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Thread: Arm workout routines? tri's specific

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question Arm workout routines? tri's specific

    Hey guys, just wndering if someone could possibly post up a link or a routine to an arm blasting/shocking routine.

    My arms have always been smaller in porportion to the rest of me, especialy my tri. Bi's grow very slowly but consistantly however my tri's no matter how much stronger they get i have always struggled to get that mass horseshoe shape that i strive for.

    looking for a fairly quick way to shock them into growth. Any suggestions would be much apreciated. have tried many so called routines with no success.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    have you tried floor presses?....they are my favourite tricep exercise.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    have you tried floor presses?....they are my favourite tricep exercise.
    Have tried them yes but usually work them into my chest routine.. aways considered them as a good exercise to strengthen the midpoint (sticky spot) of bench press/chest exercises.

  4. #4
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by kashalp View Post
    Have tried them yes but usually work them into my chest routine.. aways considered them as a good exercise to strengthen the midpoint (sticky spot) of bench press/chest exercises.
    agree........i use them in my tricep routine....since your really only using your triceps....but def work for chest day aswell...

    i bet you have tried all exercises that i can think of LOL....

  5. #5
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    routine that always works well for me

    presuming your on steroids so u can recover from it

    superset in pyramid set fashion style between
    3 sets straight barbell skull crushers
    3 sets dumbell hammer grip skull crushers
    ^^ drop set the last 2 sets

    1 set cable v bar tricep press down

    rest 3-4 minutes between each set, so it allows full ATP recovery and rest for ur CNS

    always found if u give longer rest periods, each set u can lift more, thus stimulating more growth
    ^^^ except use a bench not a ball

    so workout would look like
    1 set straight barbell skull crushers 8 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set hammer grip dumbell skull crushers 8 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set straight barbell skull crushers 10 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set hammer grip dumbell skull crushers 10 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set straight barbell skull crushers ,5-6 reps then drop set with hammer grip skull crushers, (choose a weight u can get another 5-6 reps out with it)
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set hammer grip skull crushers 5-6 reps, drop set with barbell skull crushers (choose a weight u can get another 5-6 reps out with it)

    then rest 4 MINUTES, to allow u to feel great

    then go do tricep press downs with v bar on the cables, aim for the 8-10 rep range

    and your done

    this workout works GREAT for me, been getting hepas of growth

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Question You got to be kidding me!?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    routine that always works well for me

    presuming your on steroids so u can recover from it

    superset in pyramid set fashion style between
    3 sets straight barbell skull crushers
    3 sets dumbell hammer grip skull crushers
    ^^ drop set the last 2 sets

    1 set cable v bar tricep press down

    rest 3-4 minutes between each set, so it allows full ATP recovery and rest for ur CNS

    always found if u give longer rest periods, each set u can lift more, thus stimulating more growth
    ^^^ except use a bench not a ball

    so workout would look like
    1 set straight barbell skull crushers 8 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set hammer grip dumbell skull crushers 8 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set straight barbell skull crushers 10 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set hammer grip dumbell skull crushers 10 reps
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set straight barbell skull crushers ,5-6 reps then drop set with hammer grip skull crushers, (choose a weight u can get another 5-6 reps out with it)
    rest 3 minutes
    1 set hammer grip skull crushers 5-6 reps, drop set with barbell skull crushers (choose a weight u can get another 5-6 reps out with it)

    then rest 4 MINUTES, to allow u to feel great

    then go do tricep press downs with v bar on the cables, aim for the 8-10 rep range

    and your done

    this workout works GREAT for me, been getting hepas of growth
    Hey ranging, either you are having memory relapses or you are intentionally trying to slam Slingshot Training. What's your deal? You just recently posted saying 6 sets was too much for you on arms and now you are recommending 8?

    Here's your post: Originally Posted by ranging1
    coz anyone naturally would overtrain

    as to ronnie, i didnt use to much volume

    i actually trained at the lower end of ur reload phase

    8 sets for chest
    8 sets for back
    6 sets foir biceps etc

    and i still overtrained

    just goes to show everyone is different

    and gear was legit,

  7. #7
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    ok now im confuzzed...

    i will try ranging1's and see what happens. also to cover cover for him in regards to ronnies post.. he did mention that it always wrks for him and need suficant tools to help recover so im going to assume that isnt his regular routine, but something that he just throws in once in a while??

    i dunno.. seems like a pretty intense workout, perhaps something as drastic is what i need for a bit to summon these pythons into growth. lol

    any other sugestions?

