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Thread: Need some Biceps help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Need some Biceps help!

    I've been working out for a number of years. I've done all kinds of different workouts, routines, crazy stuff. The most difficult body part for me is Biceps. Nothing I have ever done has given me great results on my biceps.
    I have worked to failure, done super sets, strip sets, forced weight that was to heavy, low weight high rep, etc,etc,etc,... None of it has given me second day soreness. None of it has given me any real growth.
    Now dont get me wrong I have grown... of course. But not like I think I should have. Not like I want. My tri's have FAR out performed. Yeah i know they will get bigger faster but you would understand if you saw my arms before I ever touched a gym. lol.

    Here is a quick pic. Notice the total lack of any kind of bicep. Any YES smart @$$ I am flexing LOL

    Please give me some tips guys! Tell me what to do. Let's get these things sore!

    Any and all workouts, advice, tips greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    find a routine,

    stick to it, and be patient.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Ah come on Bro. Give me a little more that that.
    Are you getting your biceps sore? What works for you?

    Lots of you guys have some pretty awesome guns. Give me some advise.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Gaining weight and get stronger are the only way your going to get your arms bigger...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    try drop sets. rest pause. forced reps.

    or lately ive been doing FST-7 Routine for bi's cuz mine dont grow either. seems to be helping

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Stats? age, height,weight bf% etc...would be helpful. What's your workout on arm day like. It helps me to pre-fatigue my biceps first by hitting other muscle groups like your back. By the time I get to biceps, my arms are already pumped.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    try drop sets. rest pause. forced reps.

    or lately ive been doing FST-7 Routine for bi's cuz mine dont grow either. seems to be helping
    Thanks dukkit. I did a quick searchon FST-7 but didn't find anything. Is it a routine that is posted here somewhere?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by over812 View Post
    Stats? age, height,weight bf% etc...would be helpful. What's your workout on arm day like. It helps me to pre-fatigue my biceps first by hitting other muscle groups like your back. By the time I get to biceps, my arms are already pumped.
    Okay. Here goes.

    Back and bicep day - bicep sets - dumbell curl (front and side), ez bar curl, conc curl, hammer curl, finish with a strip set starting with 40's 8-10, then 35's 8-10, then 30's etc.. until complete failure.

    I work until I can barely lift my arms. Still don't feel it the next day.
    When I work Tri's or any other group I get the typical soreness that lasts for 1 to 3 days depending on the intensity of the workout.
    Last edited by First6; 02-16-2010 at 08:23 AM.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    hmm. keep searching. fst info is somewhere

    its basically the last exercise of your workout... you do 7 sets. with only 30-45sec rest between. during that rest period you alternate between stretching and flexing the muscle group.

    really freakin gives you a pump and burn.

    its helped bring up my bi's a tad

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    hmm. keep searching. fst info is somewhere

    its basically the last exercise of your workout... you do 7 sets. with only 30-45sec rest between. during that rest period you alternate between stretching and flexing the muscle group.

    really freakin gives you a pump and burn.

    its helped bring up my bi's a tad
    Okay yeah sounds real close to what I'm doing. The only dif is my only rest between sets is the time it takes to get the next set of DB's
    It is killer. I love it. Just want more results from it.

    I don't know. Maybe I am completely normal and just don't know it. I just assumed I was doing something wrong.

  11. #11
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    I'm sure you've tries this already but concentration curls to finish off your biceps? My arms burn like hell after 3 sets of those at the end of my workout.

    Just a critique also but your arms look a little smooth. It's hard but if you cut your bf% down some more, you could start to see some more definition...sounds like your doing everything right though.

    I know there's been times when I was over-training my biceps and stepped back from them for a few weeks and then saw results after I started up again. I guess the trick is to keep your muscles guessing.

    Good Luck bro!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by over812 View Post
    I'm sure you've tries this already but concentration curls to finish off your biceps? My arms burn like hell after 3 sets of those at the end of my workout.

    Just a critique also but your arms look a little smooth. It's hard but if you cut your bf% down some more, you could start to see some more definition...sounds like your doing everything right though.

    I know there's been times when I was over-training my biceps and stepped back from them for a few weeks and then saw results after I started up again. I guess the trick is to keep your muscles guessing.

    Good Luck bro!
    Thanks. Right now I am doing them in the middle. I am pretty sure I have done them at the end but not positive. I might try it every other workout or something. Yeah I know. My BF got way out of control for a while there. I was @ 22% !!! I have been in a cutting phase to get it down for about 6 weeks now. Working hard and seeing good results there. Goal is 10% again. I gotta stop this BF roller coaster it's killing me.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  13. #13
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    Try chin-ups with weight strapped/added to you. Also try doing only three exercises. Like this:

    Chin-ups: 3 sets of 10
    Barbell curls: 2 sets of 10
    One arm preacher curls: 1 set of 10

    So its only three exercises and 6 sets so make sure you stack the weight. You gotto kill those bi's in those 6 sets.

    Just stick to it. Mix it up every now and then and be patient.

  14. #14
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    Hmm never did the chin ups with the weight belt. Might have to give that a try.

  15. #15
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    post up what you are doing. maybe you are overtraining. biceps are small.

  16. #16
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    Batavia NY
    I don't like to a lot of sets on my bis either. I like to keep my reps
    higher with a few low ones with not much rest in between sets.

