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Thread: I am so frustrated. Can you guys please help me and tell me how my squat form isVIDEO

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    new york

    I am so frustrated. Can you guys please help me and tell me how my squat form isVIDEO

    I try to do squats as usual and i get a low back pump and i just cant get my knees to stay behind my toes. (long legs,small feet) idk something about my body build or maybe its flexibility issues... or maybe my form is right? here are the videos..
    I am so mad, i feel like punching a bunch of holes in the wall. im so mad...

    here is a vid i do. i try and try, my knees will always go pass my toes.. and i always feel a light pump on lower back with squats. (i do the back curve when squating..) i dont know.

    I was squating 2 plates last month!!! But stopped once i saw my form was real bad, knees going like 3 feet past my toes, and not going all the way down. so it just feels to wierd to drop like 90 lb's or 40 lb's on a lift. but it needs to be done. i want to get my form down..

    what do you guys think of my form in the first and 2nd video?

    both good?

    both bad?

    1 better than the other one?

    well my feet isnt small. but i guess compared to my leg length it is. i guess.
    Last edited by Twin; 06-11-2011 at 04:56 PM.

  2. #2
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    new york
    first video is 45lb plate on each side.

    2nd video is 45 plate and 25lb plate on each side..

  3. #3
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    Apr 2011
    ok few easy fixes here, first drop the ***** pad it puts the bar higher up on your back, personally all guys that ive seen use it dont squat heavy weights and use bad form, second a video from the back would help but make sure your legs are as wide as you are comfortable with, dont put them real wide or real close cuz someone told you, you need to decide what comfortable is, for me its a little over shoulder width, third make sure to push your knees out to the sides on the way out and keep tight the whole time, fourth at the bottom it looks like either two things, either the ***** pad is forcing you to bend forward due to its higher up on the back or youre losing your tightness, fifth until you get your form right use goblet squats, look them up and they will teach you how to push your knees and keep tightness while still grooving the motion

  4. #4
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    new york
    thx alot. next leg day im going to not use the pussay pad lol. and will have a very wide stance. and ill record and post it here again. and c if there is any improvement...

  5. #5
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    i didnt say to use very wide, i meant use what feels natural to you, and do some goblet squats before you squat and focus on the tips i posted above

  6. #6
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    You need to come all the way up. Squeeze your ass at the top and bring your pelvis forward more. You are not getting full extension, or flexion of you glutes in your current form.

    Also, I agree, take the pad off, and when you grip the bar, grip it lightly and only balance it with your fingers. A tight grip on your bar will hinder strength. Focus on your legs and glutes and keeping those knees out.

  7. #7
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    ^^ this is very true. YOu need full extension at the top. Push your ass farther back when squatting down and if your knees still go over your toes ditch the weight all together and do them body wt only untill you can do them correctly. Form is much more important than the wt your lifting so ditch the wt for a week or so untill you can get the form right

  8. #8
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    looks to me like your having lower back and core problems. strengthen those and you should be better.

    i see your bare foot. good stuff try to put a 5lbs plate or something like a half inch thick under your heels i bet youll do better

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    looks to me like your having lower back and core problems. strengthen those and you should be better.

    i see your bare foot. good stuff try to put a 5lbs plate or something like a half inch thick under your heels i bet youll do better
    putting a plate under your heels is going to cause severe knee problems... def dont do that

  10. #10
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    but core strength is def an issue that you need to work on (not crunches) deep abdominal stabilizers.(plank type exersises)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    putting a plate under your heels is going to cause severe knee problems... def dont do that
    to each is own i guess. whats the diff between putting a plate or wear shoes with a little heal. some ppl work out in work boots cause its better squating

  12. #12
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    Shortening your calve muscle like that when squatting through our kinetic chain stresses the knee joint alot more and makes it harder to stabilize proper form (esspecially when you try squatting without the plates again it will be even harder to keep knees behind toes). That is an old school tactic that im sure alot of bbers still use but it is outdated in modern fitness now. Eventually you will have to squat without a plate and if you get used to doing it that way it will make it extreamly hard to stabilize it correctly. I have helped rehab several injuries for clients due to some of these old school practices

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    Shortening your calve muscle like that when squatting through our kinetic chain stresses the knee joint alot more and makes it harder to stabilize proper form (esspecially when you try squatting without the plates again it will be even harder to keep knees behind toes). That is an old school tactic that im sure alot of bbers still use but it is outdated in modern fitness now. Eventually you will have to squat without a plate and if you get used to doing it that way it will make it extreamly hard to stabilize it correctly. I have helped rehab several injuries for clients due to some of these old school practices
    fair enough lol

  14. #14
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    The video is at a bad angel to really see whats going on.... looks like a t bar row in the way...

    I have to agree, the pad is no good. Get shot of it ASAP

    You will be fine... as far as what I can see it dnt look 2 bad but need a better video where we can see the whole squatt
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  15. #15
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    putting a plate under the heel would be fine if he was a bodybuilder who already had decent strength and good form because it would focus more on the quad, but hes just new to this, theres alot of good tips in this thread but damnit man do some freaking goblet squats!!lol

  16. #16
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    Totally forgot to mention that it Also limits the r.o.m at your hip joint making it very difficult to achieve full extension through the hips. High heels whether plate or shoe puts your lumbar spine in an anterior tilt causing extreame pressure on the low back... and hence decrease abdominal activation.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    until you get your form right use goblet squats, look them up and they will teach you how to push your knees and keep tightness while still grooving the motion
    In case you're not familiar with them, this video offers a good explanation...

  18. #18
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    At the top of this section.There is a strength article by Blown.Read it and get some shoes.Going bare foot isnt where its at.

  19. #19
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    Lock out or stop just short of lockout makes little difference. I don't lock out, I like the tension.

    Can't see much in the vid, but I would say- the taller lifters need a wider stance, toes angled slightly outwards and as already said the bar looks like it is to high and drop the pad.

    You could look into Box Squats, these really improve form and give you hip power.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    At the top of this section.There is a strength article by Blown.Read it and get some shoes.Going bare foot isnt where its at.
    why do you not like barefoot?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    At the top of this section.There is a strength article by Blown.Read it and get some shoes.Going bare foot isnt where its at.
    that totally depends on what your goal is.... shoes allow you to lift more but no shoes builds better stabilization in the ankle joint so calvs and tibialis muscles get more activation and strength. For "powerlifting" shoes are fine but it will weaken your stabilizer muslces

  22. #22
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    i could see wearing flat soled shoes for the squat definately, but training deads (closer to the ground) or anykind of mobilty based movement( with kb's) should be performed barefoot, as martin rooney advises

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