Im looking to jump ona basic prop cycles with nolvadex throughout and clomid at the end. Prop for 100 eod. Am i ready or what fellas?
Im looking to jump ona basic prop cycles with nolvadex throughout and clomid at the end. Prop for 100 eod. Am i ready or what fellas?
what i looked like last year at 240 lbs
hmm i would personally lower my bf to your 2nd pic where you were at, you may get less sides.
yeah i hear that terraj told me to drop thirty lbs .shit man the prob is the more i read and see the more my hunger grows to take this shit to the next level already.
What happened? You look like you gained more than 40 lbs but then at the same time you may have lost 20 lbs of muscle. Why the big change for the worse?
Why would you think a cycle would be the answer. Diet and exercise until you get back to where you where or better before using any AAS
Think you looked better in your second pic. If you cycle, go with a good cutting stack and do cardio and get a good diet plan together.
Agreed with Stevey and Lover... BF is too high. I don't think you will be happy with your results if you cycle now. You're looking for a quick fix based on your statement "shit man the prob is the more i read and see the more my hunger grows to take this shit to the next level already". AAS is not the answer, in fact nothing is, because there is no quick fix. Get your diet and training in check, drop the BF naturally and revisit the idea of a cycle when you're ready. My .03
What exactly are your goals? seeing as everyone just jumped in with the old BF BS?
ayy lovebyts sometimes its just not love that bites its life my dude . the change for a worse was because im recovering from brain surgery and i was in bed two and a half months healing. Not for nothing but i dont need any aas but i am going to try it . am i going to jump into it ? no. am i feeling heavier than ever ? yes but give me a couple months of hard work and ill be back with pics of a new ar-gun . i appreciate all the feedback . gbrice iv been lifting since i was sixteen for fun not sports not cause my coach made me just because its what i like to do. not trying to get at anyone but im not the type to do a cycle for the summer time so i could look good on the beach. stevey thanks i def agree. xxl my goals are lowering my body fat and lean gains. getting big for me isnt a problem getting vascular and ripped is. i attched some photos of my injury. sometimes shit happens and you take a couple steps back.
Ouch brutha, no worries. I try to remind people this is a lifetime deal so you've got plenty of time to bounce back.
Ease back into things and take it slow the desired results will come in time with proper training and diet.
From your above post it Looks like you got your head on straight, you'll be back in top shape soon enough if you keep that attitude up. I'll be looking foward to some updated pics in a couple of months!!!!
Good luck with your recovery and training goals!!
Stay Strong
lovebytes i love how you say i lost twenty lbs of muscle bro ??? if i had the amount of cycles under my belt as you it would prob be a different situation. one thing i could say is you could sauce up as much as you want you will alwys be short lol but i could always lose bodyfat . this is what im gonna get back to in motnhs time natural playboyyyyy .
I'm curious to know why you think this is BS? The OP is clearly in the 20%+ range. I would imagine his goal is to gain mass what with it being just a test cycle. Seriously, how good do you think his results will be with his bodyfat being that high? He probably won't even be able to see any visible results, he'll gain weight but won't know the composition of that weight, and his chances of estro-related sides is much higher. Running nolva with the cycle doesn't guarantee jack.
damn gbrice you think im over 20% ? i need to get myself calibrated . im not looking for mass though. im looking to lower my bf and have lean gains. not trying to gain mass. i want to run something thats not toxic like winstrol so i was thinking clenbuterol with some help from a eca stack on my off days from the clen along with test prop so i preserve muscle mass while losing bf but of coarse i got some runnning to do man i know i gained some weight but mind you i wasnt aloud to do anything but eat and toilet for two months or more .but i got it in me believe me im a hard trainer. i lift heavy and i dont slack off with the cardio. lol for a big boy i could run believe me
Over might be pushing it, but I think you are right around 20%, sorry bro. I would hold off on the winny for now and bring BF down without it first. If you want to run clen, go for it. You can run keto along with the clen so you don't have to cycle 2 weeks on/off, also don't have to use ECA's then. I would NOT run test if your goal is dropping bodyfat here - clen is known to have muscle preserving attributes on it's own. As long as your deficit isn't too great, I don't think you need to worry about losing much muscle, if any. Slow and steady brotha...