  8. #8
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    great exercise, take the wide grip row bar (palms facing each other) and using that grip, do tricep pushdowns.

  9. #9
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    Dirty jersey
    Overheads skull crushers pushdowns and dips

  10. #10
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    Follow this, in this order.

    Revers grip straight bar pushdowns. 2x15 reps
    W bar puhdows 2x15 reps
    Weightned dips 2x8-10 reps
    Overhead extension with V bar or skullcrushers with Dbs 2x10-12 reps

    All 8 sets are effective sets. Perfect form. Squeeze the TRICEPS, don't use delts in the pushdowns. Subtle pause at the top (parellel to floor) to avoid using momentum. Elbows DONT move forward or backwards.

    Try it. It worked for me.

  11. #11
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Hey ranging, either you are having memory relapses or you are intentionally trying to slam Slingshot Training. What's your deal? You just recently posted saying 6 sets was too much for you on arms and now you are recommending 8?

    Here's your post: Originally Posted by ranging1
    coz anyone naturally would overtrain

    as to ronnie, i didnt use to much volume

    i actually trained at the lower end of ur reload phase

    8 sets for chest
    8 sets for back
    6 sets foir biceps etc

    and i still overtrained

    just goes to show everyone is different

    and gear was legit,
    lol its 7 sets actually
    but its coz im on a gram of anabolics now, so i can recover from that type of workout, never use to be able to
    and i stilll stand by 6 sets for biceps is to much for me, and 7 sets for triceps is still a fair bit for me, but being on a gram of anabolic seems to get rid of that overtraining issue

    Quote Originally Posted by kashalp View Post
    ok now im confuzzed...

    i will try ranging1's and see what happens. also to cover cover for him in regards to ronnies post.. he did mention that it always wrks for him and need suficant tools to help recover so im going to assume that isnt his regular routine, but something that he just throws in once in a while??

    i dunno.. seems like a pretty intense workout, perhaps something as drastic is what i need for a bit to summon these pythons into growth. lol

    any other sugestions?
    its something ive been doing last few weeks and has really worked for growth, just make sure u eat enough and allow enough recovery, u usally have to give an extra recovery day between my chest workout salso since my triceps usually still havent recovered

    the long rests between sets i found are essential since it allows you to have time to gain ur energy back and allow your muscles to be ready for another set

  12. #12
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    and ronnie i have nothing against ur slingshot system

    it does seem to work for alot of people

    i personally just dont think it works behind the theorys u say it does

    the reaosns why it works i believe arent what u say they are, and scientifically speaking the way u say it works is very vague and an easy explain

    it may work yes

    but IMO i think its based on large amounts of calories, heavy steroid use, and intense training combined, then a rest period to allow recovery and since steroids are loosing der effect later in the cycle its the best time to give the body a break and rest

    plus heavy workouts arent effective during this time becuase the steroids are beggining to loose their effects

    as for the protein reduction scheme break, thats probably the only thing i disagree with your system

    also i have seen some of the cycles you have reccomended in previous posts, and personally speaking i do disagree with them and think their overboard, which does lead me to think the way you get results is more through heavy steroid usage, not slingshot training

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kashalp View Post
    ok now im confuzzed...

    i will try ranging1's and see what happens. also to cover cover for him in regards to ronnies post.. he did mention that it always wrks for him and need suficant tools to help recover so im going to assume that isnt his regular routine, but something that he just throws in once in a while??

    i dunno.. seems like a pretty intense workout, perhaps something as drastic is what i need for a bit to summon these pythons into growth. lol

    any other sugestions?
    kashalp, please go back and re-read the quote I posted. ranging claims he over-trained with only 6 sets for arms with Slingshot Training and he was using legit gear! But, now he is telling others to use 8 sets like he does!?!? He really is confused.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    and ronnie i have nothing against ur slingshot system [b]you come across as someone wanting to argue because i have already caught you in several contradictions in which you still have yet to comment on/b]
    it does seem to work for alot of people

    i personally just dont think it works behind the theorys u say it does why
    the reaosns why it works i believe arent what u say they are, and scientifically speaking the way u say it works is very vague and an easy explain

    it may work yes if it works them what your problem with slingshot?
    but imo i think its based on large amounts of calories, heavy steroid use, and intense training combined, then a rest period to allow recovery and since steroids are loosing der effect later in the cycle its the best time to give the body a break and rest define the term heavy steroid use

    plus heavy workouts arent effective during this time becuase the steroids are beggining to loose their effects yes

    as for the protein reduction scheme break, thats probably the only thing i disagree with your system why do you disagree with decrease in protein? Also, the negative things you stated about slingshot in the past was that it was too many sets and too many steroids. You've lost me again!

