I'm underweight for my height with a flat stomach.
I've started a bulking diet.
I've gotten my diet critiqued in the diet forum.
any suggestions on how to build a six pack
I'm underweight with a flat stomach.
I'm underweight for my height with a flat stomach.
I've started a bulking diet.
I've gotten my diet critiqued in the diet forum.
any suggestions on how to build a six pack
I'm underweight with a flat stomach.
empty stomach cardio, training and diet...
Last edited by bvfd253; 08-28-2009 at 09:30 PM.
do alot of core exercises, and do dumbells sitting on a big ball to build the stomach muscles, if doing and cardio use the stepper but dont keep your hands off so you have to balance that will build the abs. laying down on the floor with a few different weighted medicine balls , hold one behind your head and raise it to your feet bring your legs up at the same time as your arms, and if you do crunces dont do crazy amounts like some people do , do 3 sets of 12 reps make them hard
mens health magazine have alot of great stuff on abs
your diet must be on clean and lean bulk!
trust me I've got that taken care of im an ectomorph, eatting solid food 2g protein per pound, slightly less carb grams as protein and around 75 grams of fat including my flax seed and fish oils... but as i said earlier my diet has been critiqued and im on a bulking diet, everything is 10-4 with the diet, im simply trying to research more on abdominal exercises now....
To have sixpack depends overall from bf. Generally you won't see your abs during a bulk if you can't see them before, but if it's the first time you diet correctly you may have a chance.
I am not sure if this is true, but I have heard if you want to do cardio on an empty stomach during a bulk, do it first thing in the morning.
Wake up 45 minutes before you usually would, do some H.I.I.T. cardio, then go home and start eating.
As for ab exercises, reveres crunches are GREAT. Do hanging leg raises, but don’t use the straps. Grab onto the bar so your hanging from your arms, and raise your legs up. Like this dude
Also anything on a ball is perfect because you are always contracting your abs just to stay on top.
I disagree. If on a bulk i have had great results with morning empty stomach cardio at a slow steady pace. keep your heart rate at 120-130 bpm for 35 minutes. And then later post work out cardio the same. Try sipping on bcaa's during the cardio as well. If you find you are not growing with this much cardio then eat more or lessen cardio times. Do not stop cardio completely as your heart needs a work out as well.
no exercises will burn the fat off your abs.. ever wonder why 500 crunches a night did nothing to lose the gut??? you wnt to build your abs. weighted crunches or some variation of that. if you want to lose the fat, diet + cardio
Look if your on a bulking diet don't concern yourself with a six pack for the time being winter is coming up so it shouldn't be a concern take it one step at a time you can start dieting and hitting the cardio at the beginning of spring. However my philosophy is as long as my abs are there when i flex them i'm not get too far with the fat/water. You may be tired of hearing this but the only way to get that six pack is to watch your diet and hit the cardio if you really need to come down or don't have a good metabolism but remember carrying good quality muscle makes dropping fat easier. I've never had to do cardio or train my abs to bring them out they come out when I tighten my diet but i'm not everybody. Now I know your probably tired of hearing that but that's the way it is. If you are training abs don't go too heavy with weighted exercises and keep the reps high so that you don't develop a thick stomach. Good luck if you need further help don't hesitate to ask
Last edited by tonyz 716; 08-30-2009 at 01:20 AM.
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