I think he is over 20% to be honest.
Not even close to ready for a cycle.
You need to hit the cardio for a while my friend before you think about any AAS.
You need to get back to that 230-240 range.
And if I had your genetics I don't know that I would even touch the juice. It looks like you have no problem building muscle, that is for sure.
yeah i got some work to do my friends. i agree
Yup life bites sometimes definitely. Well that explains a lot. Full disclosure is helpful in these cases of asking for help and opinions.
Well you know the drill. Start working out again, get the diet on track and you will be back to where you where or better in no time. Muscle memory is a wonderful think and you will think and grow like you where using AAS but without the sides or bloat.
Keep us informed on your progress all the way around.
I have had my share of setbacks also. Minor things like torn rotator cuff, fractured shoulder, Herniated/ruptured L3 & L4 then 2 years later major rupture of L5 that paralyzed me from the waist down until after surgery. I loss ALL my muscle in my legs. First time in my life I had chicken legs and NO calfs. It was a scary time, I could not even take a sh*t it was so bad...... I also got Hep B in 1990 that knocked me off my butt for 2+ years. I went from working out 6 days a week, 2 hrs a day 175 lbs of Lean mean early 20s to 115 lbs of??? in less than 2 weeks. Life can defiantly bite/suck.
Keep up the good work
I didnt mean any disrespect by it, I only mean that besides the weight you gained you had obviously loss some muscle also that it was not mearly 20 lbs but + whatever muscle weight you loss. You look pretty good in your 2nd picture so I am guessing you had quite a bit of muscle and I know from experience that it does not take long to loose a LOT due to being imobilized. Been there, done that.
No disrespect meant. Yup I will always be short, I blame my parent but that's why I visit the Asian countries (one of the reasons) so often. Im TALL over there. hahahahaha It's all in perspective.
I would say you are at/around the 20% also but really before turning to ECA stack or anything just get the diet on track. Honestly when I FINALLY got back into things 3 years ago and from learning on this site how to eat properly I went from 20%= down to 15% in a matter of months. I started to think maybe something was wrong with me because I was loosing so much weight/fat so quickly and I was not hardly working out yet.
The biggest change was from learning to eat 6x a day or more. That made a HUGE difference. I also found by eating all the time and never being hungry I did not have any cravings for junk or bad foods.
Safe the ECA stacks and clen for when you want to drop the last 2% when you want to get down to 10% bf. You can easily get there by making a few simple change.
ay lovbytes i could relate man i went through allot too it def wasnt cut and dry to say the least man . But iv seen what you look like you def have the drive and so do i . its going to take allot more to stop us brother.
Yeah I hear you. My last surgery when I ruptured L5 was what did it for me. I knew it was either get back in shape or be a fat old crippled. Yeah set backs are a bitch, I still have my fare share but we got to keep going and making progress. No short term goals like when we where kids. That's another think I have learned and changed. No bulking/cutting cycles just constant gaining, trying to improve. If i have any goals they are set like 1 yr out, not 2 or 3 months.
ugh man when you said when we were kids it made me feel old brother . i remember what changes i could make with such minimal work. i felt like i could lift for days and stay hard for days in all aspects hahha but hey man ima keep reading and researching and putting in my work at the gym and come back with new pics till you guys ok me to go to the darkside
I honestly think that you would be better served to focus on losing the BF. The reason I say that is because when you cycle even if your intent is to lose weight and tone up. Most get in love with the strenght gains and the associated mass that gets put on. All and all even with good intentions. The cycle turns into nothing more than I put on 20lbs of muscle and dropped a little bit of fat. Not saying this would be you, but you understand where I am coming from.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.†Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
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why dont you look at clen/T3, maybe some var also.