    also i have seen some of the cycles you have reccomended in previous posts, and personally speaking i do disagree with them and think their overboard, which does lead me to think the way you get results is more through heavy steroid usage, not slingshot training do you know what i run? Obviously not! I am not a big-time competitor so i obviously do not need a lot of drugs at age 43. I do not have the cash at this time to spend on large amounts of drugs and even if i did i have no need in doing so. I do not want to weight 250 at my age because my blood pressure would go sky high due to my genetics but many of my clients weight more than 250 and they pay me to help them do the best they can with their genetic make-up, finances, etc. You know nothing about me or what i am all about. No disrespect but you come across as someone who is very ignorant about what's involved in being a top-lvel competitive bodybuilder. If you do not like what they have to do to reach their goals its best to keep it to yourself because judging them will only make them angry.
    answers above in bold..

  15. #15
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    lol again i told you ive got no problems with it, i just personally dont think it works behind some of the theories u say it does

    heavy steroid use to me is 1 and 1 half grams and above, depending on the compounds obviously

    i disagree with your protein reduction schemeb becuase its completely theoritical on how it works, ur protein reductin scheme looks more like a carb cyling scheme to me, and i think it works morely on calorie (fats and carbs) manipulation rather then protein manipulation since carbs at fat manipulation effects the bodys response to future food intake,

    as for to many sets and to many steroids, i stated that becuase u advocated HUGE workouts and never directed the steroids required to help recover from such workouts, im sure ud agree your steroid intake effects your workout volume and recovery abilities, diet aswell of course

    i wasnt talking about YOU, when i mention heavy steroid usage, i was refering to previous posts i have read about you and your clients, and your reccomendations to some clients for using HUGE amounts of steroids

    i have nothing against the steroid usage, however i do think that your system (slingshot) caters better for these types of people becuase of its intenstity and volume

    form personal expereince i can seee how now with uping my steroid intake ive been able to recover and train better, which obviously has allowed me to up my volume

    i read alot of posts about your slingshot training system but its very broad in its guidlines on how to train, eat, rest

    IMO i really think u should address volume levels for different steroids usage, uve posted alot everyone is different, and yes your right but your slingshot sytem doesnt cater for everyone, i just think u should give some guidlines or reccomendations to what level of anabolics u should use for levels of volume

    apologize if it seems im trying to give your system a hard time, what im trying suggest is that its specific enough and to vague in explanations to help everyone

    however im still completely against your protein reduction scheme
    1. becuase im still yet to find many studies that show protein reduction has been shown to increase nutrient reabsorbtion in the future
    2. becuase this method was used by pro bodybuilders, might still be today, however using a pro bodybuilder as an example i think is useless becuase someone with that level of steroid use will react well to anything
    3. i beleive your protein reduction period, in hibits its effects through changing your carbohydrate and fat intake during this time

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    kashalp, please go back and re-read the quote I posted. ranging claims he over-trained with only 6 sets for arms with Slingshot Training and he was using legit gear! But, now he is telling others to use 8 sets like he does!?!? He really is confused.
    i said 6 sets for biceps, not arms

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol again i told you ive got no problems with it, i just personally dont think it works behind some of the theories u say it does


    i disagree with your protein reduction schemeb becuase its completely theoritical on how it works, ur protein reductin scheme looks more like a carb cyling scheme to me, and i think it works morely on calorie (fats and carbs) manipulation rather then protein manipulation since carbs at fat manipulation effects the bodys response to future food intake, YOU TRY TAKING IN 2 GRAMS OF PROTEIN PER POUND OF BODY WEIGHT FOR 8 WEEKS STRAIGHT AND THEN SEE IF YOU ARE READY TO REDUCE YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE FOR A WEEK OR TWO. I THINK YOU WILL BE READY FROM A BREAK.

    as for to many sets and to many steroids, i stated that becuase u advocated HUGE workouts and never directed the steroids required to help recover from such workouts, im sure ud agree your steroid intake effects your workout volume and recovery abilities, diet aswell of course I DO NOT ADVOCATE HUGE WORKOUTS...LOL..I AM FIRM BELIEVER IN MODERATE VOLUME TRAINING NOT HIGH VOLUME...HIGH VOLUME IS 20 PLUS SETS!

