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well my diet has always been spot on. and yeah lol i know man it just scares me because i've had so much success in the past, busted my ass for 5 years...lost everything...I wouldn't want to screw myself over somehow. you never know - some people more sensitive to these things. it just sucks. never do any stimulants. it took me 5 years to convince my body it needed to carry around an extra 16-17lbs of muscle, and 1 week to take it away. I feel like even though it seems like what muscle memory I had has almost completely faded, it's still somewhat there...and I still have that going for me, I just don't want to **** myself over (again!!)
so it seems like the general consensus that a first cycle would be best suited with running 500mgs/wk test. for 12 weeks....I was gonna go with enanthate (or maybe cypionate), do you have a recontamination/preference on the ester?
could I get away with running 400mgs/wk test? (with my smaller size and all - 155lbs 5'6").....and 12 weeks seems like an eternity...could I work with 10?
also, regarding your ant logic....so I wouldn't be able to get away with running a larger dose of EQ? like say 450mgs/wk with 200mgs/wk test? (i know you're gonna feel like stabbing me at this point for not letting go of the equipoise) :beats dead horse: