her bf for 10 years but tells you “we’re basically not even really together...” when it’s just you two. If I wasn’t such a nice asshole.

  24. #24
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    Now Im pissed off.
    I got fucked around way too much by women that could not ever again do even half as good as me and I never cheated.

    Ex wife is a goddamn hippopotamus now.
    She lets her hair down and she looks like a pregnant sasquatch.
    It was a long slow steady decent into that wildebeest she became. I wouldnt touch her with a borrowed dick.

    And gf gets in an argument and says "I think you still want your ex back!"

    What!? Fuck no! I'm a bodybuilder not a powerlifter!

    When will these women learn...
    She should be a lot more afraid of the young big tight titted round assed early 20's girls.
    Rather she is worried about me running off with a goddam silverback I cant look at without getting sick to my stomach.

  25. #25
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    I’m not gonna lie I was lmao by the time I hit pregnant Sasquatch. Someone needs to record these stories, they’d have a best seller.

    That’s hilarious you current gf thinks you might try to get back with your obese ex. That’s girls though. My ex was afraid I’d get back with a chick that lived on another continent. Like wtf?? Then if I ever even said her name for context or whatever she would say “then why don’t you move to Europe with her? Why don’t you get back with her?”

    I’ll take younger chicks but I’ll also take a gym milf. You know what I’m talking about. Maybe a well maintained gilf from only above the shoulders.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I’m not gonna lie I was lmao by the time I hit pregnant Sasquatch. Someone needs to record these stories, they’d have a best seller.

    That’s hilarious you current gf thinks you might try to get back with your obese ex. That’s girls though. My ex was afraid I’d get back with a chick that lived on another continent. Like wtf?? Then if I ever even said her name for context or whatever she would say “then why don’t you move to Europe with her? Why don’t you get back with her?”

    I’ll take younger chicks but I’ll also take a gym milf. You know what I’m talking about. Maybe a well maintained gilf from only above the shoulders.
    Gf only uses fit girls in her fantasies about how I am, "Gonna leave her for some girl with muscles, that likes working out...with a hard ass...(she goes step by step) She will like it in the butt and like to suck your penis all the time...and you will ruin my life and be happy with her and forget all about me..."

    I don't know if she is trying to guilt me or get me horny tbh.

    I used to think it meant she wanted me to bring a girl like that home so we could all play but I was very wrong.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Gf only uses fit girls in her fantasies about how I am, "Gonna leave her for some girl with muscles, that likes working out...with a hard ass...(she goes step by step) She will like it in the butt and like to suck your penis all the time...and you will ruin my life and be happy with her and forget all about me..."

    I don't know if she is trying to guilt me or get me horny tbh.

    I used to think it meant she wanted me to bring a girl like that home so we could all play but I was very wrong.
    At first when you said girl with muscles I was picturing Dave Palumbo with a wig, then I read on. I could see how you could (mis)interpret that... I would have thought the same thing. If a chick ever asks you this, it’s a trick question, Don’t do it: “if we had a threesome, which one of my friends would you choose?” I fell for that then saved myself at the very last moment. “I would choose Jen.......uh because she’s not nearly as hot as you and... uh.. at least we could trust her.”

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    At first when you said girl with muscles I was picturing Dave Palumbo with a wig, then I read on. I could see how you could (mis)interpret that... I would have thought the same thing. If a chick ever asks you this, it’s a trick question, Don’t do it: “if we had a threesome, which one of my friends would you choose?” I fell for that then saved myself at the very last moment. “I would choose Jen.......uh because she’s not nearly as hot as you and... uh.. at least we could trust her.”
    Thats wise!
    I must admit I would have said brit before she finished the sentence and then she woulda been hitting me with stuff.

    She likes to throw drinks at me when we argue.

    I slapped her brother and choked him and she threw grape juice at me. We would argue and it was water and tea normally.

    Then one time I told her I was gonna fuck her friends when we got in a bad fight.
    She dumped 24oz of scalding ass coffee on my head. Hurt like... Coffee dumped on your head.
    Cannot believe I kept my hair.

    Picking out wich friend too fast would get random ass things thrown at me followed by liquid.

  29. #29
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    The ex wife is embarrassing btw.
    We had kids together.
    I cant hide from that.

    We had to take my daughter to a doctor and the ex wife had to be present. Long after the divorce.

