well my age is 21.... currently about 69-70kg..... am only 165cm tall.
probly around 8% body fat.... been training for a good 3-4 years ... mainly weights..... done all sorts of training max-ot... normal hypetrophy shit 6-12 range.... sometimes i go bit higher in reps... i usually do atleast 3 -4 exercises of 3-4 sets for each body part wen i train them. and sometimes / lately ive been doing each body part twice a week. i train 6 days on 1 day off .... sometimes 5 days 2 days off. just wondering what a good training program would be for a steroid cycle probly 8-10 week one.. still deciding which roids i want to use.. maybe test-e or sus / deca or sus / tren or test-prop or somethin still researching.... any help much appreciated thx.