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Thread: good training program for new cycle..?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Under Marcus's Feet =]

    good training program for new cycle..?

    well my age is 21.... currently about 69-70kg..... am only 165cm tall.
    probly around 8% body fat.... been training for a good 3-4 years ... mainly weights..... done all sorts of training max-ot... normal hypetrophy shit 6-12 range.... sometimes i go bit higher in reps... i usually do atleast 3 -4 exercises of 3-4 sets for each body part wen i train them. and sometimes / lately ive been doing each body part twice a week. i train 6 days on 1 day off .... sometimes 5 days 2 days off. just wondering what a good training program would be for a steroid cycle probly 8-10 week one.. still deciding which roids i want to use.. maybe test-e or sus / deca or sus / tren or test-prop or somethin still researching.... any help much appreciated thx.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2011
    Hi m8

    Im new around here so feel free to ignore all i say but for what its worth, after my last 6 months researching ( the majority on this site ) i feel at 21 years old and 70kg you need a good look at your diet before using any cycle. Look on this site in the diet section, ive gone up in weight ( naturally ) since using some of the tips in there. Im not trying to be an ass but eat properly and train hard for the next few years ( Use this time to research cycles, pct etc if you really want to use ) and you will make gains.

    All the best mate.

  3. #3
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    Under Marcus's Feet =]
    nothing is wrong with my diet man... im 165 cm that is short so my weight is perfectly normal for my size especially since im 8% body fat... i can put on weight if i want to just eat carbs ive been up to 75kg b4 but i dont liike looking like a fat waterballoon .... i like abs.... plus im ectomorph hard for me to gain weight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Under Marcus's Feet =]
    no advice.... mad....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    6 days on 1 off is over training off cycle and would also be debated as over training on cycle possibly. 5 on 2 off is a much better plan on and off cycle. Your intensity is suspect because if intensity is high enough your body should be telling you "you need rest"

  6. #6
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    Under Marcus's Feet =]
    i dont feel pain tho.... and i feel if i dont train the muscle for longer then 3-4 days it feels like its getting smaller / saggy / shrinken....... and by 5 days on 2 days off are u talkin about just weights...?? or any type of training ... like cardio, boxing. etc

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    i dont feel pain tho.... and i feel if i dont train the muscle for longer then 3-4 days it feels like its getting smaller / saggy / shrinken....... and by 5 days on 2 days off are u talkin about just weights...?? or any type of training ... like cardio, boxing. etc
    My previous post was talking about weights only...I consider a cardio only day as an off day as long as the cardio session isn't HIIT. You do know that your body doesn't grow in the gym, it grows while you rest/sleep?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    i dont feel pain tho.... and i feel if i dont train the muscle for longer then 3-4 days it feels like its getting smaller / saggy / shrinken....... and by 5 days on 2 days off are u talkin about just weights...?? or any type of training ... like cardio, boxing. etc
    You know man, I always read that signs of overtraining included constant soreness. Well I overtrained my arms for a long time, and experienced the opposite. My arms would never get sore, and would seem to deflate after a few days like you said. When I started training them once a week I saw much better results and started getting sore again.

    Just something to think about.

  9. #9
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    not sure wat ur trying to say pstacks... are u saying its better to train each muscle once group once a week?

    and to m302_imba ... so if i did 5 days of weight training and 2 days of cardio that would be fine? and wat type of cardio are u talkin bout just running on a treadmill or any type of cardio like for eg a boxing class or kick boxing class etc and is it bad to do running / cardio stuff after uve trained legs like the next day etc.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    not sure wat ur trying to say pstacks... are u saying its better to train each muscle once group once a week?

    and to m302_imba ... so if i did 5 days of weight training and 2 days of cardio that would be fine? and wat type of cardio are u talkin bout just running on a treadmill or any type of cardio like for eg a boxing class or kick boxing class etc and is it bad to do running / cardio stuff after uve trained legs like the next day etc.
    Why don't you list you current routine and we can go from there? A few tweaks and you should be making some steady gains again. Include what cardio you perform into this routine as well (be sure to include what type of cardio).

  11. #11
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    well my current routine usually contains no cardio... which is probably bad... lol....
    i train usually 5-6 days a week of just weights.
    recently ive been doing each body part twice a week.
    i do 3-4 sets for each exercise. and usually in the 6-12 rep range.
    day 1 - chest/back ( 3 - 4 exercises for each body part ) - sometimes i do all chest exercises first then all back exercises or 1 chest 1 back 1 chest 1 back etc... or sometimes all back then all chest... not sure which is best way to do it but yeh...
    day 2 - either legs or shoulders/arms ( 3 exercises for each body part.. start with shoulders then do triceps then do biceps ) if legs i do ( 5-7 exercises usually squats first, leg press, leg extensions, stiff deadlifts, leg curls, and a calve raising machine of some type , sometimes to calve exercises lol )
    day 3 - either legs or shoulders / arms ( whichever wasnt done the day before above ^ )
    day 4 - rest
    repeat above ^....

