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well my current routine usually contains no cardio... which is probably bad... lol....
i train usually 5-6 days a week of just weights.
recently ive been doing each body part twice a week.
i do 3-4 sets for each exercise. and usually in the 6-12 rep range.
day 1 - chest/back ( 3 - 4 exercises for each body part ) - sometimes i do all chest exercises first then all back exercises or 1 chest 1 back 1 chest 1 back etc... or sometimes all back then all chest... not sure which is best way to do it but yeh...
day 2 - either legs or shoulders/arms ( 3 exercises for each body part.. start with shoulders then do triceps then do biceps ) if legs i do ( 5-7 exercises usually squats first, leg press, leg extensions, stiff deadlifts, leg curls, and a calve raising machine of some type , sometimes to calve exercises lol )
day 3 - either legs or shoulders / arms ( whichever wasnt done the day before above ^ )
day 4 - rest
repeat above ^....