  17. #17
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    T-BAR ROWS...keep em oldschool and load up that weight, imo this exercise overloads the biceps more than any other because of the amount of weight one can use since it is a compound movement. i personally took them out of my rotation for 2 months and watched my biceps shrink down to 18" from 19." as soon as i put them back in, my bi's blew up to normal proportions.

  18. #18
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    When working out your biceps are you focusing on the contraction of the muscle or like most in the gym just trying to lift the weight. I have found when I reduced the weight, utilize concentration curls (as someone already suggested) and focused more on the contraction, squeeze and pump of just that muscle in-particular my arms grew.

    But remember the look of your muscle is all genetic and you won't ever be able to have a bicep peak like Arnold or others you may idiolize. You are born with what you got and just have to make the best of it.

  19. #19
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    arm looks a little bit fatty
    you sure about that body fat?

    you say you're on a bodyfat rollercoaster
    well, if you get fat while not working out
    then you diet and train to get it back're never giving your muscles what they need to grow

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Houston we have a problem
    eat alot me they will get bigger whats your diet like many calories are you intaking a day??

  21. #21
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    I forgot about this thread... Had the email notification turned off for some reason.
    Reed - No I just try to lift the weight. I def need to change that and focus on the squeeze! Thanks!
    Kratos - As sure as I can be with what I have to work with. I use an Omron analizer (they have been proven very accurite)because I dont go to a gym and I don't know anyone that can use the calipers. Yeah your kind of right... I get fat when I lose the diet. I never stop working out. It's the diet that kills me. I just really lose it sometimes.
    Last edited by First6; 03-17-2010 at 01:01 PM.

  22. #22
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What is your arm routine

  23. #23
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    Hey man it's pretty simple...

    First off just from that pic of your arm I can tell you probably aren't in the best shape ever. Your probably just trying to work your "glamour" muscles. But hey listen up! Your bicep is a tiny tiny muscle, probably the most overtrained. Think about that, also a lot of people say this, you want your bicep to look bigger? Than work your tricep! Your tricep is a much larger muscle and just making that look bigger makes your bicep look bigger. And one more thing!! The majority of bicep exercises, I'll go head and say 99% of them (ball park figure) are all isolation exercises (ie curls of any kind), the kind of exercises you need to get that muscle big are compound exercises (ie bench or squats) the only compound exercises you can do for your biceps would be a pull up, yeah I know pull ups sucks, but they'll get your biceps bigger. So whenever you work biceps start out with like 4 sets of pull ups, add weight if you're a beast. And then after that you can do 2 sets of whatever little BS curls you wanna do, but those pulls are gonna be your bread and butter for adding size to your guns. Make sure you're doing them palms facing you with your hands pretty close together. Don't use any momentum with your body, just blast those biceps.

  24. #24
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    I do biceps on back day...I pick 4 exercises from the following: dumbell curl (front and side), ez bar curl, conc curl, hammer curl, preacher curl, isometric curl
    I do 2 sets of all 4, then repeat doing 2 sets of all 4 again. then I finish with a strip set starting with 40's 8-10, then 35's 8-10, then 30's etc.. until complete failure.

  25. #25
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    yeah doing that every time is probably overtraining. Try working them out by themselves or with triceps. Stick with 12 total sets, that's all you need I promise you. Just make sure your form is good and your intesity is through the roof.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    Hey man it's pretty simple...

    First off just from that pic of your arm I can tell you probably aren't in the best shape ever. Your probably just trying to work your "glamour" muscles. But hey listen up! Your bicep is a tiny tiny muscle, probably the most overtrained. Think about that, also a lot of people say this, you want your bicep to look bigger? Than work your tricep! Your tricep is a much larger muscle and just making that look bigger makes your bicep look bigger. And one more thing!! The majority of bicep exercises, I'll go head and say 99% of them (ball park figure) are all isolation exercises (ie curls of any kind), the kind of exercises you need to get that muscle big are compound exercises (ie bench or squats) the only compound exercises you can do for your biceps would be a pull up, yeah I know pull ups sucks, but they'll get your biceps bigger. So whenever you work biceps start out with like 4 sets of pull ups, add weight if you're a beast. And then after that you can do 2 sets of whatever little BS curls you wanna do, but those pulls are gonna be your bread and butter for adding size to your guns. Make sure you're doing them palms facing you with your hands pretty close together. Don't use any momentum with your body, just blast those biceps.
    WHAT THE...!! are you looking in my window!?!? LOL
    Yeah your right I worked only glamour muscles for about 2 years. Just got back to the real thing about a year ago. Was in good shape before that though. Total years is prob around 9-10 range. Amazing how fast it all goes away when you stop. Interesting you said about the pull/chin ups. I always hated (therefore avoided) them. But I put them in my routine when I started back to it and I love them now. Nothing feels as good as cranking them out!
    Thanks for the advise!

  27. #27
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    Some say that just pull-ups and chin-ups are sufficient for biceps, but i don't get sore unless i take two weeks off and then do them. I have the same problem. I have un-proportional tri's to bi's man. But as stated, they are like the smallest muscle aside from traps, so i stopped doing them a few years back, but now i want proportions in order. I do as many pull-ups and chin-ups then if not tired, i will do preachers or 21's... I have always been a fan of 21's (7 ups) but i also feel like they over train with not enough weight sometimes? I switch but would like some bigger bi's surely lol. Ill get there.

    "dirty d"

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    I'm the same way dirty d, my bi's never get sore, psychologically though I couldn't handle taking weeks off from working a muscle group

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks for the advice so far guys. There is a couple things in here I'm gonna try.

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