    i wasnt talking about YOU, when i mention heavy steroid usage, i was refering to previous posts i have read about you and your clients, and your reccomendations to some clients for using HUGE amounts of steroids I ONLY MENTIONED ONE CLIENT THAT I KNOW OF TAKING HUGE AMOUNTS AND I ACTUALLY REDUCED HIS DOSAGES. HES MAKING GAINS AND FEELS A LOT BETTER NOW. HE NEEDS A CERTAIN AMOUNT TO GROW AND HES WILLING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. AGAIN, HES IN THE MINORITTY!
    i have nothing against the steroid usage, however i do think that your system (slingshot) caters better for these types of people becuase of its intenstity and volume YOU ARE WRONG! STEROIDS DO NOTHING TO PREVENT OVER-TRAINING OF THE CNS AND JOINTS. OVER-TRAINIG IS RARELY ABOUT MUSCLE RECOVERY BUT RATHER CNS AND TENDON RECOVER. I DO NOT THINK YOU UNDERSTAND. AND MOST NATURALS TRAIN WITH 6-12 SETS PER BODY PART ONCE A WEEK. SOME DO A LOT MORE!
    form personal expereince i can seee how now with uping my steroid intake ive been able to recover and train better, which obviously has allowed me to up my volume

    i read alot of posts about your slingshot training system but its very broad in its guidlines on how to train, eat, rest ITS BROAD BECAUSE EVERYONE RESPOND DIFFERENTLY. FOR EXAMPLE, I'VE TRAINED GUYS WITH SIMILAR GENETICS MUSCLE WISE BUT WHAT ONE COULD ACCOMPLISH WITH ONLY 500 MGS OF TEST PER WEEK THE OTHER ONE NEEDED 1 GRAM OF TEST, 400 MGS OF DECA AND 500 MGS OF D-BOL TO STAY ON PAR WITH THE OHTER ONE. IT HAS TO DO WITH GENETIC REPSONSES TO DRUGS. CALORIES, SETS AND TRAINING DAYS ALSO VARY AMONGST EACH INDIVUAL AND THATS WHY I TOLD YOU ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO OVER-TRAIN WITH SLINGSHOT TRAINING ONCE YOU FIND YOUR SWEET SPOT. COOKIE CUTTER ROUTINES DO NOT WORK FOR EVERYONE AND EVERY VET ON THIS BOARD WILL AGREE. IMO i really think u should address volume levels for different steroids usage, uve posted alot everyone is different, and yes your right but your slingshot sytem doesnt cater for everyone, i just think u should give some guidlines or reccomendations to what level of anabolics u should use for levels of volume LET ME BE CLEAR, IF YOU MAKE YOUR BEST GAINS WITH 8 SETS FOR BICEPS AS A NATURAL, THEN YOU WILL MAKE YOUR BEST GAINS ON STEROIDS WITH 8 SETS.

    apologize if it seems im trying to give your system a hard time, what im trying suggest is that its specific enough and to vague in explanations to help everyone AGAIN, I CAN ONLY BE SO SPECIFIC BECAUSE EVERYONE IS SO DIFFERENT.

    however im still completely against your protein reduction scheme
    1. becuase im still yet to find many studies that show protein reduction has been shown to increase nutrient reabsorbtion in the future IT HELPS INCREASE IT ONLY BECAUSE YOU CAN COME BACK AND STOMACH IT AND IT GIVE YOUR DIGESTIVE ENZYMES A BREAK.
    2. becuase this method was used by pro bodybuilders, might still be today, however using a pro bodybuilder as an example i think is useless becuase someone with that level of steroid use will react well to anything NOT TRUE! GENETICS IS WHAT MAKES ONE A PRO, NOT DRUG USAGE. THE DRUGS ONLY AMPLIFY WHAT THEY HAVE. IF NOT, THEN EVERYONE TAKING LARGE AMOUNTS OF DRUGS WOULD LOOK LIKE JAY CUTLER AND WE KNOW THATS NOT THE CASE.
    3. i beleive your protein reduction period, in hibits its effects through changing your carbohydrate and fat intake during this time YES
    I'm not trying to come across as harsh. I'm trying to teach you some things about bodybuilding. I thing you are confused on some things. I provided some answers above in biold.

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