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Thread: Archangel.'s OFFICIAL Q & A Thread

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    While I did explain how to start your own Q+A or blog, I did not delve into your qualifications to do so. I figured if your qualifications were sub par it would surface sooner or later, and like G4R if you are already advising I would rather it be on the open board rather than via pm.
    I'm just trying to share my personal experience to help other, and am doing it here on the open board. I wasn't trying to use you as a scapegoat Big, just stating that you are a vet, and you didn't object.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    It may help everyones mind if you post up some of your biographical informations as it relates to training, cycling, show experience ect. Much how i have some info on me on the first page of my thread in my signiture below.
    Okay, I will try to do that, thanks for the advice.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    for the record, I do feel your intentions are good here.
    Your correct with that statement, purely trying to help.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    I dont see any reason to close the thread down (but that is not up to me). I think as long as it is all kept on the open board, and the advice is given, like you said, only as to what you know, as long as people want to ask you questions, more power to you.
    Thanks G4R, that's my M.O.

  5. #45
    I believe the OP's intentions were positive, if people want to ask him questions then that's fine as we are all here to help eachother, if and only if his advice is inaccurate then I'm sure people will step in an correct him. In the meantime back back off him a little and let the thread be what it was intended to be.....

    jing jai

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Sorry for my post earlier it was meant as a joke.

    I also feel your intentions are good, but to many you came off in a way i dont think you inteneded to. The few guys you see with OFFICIAL advice threads have spent time here proving themselves and they have many credentials to prove they know what they are doing.

    You have only been here a short while and no one has been able to gauge whether or not you will give good advice. We just dont want new guys thinking that you will give them everything they need to know when we arent sure you have any knowledge on the subject.

    Any advice is appreciated here though. Helping others with personal experience is always best. If someone feels that you have given wrong advice then they will let you know. You may learn things that you didnt already know

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hey Archangel,

    I think most people reacted negatively at the start because there are so many parrots handing out there two cents about things they don't know anything about. However I doubt very much u are one of these people and YOUR INTENSIONS ARE CLEARLY GOOD! So I say good on you for having a go and good luck with the thread. If Iv got any questions il throw them your way...

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I have a question.

    Do you think that most people do to many compounds at to high a level. To me it seems wasteful or even harmful to run two or three compounds at once. Especially if you consider that these dosages may add up to 1-2000mg of androgens. Which would be many many times higher normal levels even on the high end?
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel.;52***91
    See above in bold

    Okay, you clearly didn't read my first post, and I have learned since the posts you referred to about me not knowing where to get needles, or gear etc. However, I do NOT claim to know it all, for all those who may accuse me of this again, I'm just trying to help from what I've learned from this site and personal experience. If this thread offends everyone that much, then I have no problems closing it.
    Like I stated in my first post.... "I Think it's great that you want to help new users out" I understand that your intentions are clearly positive and never tried to take that away from you.

    I read through your previous posts and started to become concerned that you may be giving advice on subject you may not know, or maybe you think you know at no fault of your own. I also understand that you cleary wrote in your first post that you "Do not know everything" You must understand something.... When new users come on the board and the see the title of your thread, they will ask a question, get an answer and believe/preach it like its gold. I have not been here very long but have spent a lot of time on here. I have seen this time and time again and the vets have seen it waaay more than me. I myself have received some terrible advice on this board when I was new to it, but I do not believe everything I hear... I keep asking until I get multiple answers do some searching and draw my own conclusions.

    Maybe it was a simple mistake and you meant that you know a lot about training and diet but not much about AAS and if that is the case it was simply posted in the wrong forum.

    I wish you no ill will or misfortune.... and only the best. I also hope that you do hold a wealth of knowledge that you can contribute to the board as I have many many years of learning ahead of me and hopefully if I do have a question you'll be able to answer it with experience as many others have done for me over time.

    No disrespect was ever intended, I hope this is clear.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I believe the OP's intentions were positive, if people want to ask him questions then that's fine as we are all here to help eachother, if and only if his advice is inaccurate then I'm sure people will step in an correct him. In the meantime back back off him a little and let the thread be what it was intended to be.....
    Thank you for the positive comment. I would expect nothing less than for people more experienced than myself to step in and correct me if they feel I have given ill advice.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Sorry for my post earlier it was meant as a joke.

