Gearheaded’s "crazy experiments” log (maybe they won't all be crazy)
So as most of you guys already know, I’m the type of guy that likes to run experiments on myself. Making my living and career out of being a gym owner, personal trainer, and coach, the more practical experience I have, on top of all the educational knowledge I try to obtain, the better it is for me and my clients.
So this Log is going to be a log of my “experiments” that I conduct. From all my drug cycling protocols, diet protocols, to training and recovering theories.
I’ll simply log what I’m doing and the effects that these things are having. Pretty simple. Heck I may even take ‘experiment’ requests from you guys on occasions.
Lets quickly set the context though, of where I’m at and where I’m trying to go.
Many of you know that the last few years for me have been pretty rough in regards to any bodybuilding pursuits. I’ve had a host of injuries, 4 major surgeries, spent a year crippled and bed ridden losing 40 pounds of muscle, car accident, some other health issues, recovering from addiction to pain meds.. etc etc..
But fu_k it. I’m still kicking and can still go after it. I’ve got some physical restrictions, but don’t we all have our issues. So I’m going to grind and do what I can with what I got.
So the main goal of my experiments here is to get myself some more size, and then get pretty jacked and lean.
Stats currently
41 years old
5’9.5” height
207 pounds
fairly small framed, 7” wrists, and wear 29” waisted pants
couple pics of where I’m at
will list what I'm currently running now and my next experiment plans in next post