  12. #12
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    I think you should do some research on dieting. It can make just as big of an impact on your body especially for someone who doesn't have much experience with a cycle yet. Eat BIG and CLEAN and you will like your results. Plus that workout regimen needs a little bit of work. Just do some more research I dont think your quit there yet.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    well my current routine usually contains no cardio... which is probably bad... lol....
    i train usually 5-6 days a week of just weights.
    recently ive been doing each body part twice a week.
    i do 3-4 sets for each exercise. and usually in the 6-12 rep range.
    day 1 - chest/back ( 3 - 4 exercises for each body part ) - sometimes i do all chest exercises first then all back exercises or 1 chest 1 back 1 chest 1 back etc... or sometimes all back then all chest... not sure which is best way to do it but yeh...
    day 2 - either legs or shoulders/arms ( 3 exercises for each body part.. start with shoulders then do triceps then do biceps ) if legs i do ( 5-7 exercises usually squats first, leg press, leg extensions, stiff deadlifts, leg curls, and a calve raising machine of some type , sometimes to calve exercises lol )
    day 3 - either legs or shoulders / arms ( whichever wasnt done the day before above ^ )
    day 4 - rest
    repeat above ^....
    So don't really have a routine. You have days sort of set aside for working out body parts and then from there you have some general guides.

    Try using a premade routine with a built in progression method and see if you can continue to progress I bet you would.

  14. #14
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    what do u mean i dont really have a routine... wat would u call that then..? and what do u mean by a premade routine / built in progression method.

  15. #15
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    Trying to work each bodypart twice a week can be overkill IMO. Here is the split I'm currently following (for example):
    Mon. Back (16 sets) Biceps (6 sets)
    Tue. Chest (12 sets) Triceps (6 sets)
    Wed. Legs (16 sets)
    Thur. Shoulders (12 sets) Traps (6 sets)
    Fri. Biceps (9 sets) Triceps (9 sets)

    I also perform LISS cardio 20-30 minutes pwo 4 days a week.

  16. #16
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    wait till your 25 bro.. you got a long way to go.. you have most likely got another growth spurt in you..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Trying to work each bodypart twice a week can be overkill IMO. Here is the split I'm currently following (for example):
    Mon. Back (16 sets) Biceps (6 sets)
    Tue. Chest (12 sets) Triceps (6 sets)
    Wed. Legs (16 sets)
    Thur. Shoulders (12 sets) Traps (6 sets)
    Fri. Biceps (9 sets) Triceps (9 sets)

    I also perform LISS cardio 20-30 minutes pwo 4 days a week.
    yeah i used to do this ages ago and for a long time...... but body needs change or it gets used to same shit.... and what is LISS cardio?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    yeah i used to do this ages ago and for a long time...... but body needs change or it gets used to same shit.... and what is LISS cardio?
    You are right the body will get use to a routine but that's why it is important to switch up your exercises. For example on chest day one week I will hit flat first and then the following week I will hit incline first.

    LISS = low intensity steady state cardio...give google a try to see what this is all about.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    You are right the body will get use to a routine but that's why it is important to switch up your exercises. For example on chest day one week I will hit flat first and then the following week I will hit incline first.

    LISS = low intensity steady state cardio...give google a try to see what this is all about.
    ya but i feel like just changing exercises isnt enuff especially just changing the order off them, like wen uve done shit for so long i duno i dont know wat to do with my training im really stuck......

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Trying to work each bodypart twice a week can be overkill IMO. Here is the split I'm currently following (for example):
    Mon. Back (16 sets) Biceps (6 sets)
    Tue. Chest (12 sets) Triceps (6 sets)
    Wed. Legs (16 sets)
    Thur. Shoulders (12 sets) Traps (6 sets)
    Fri. Biceps (9 sets) Triceps (9 sets)

    I also perform LISS cardio 20-30 minutes pwo 4 days a week.
    This seems pretty good.

    I take it you are off Sat and Sun? this would work well for me since i cant train weekends.

    Do you think hitting your bi and tri 2x a week is over kill?

  21. #21
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    no help mad lol

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    This seems pretty good.

    I take it you are off Sat and Sun? this would work well for me since i cant train weekends.

    Do you think hitting your bi and tri 2x a week is over kill?
    You got it, I rest Sat. and Sun. (sometimes I will do some low intensity cardio on these days). Well for me Bi's and Tri's are a weak point so I am currently trying to bring them up to par. That being said, with this split it does give both bi's and tri's a good amount of time to recover before you hit them a second time. Also, worth noting is I'm currently on cycle so I don't think I'm overtraining. Hell give it a try and listen to your body...if you feel rundown after two weeks on this split adjustments need to be made. Good luck and keep me updated bro!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bozlet View Post
    ya but i feel like just changing exercises isnt enuff especially just changing the order off them, like wen uve done shit for so long i duno i dont know wat to do with my training im really stuck......
    Often times when people get "stuck in a rut" the first thing they try to change is their workout routine when it almost all cases the diet needs to be tweeked!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    mmm probly is my diet.. but like is anythign wrong with my training program atm.... like training each body part twice a week... and no cardio.... im sure lots of body builders out there train each body part twice a week..... especially if on juice... hell arnold did everything 3 times a week...

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