    I also feel your intentions are good, but to many you came off in a way i dont think you inteneded to. The few guys you see with OFFICIAL advice threads have spent time here proving themselves and they have many credentials to prove they know what they are doing.

    You have only been here a short while and no one has been able to gauge whether or not you will give good advice. We just dont want new guys thinking that you will give them everything they need to know when we arent sure you have any knowledge on the subject.

    Any advice is appreciated here though. Helping others with personal experience is always best. If someone feels that you have given wrong advice then they will let you know. You may learn things that you didnt already know
    Ya, lol, I totally got you were just messing with me. I'm sorry to all about the misinterpretation of that "official" word in the title. I just meant it was MY official thread, not that I was an "official" on all of this. It made me feel kinda proud to be honest. I completely understand you not wanting me to give ill advice to new members, as I realize there is a good chance they will follow the advice, be it good or bad. Helping others with personal advice is exactly what I intend, and I'm sure I will learn just as much as I help.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Hey Archangel,

    I think most people reacted negatively at the start because there are so many parrots handing out there two cents about things they don't know anything about. However I doubt very much u are one of these people and YOUR INTENSIONS ARE CLEARLY GOOD! So I say good on you for having a go and good luck with the thread. If Iv got any questions il throw them your way...
    Thanks Dr Pepper! My intentions are good, and for sure, ask me whatever you like and I will try my best to answer you as accurately and honestly as I can, and if I can't, I will tell you I don't know.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I have a question.

    Do you think that most people do to many compounds at to high a level. To me it seems wasteful or even harmful to run two or three compounds at once. Especially if you consider that these dosages may add up to 1-2000mg of androgens. Which would be many many times higher normal levels even on the high end?
    Well, I would assume someone of your stature on this forum either already knows the answer to this or at least have your own opinion, but here goes. Only from what I have read and studied, I feel that one should only run as much is needed to achieve results (assuming diet, rest and training are in order first). I too feel that it is wasteful and or harmful to run the amount of gear you are referring to above, especially if one has never ran 1 or more of the compounds. Again, this is from what I have read/studied. For instance, I am currently running a test only cycle, and I am getting such stellar results (in my opinion), that it won't necessarily be essential or beneficial for me to add in another compound next time I cycle. If you get great results running 500mg test/week, then run 500mg test/week. There's no definite or legitimate reason to just add in more gear and other compounds if what you're already running is giving you the results you want. I think some people just run test/deca cycles their first time around because they somehow have come to the conclusion that it's just what you do. When really they would have probably just as well off with just the test.

    I hope that helps

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Like I stated in my first post.... "I Think it's great that you want to help new users out" I understand that your intentions are clearly positive and never tried to take that away from you.
    Thanks bud

    I read through your previous posts and started to become concerned that you may be giving advice on subject you may not know, or maybe you think you know at no fault of your own. I also understand that you cleary wrote in your first post that you "Do not know everything" You must understand something.... When new users come on the board and the see the title of your thread, they will ask a question, get an answer and believe/preach it like its gold. (I'm beginning to understand this fact more and more) I have not been here very long but have spent a lot of time on here. I have seen this time and time again and the vets have seen it waaay more than me. I myself have received some terrible advice on this board when I was new to it, but I do not believe everything I hear... I keep asking until I get multiple answers do some searching and draw my own conclusions.
    I think it's always best to get more than one opinion too
    Maybe it was a simple mistake and you meant that you know a lot about training and diet but not much about AAS and if that is the case it was simply posted in the wrong forum.
    That's pretty much what I meant, so I think you're right that I am in the wrong forum

    I wish you no ill will or misfortune.... and only the best. I also hope that you do hold a wealth of knowledge that you can contribute to the board as I have many many years of learning ahead of me and hopefully if I do have a question you'll be able to answer it with experience as many others have done for me over time.

    I hope I can help you with whatever questions you may have, and maybe you can help me too
    No disrespect was ever intended, I hope this is clear.
    None taken, I respect what you're standing up for

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Agree. A lot of people get this idea that once your 2 cycles in, you must use 2 compounds. 3rd cycle in, 3 compounds and so on and so fourth.