It doesnt aromatize so you cant get any E2 sides. Combine that with some cardio and a perfect diet and you'll get great results.
def hear that iv always been the type to hate cardio and to love free weights so i could see that happening. my issue is iv always had a ridiculous appetite. what would be best to assist me in losing the bf otc wise cause im already dedicating myslef to cardio and eating six times a day like lovbytes suggested but i need a little something something to help me out i feel like
steve i was just about to ask what you guys would suggest and your right there to help out again . thanks . iv been reading and the reviews for the ar clen and its 50/5o on liking it .what do you guys think about it ? clen with keto so i could run it longer with no breaks ,some t3 sounds good. about the anavar i hear its faked the most so me being a virgin to this game i dont wanna get done dirty by some dick around town hahhaha so idk but clen and t3 sounds like something i should look into . any other suggestions fellas ?
i would try some hgh, clen and t-3 along with a strong cardio workout before running a cycle. you looked great at 240lbs and should try to get back down to that weight before cycling
I have always been the same way. I HATE cardio with a passion unless I can get outside and run but my back doesn't let me do much of that anymore. Maybe it's my ADD but I go crazy after 10 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. For the first year almost my workouts where routine but for the last 1 1/2 years I have been able to get my workouts up enough that I can keep my heartbeat at a good elevated rate and after about 30 minutes I have a good sweat going same as if I was doing cardio. I still get a good rest in-between sets but I put enough intensity into the workout to make up for the lack of cardio.
Still, if/when I really want to cut I will focus more on cardio but still dont over do it. If your diet is not right on and you aren't supplementing your protein right before/after your workout and cardio you can end up depleting your muscles for energy instead of or on top of fat. I may not be saying that 100% accurately; using the right terminology but basically doing to much cardio can cut into your muscle gains.
If you had alot of muscle to burn and didn't mind giving up SOME of it, I would say go for the T3. Since it appears you've already lost quite a bit of muscle, AND you have a significant amount of fat to burn, I would not use T3 right now. The problem with T3 is that it doesn't discriminate - it will torch bodyfat and muscle just the same. On top of that, it can be dangerous sh!t if you don't know what you're doing bro. It's straight thyroid hormone and you can seriously screw up your metabolism among other things. My .02
i wouldnt jump into it without researching the shit out of it. since you told me about the keto iv been doing my homework on that and if im correct its just a pill to help with your receptors and would start taking that at week two of clen cycle and also take it at night cause it may cause drowsiness. this way i wouldnt have to go on and off with the clen. t3 is another story i need to read up about it to see if its for me or not.
[QUOTE=PT;5373806 i would try some hgh, clen and t-3[/QUOTE]
Dont you think this is bad advise before you know the guys diet etc...
Last edited by baseline_9; 09-29-2010 at 03:03 PM.
looked way better at 240
Hey man;
only you can decide when it's time to jump on the wagon, but at 25 I'd do a blood test fiorst and see where your natty test levels are. I think you look great for what you have been through - a lot of guys never get to looking that good! i would def hold off on the cycle 3 months and try to loose some bf. Diet will be important but so is 30 mins (Boring fukking) cardio 2x a day. I think you will respond better to the test with lower BF and you will be able to see the gains clearly which is really exciting. the eca stack is great - just make sure you watch your HR and BP. and i would advise starting 1 x a day and moving to 2x a day if you need to. Fukkin gnarly scar you got there on your head - good thing u have lots of hair! Make the most of it and get all the chicks to rub your head and move on from there! LOL
Good luck broski - you will do well whenever u start up!
my mom had brain tumor.. had a similar scar to your but was on her frontal lobe.. as for the gear.. if you had done a cycle before i would have said go for it.. i am doing a cycle now with BF higher than yours.. but i have done tem before years ago and used to sell them so i know what i am doing.. lose a bit of BF and then assess your goals from there.
lol shit im just glad im taller so everyone cant see the top of my head and thanks man i think this board is doing there job here giving me good advice sometimes you just have to get others opinions before you just jump into shit cause its around. the only thing thats looking like a good start for me is the e.c.a
Thanks for everyone posting replies. Much respect!
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