    Lo and behold the doctor is a tight round assed good looking chick.

    I could see it in her eyes..."Goddam... This guy stuck his dick in that thing!?"

    Guilty, your honor.
    I made a baby with that thing.
    But it wasn't like that before!
    It let itself go over time! Things like that take a long time!

  30. #30
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    Thats a turnoff to women btw.

    "He aint sticking that thing in me! I see where its been!"

    You can't explain it away.
    Wtf are supposed to do?

    "She used to be a lot better looking and not fat and hairy like that. Its ok to hit on me, I wouldn't dare have sex with that, now."

    Yeah that would have made her laugh but then I woulda had to fight the gorilla again and I just dont have the energy for all that.

  31. #31
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    Life, brother. Life. I’m going to bed. I’ve been chasing the dream lately, trying to catch that nocturnal bust.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Life, brother. Life. I’m going to bed. I’ve been chasing the dream lately, trying to catch that nocturnal bust.
    Goodnight man

  33. #33
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    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    The original story reminded me of a situation I had, almost. I had my ex (broke up 3 years ago after dating for 7 years) stay with me for a month last year while she was waiting for the sellers of her new house to move out. She slept in the guest room, and i was by my new girlfriends house most nights. One day while I am out she takes in the mail from the front stoop and sees some junk mail with a chick's name on it. She looks up the name on facebook, finds the girls page, and sees a bunch of photos of me and her a few years ago (when I was still dating the ex).

    When I get home that day, she was all pissy. I asked what her issue was. She was unusually bombastic with me. She says (I found your vacation photos on so and so's facebook page) and leaves the house for a final week in a local hotel.

    She had caught me with that chick less than a year into the relationship. Years back I had convinced her that I had ended it then and there. Now she discovered it went on for years.

    I felt bad because she never did anything to me. She owned two houses and had a great city job making $150K a year. I was a bum back then. I left her to chase a fatter ass.

    The grass aint always greener.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    The grass aint always greener.
    What about when your yard is patchy at best... Kinda yellow with dirt spots and it is constantly bitching.

    So you try to water it and fertilize it and topdress it for years and it just keeps getting fatter and bitchier?

    You know all you gotta do is go down to the sod farm and roll out a new yard... Sexy thick bluegrass shaking its ass at you... It doesn't even hate you yet!

    We are talking new grass and no matter what you do your lawn keeps getting shittier every year. You don't even have sex with it anymore...

    You get out the tiller and chew that old lawn up and lay that sod down and fk the shit out of it!

    After no grass for a few months that grass feels so fkin good you treat it really fkin nice for damn near two years!

    Then you look out one day and see a brown spot and think, "Shit... I know where this is going!"
    Now theres fuckin dandelions too!

    Lawns are overrated.
    This one fails I am gonna pave the whole yard and buy a hooker twice a week.

  35. #35
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    a land far from here.
    I'm kind of torn in the middle of two trains of thought.
    Being in my mid-50's now makes me think about things. Do i pick one of my two main ladies and get more serious with her by having her move in, and deal with some of her more aggravating issues, while fading out the other one? This way as I get older and more dumpy looking, I'll at least not be living alone?

    Or do I stay with the two of them, and see how long I can pull it off? Its been about seven years now. If it blows up years from now, it surely wont be as easy to pull a nice chick again, and i might just get stuck being old and alone.
    Fuckin dilemma.

    Third option is just fade away from both of them and be alone for awhile, totally changing up my social habits and living condition. I still like going out and rapping to chicks. I still got my game. But i notice its not as easy as it was 10-15 years ago. Sometimes i just get tired of it all and might need a fresh start.

  36. #36
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    I mean, that sounds like something that woulda made me rage while natty, and even moreso on my measley 300mg test. I can imagine how that would carry over into other areas of your life, although I don't think I woulda been THAT mad about the dog, even with everything else going on. I definitely wouldn't be doing SHIT for someone once they're an ex, regardless of what I said I would do while we were together. But I'm commonly referred to as an "ain't shit nigga" so...

    But I always been like that. Once I break up with a chick, I just ASSUME that every guy she interacts with more than "hello" is someone she's taking dick from....and I assume that half the time while in a relationship too. So I DEFINITELY wouldn't have drove that fucker anywhere haha.

    It's all good man. Most of us would feel at least a good portion of that rage, regardless of AAS

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