    My first 3 cycles were test only. 4th I added in one more compound, and it was an oral, which most people do on their very first cycle. I never got around to injecting 2 compounds until my 5th cycle. It just wasn't necessary.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Well, I would assume someone of your stature on this forum either already knows the answer to this or at least have your own opinion, but here goes. Only from what I have read and studied, I feel that one should only run as much is needed to achieve results (assuming diet, rest and training are in order first). I too feel that it is wasteful and or harmful to run the amount of gear you are referring to above, especially if one has never ran 1 or more of the compounds. Again, this is from what I have read/studied. For instance, I am currently running a test only cycle, and I am getting such stellar results (in my opinion), that it won't necessarily be essential or beneficial for me to add in another compound next time I cycle. If you get great results running 500mg test/week, then run 500mg test/week. There's no definite or legitimate reason to just add in more gear and other compounds if what you're already running is giving you the results you want. I think some people just run test/deca cycles their first time around because they somehow have come to the conclusion that it's just what you do. When really they would have probably just as well off with just the test.

    I hope that helps
    I dont know much on the AAS side of things. So my status as a roid guru is nill...LOL

    Thanks for the reply
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  17. #57
    I just want to point something out to everyone here. I am by no means a "steroid guru". My main focus where I feel I can help people is diet and training, as I have made a transformation with my own body over the past 6 months that I am very proud of, and would like to help others do the same. I have been helping people here and there on this forum for a little while, and been helping people out in the world for several years. I have been training seriously for the past 12 years. Maybe I don't "need" my own thread for this, I just had several people on here that I helped on a daily basis and they suggested I should have a thread. I thought it would be a good idea and make it easier for them and anyone else to ask me questions. If this whole thread idea of mine is more than necessary, then I can close it. The people I talk back and forth with can always pm me, it's no biggie. What do you senior guys/vets think?

    I'm not "giving up" here, just want your honest opinions

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Agree. A lot of people get this idea that once your 2 cycles in, you must use 2 compounds. 3rd cycle in, 3 compounds and so on and so fourth.
    I don't know how this idea got to be gospel, but it gets out of hand

    My first 3 cycles were test only. 4th I added in one more compound, and it was an oral, which most people do on their very first cycle. I never got around to injecting 2 compounds until my 5th cycle. It just wasn't necessary.
    It sounds like you went about cycling on the intelligent side

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I dont know much on the AAS side of things. So my status as a roid guru is nill...LOL

    Thanks for the reply
    You're welcome

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I have no problem with the thread.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  21. #61
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    Only when bonus time comes around I'll go ahead and treat myself with a nice stack. Besides that, it's usually test only.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    I just want to point something out to everyone here. I am by no means a "steroid guru". My main focus where I feel I can help people is diet and training, as I have made a transformation with my own body over the past 6 months that I am very proud of, and would like to help others do the same. I have been helping people here and there on this forum for a little while, and been helping people out in the world for several years. I have been training seriously for the past 12 years. Maybe I don't "need" my own thread for this, I just had several people on here that I helped on a daily basis and they suggested I should have a thread. I thought it would be a good idea and make it easier for them and anyone else to ask me questions. If this whole thread idea of mine is more than necessary, then I can close it. The people I talk back and forth with can always pm me, it's no biggie. What do you senior guys/vets think?

    I'm not "giving up" here, just want your honest opinions
    If you want a thread for guys you help to come and ask you questions, go for it. If they are comfortable with your opinions, then answer away. But like I said, try to keep it all to the open board. We have problems many times when info is traded back and forth via PM.
    Last edited by G4R; 07-23-2010 at 08:08 PM.

  23. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    If you want a thread for guys you help to come and ask you questions, go for it. If they are comfortable with your opinions, then answer away. But like I said, try to keep it all to the open board. We have problems many times when info is traded back and forth via PM.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    If you want a thread for guys you help to come and ask you questions, go for it. If they are comfortable with your opinions, then answer away. But like I said, try to keep it all to the open board. We have problems many times when info is traded back and forth via PM.
    This is my 2 cents. I may be a novice when it comes to AAS but be assured, a novice in one discipline can also be a Guru in another. I am definitely one of these people. The proof of my ability is the quality of people that I turn out and my peers have no doubt about my performance or expertise. On the long road to where I currently sit, and looking at those in the same field, it seems the mid-level/lower-level guys are always the ones to tear into a guy for trying to offer advise or use their experience to help someone new. I think this stretches across all occupations/endeavors and is one of the less noble aspects of human an/or animal behavior. I suppose after the prerequisite kicking and belittling, Archangel will be allowed to try to help people and will be judged based on the info/advise he gives. If you read his previous posts, specifically his advise to me, it was about diet, which has always been my blind spot, (I'm too good of a cook!!) and my training split. All of it, when taken into consideration and compared with many other opinions, seems solid and was invaluable to getting me on the right track. Any idiot who takes advice from the internet without cross-checking it is probably already standing in the taxi queue in Liberia waiting to get picked up and taken to their newly acquired millions. So far, I can't feature this guy spouting off a bunch of bullshit for the sake of his ego, which he has clearly stated at the beginning of his thread he would not do. That said, I guess after all the big dog/little dog stuff is out of the way, only time will tell...

  25. #65
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Jesus **** this thread got out of hand fast. I read it yesterday when it had 2 posts lol

    Archangel I have two Q's
    #1 is that you in your avatar?

    #2 What is a typical ab day for you in terms of exercises and sets? You look big to have the abs you have assuming answer to question number one is yes. Thanks for your help.

  26. #66
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Before this gets rolling, may i ask your cycle experience??

  27. #67
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    Arch has ran only 1 cycle before, consisting of test only. He indeed has transformed his body pretty nicely due to his urge for wanting to learn and studying everything needed to get the results he wanted. ie diet, aas, workout routines, and pct. I myself think he has done a wonderful job and has actually STUDIED the above subjects as you can see from his previous posts of asking a million questions to well-knowledged vets.

  28. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Jesus **** this thread got out of hand fast. I read it yesterday when it had 2 posts lol

    Archangel I have two Q's
    #1 is that you in your avatar?
    Yes, that is me.

    #2 What is a typical ab day for you in terms of exercises and sets? You look big to have the abs you have assuming answer to question number one is yes. Thanks for your help.
    Well, please don't hate on me for this, but it is the truth. I CURRENTLY don't train abs at all, HOWEVER, I did train my abs very intensely for many years prior to now. (I used to be chunky years ago, and was one of those poor lost souls that was under the belief that the more I trained my abs, the faster the fat would melt off my gut) I have long since learned that is NOT the case. Having said that, I always believed that an effective ab routine does NOT have to be complicated or very long in duration. I developed the abs I have now by simply performing 3 sets of crunches with my feet elevated on a chair (or sometimes I would hold them up there myself without the chair for an extra challenge) at 20-25 reps. I would then do the same sets/reps scheme for reverse crunches, and then finally oblique crunches (done from your side). I know this doesn't sound like much, but from my experience the MOST important aspect of training abs is not so much the exercise you choose, as it is the manner in which you execute each and every repetition. Each rep should be done in a slow and controlled fashion, with a pause at the top, then a slow and controlled negative. During the pause at the top, really try to SQUEEZE and contract your abs. Performing a set in this manner pumps and tightens my abs more than if I did 100 sloppy reps. You've also got to be consistent with your ab training. Give it a try.

    Above in bold

  29. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    Before this gets rolling, may i ask your cycle experience??
    Absolutely. I am currently running my FIRST cycle, test e only. HOWEVER, having said that, I never really intended to advise too much on AAS usage, as I am still green myself, and I admit that. I know more than the average noob because of what I have read and studied, and I possess an affinity for retaining information on subjects that intrigue me, but I am by know means a steroid guru. I intend more to help on diet and training.

    So, perhaps this thread is in the wrong section, and if it is, I apologize. Perhaps someone could move it if need be???

  30. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisx View Post
    Arch has ran only 1 cycle before, consisting of test only. He indeed has transformed his body pretty nicely due to his urge for wanting to learn and studying everything needed to get the results he wanted. ie diet, aas, workout routines, and pct. I myself think he has done a wonderful job and has actually STUDIED the above subjects as you can see from his previous posts of asking a million questions to well-knowledged vets.
    Thanks for the good words chrisx

  31. #71
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    "Adding an ester delays the amount of time that it takes for the steroid to leave the body, although peak concentrations are realized (with both long as well as short esters) within a day or two at most."

    Discuss if you believe or not peak testosterone concentrations are equally achieved within the same amount of time regardless of the ester present on a given testosterone molecule.

    Support your answer with appropriate references if used.

  32. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    "Adding an ester delays the amount of time that it takes for the steroid to leave the body, although peak concentrations are realized (with both long as well as short esters) within a day or two at most."

    Discuss if you believe or not peak testosterone concentrations are equally achieved within the same amount of time regardless of the ester present on a given testosterone molecule.

    Support your answer with appropriate references if used.
    Bud, I don't know if you missed my above post or not, (the answer to your Q about my AAS experience), but I stated that I am still green on some of the AAS knowledge. So, to hold true to what I said in my very first post about not answering if I don't know, I'm gonna have to pass this one up, sorry. I kinda get the gist that you are more or less "testing" me with this question, but if you are not, and it is in fact a legit question you have, I suggest you run it by Ronnie Rowland, or one of the other vets.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Absolutely. I am currently running my FIRST cycle, test e only. HOWEVER, having said that, I never really intended to advise too much on AAS usage, as I am still green myself, and I admit that. I know more than the average noob because of what I have read and studied, and I possess an affinity for retaining information on subjects that intrigue me, but I am by know means a steroid guru. I intend more to help on diet and training.

    So, perhaps this thread is in the wrong section, and if it is, I apologize. Perhaps someone could move it if need be???
    So you want to advise more on workout training as opposed to AAS questions with your thread? If so, we can probably get it moved for you.

  34. #74
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    Hey Angel, thanks for the answer on the carb cycling. Got my next carb up day tomorrow, so perfect timing on that one.

    One thing I was thinking about, on Sat. I do no training of any kind (swimming a little with the tourists, but DEFINITELY nothing that could be confused with cardio), so would you adjust your caloric intake for that day (TDEE down?)
    Or what? Let me know if these questions are getting tedious, I'm even annoying myself a little...

  35. #75
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    Archangle we can all clearly see your intentions are good and your just trying to help out.I think personally it may have been better not starting a thread now and just answering questions in Q+A and when members got to know who you were and what you are about then start a thread then members/vets/mods would be comfortable with the advice you gave out.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    Archangle we can all clearly see your intentions are good and your just trying to help out.I think personally it may have been better not starting a thread now and just answering questions in Q+A and when members got to know who you were and what you are about then start a thread then members/vets/mods would be comfortable with the advice you gave out.
    great advice!!!

  37. #77
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    What's your opinion on HIT vs. volume training?

  38. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Angel, thanks for the answer on the carb cycling. Got my next carb up day tomorrow, so perfect timing on that one.

    One thing I was thinking about, on Sat. I do no training of any kind (swimming a little with the tourists, but DEFINITELY nothing that could be confused with cardio), so would you adjust your caloric intake for that day (TDEE down?)
    You know what, that is actually something I do myself. I tend to reduce overall cals on a no activity day via carbs. However, I don't reduce them drastically, maybe 50 grams or so in my case, but I do tend to reduce them. I wouldn't personally advise this if one were trying to gain muscle mass, but I feel it can be incorporated effectively while cutting. Another thing to point out, as you know the carb-cycling that I utilize is Ron's STS version, as you know, and one thing he suggests is try to line up your carb-up days with a workout day, and not an off day. Something like back day or leg day is optimal. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

    Or what? Let me know if these questions are getting tedious, I'm even annoying myself a little...
    No problem

    Above in bold

  39. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    Archangle we can all clearly see your intentions are good and your just trying to help out.I think personally it may have been better not starting a thread now and just answering questions in Q+A and when members got to know who you were and what you are about then start a thread then members/vets/mods would be comfortable with the advice you gave out.
    Well, that's what I started to wonder too. I started feeling like a thread of my own like this might be a little presumptuous, or at least look that way. I would feel a little bad closing it now after I've garnered some support of some of the vets, and I would feel like I were disappointing those that do like to ask me questions.

  40. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    What's your opinion on HIT vs. volume training?
    From personal experience, I have found way more success with variations of HIT training as opposed to volume training. I however don't subscribe to the extreme Mike Mentzer variation, although it may have it's benefits and work well for some. I do feel from a general standpoint that the intensity put forth is key, and not the overall volume. For instance, I was beginning to plateau on my chest training, and only after REDUCING total work sets performed once a week from 12 down to 9, have I continued making progress. Do I think this trend would continue indefinitely, as if I reduced total work sets from 9 down to 6, then 3 etc? No, I don't. I feel there is a happy medium to be reached between the HIT vs volume debate, and that medium is a very individualistic thing.

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