Edit: before and after pics and measurements of the cycle are on page 12
This is my Test e summer cycle..
I dieted down for 8 weeks to prime for this cycle and logged it in this following thread
This is my second cycle and the first was test prop 200mg per week 3 years ago. I held off cycling until my diet and training were optimum and i ended up gaining more naturally from good nutrition and researching different/new ways of training than i did while on test prop.
I am at day 11 so I've been late to start a new thread for this so I'll copy and paste from the above thread about the first 11 days. If You've clicked the link above you'll see that i was going to run winny but it made me feel like crap! i had 3 shots in the first week and at day 11 am still feeling slightly crappy from it.
Day 1
Update: last day of week 8 was the final day of my pre cycle stage. That night I started my cycle which I decided on..
Weeks 1-12 test enanthate 400mg (230mg pinned e4d)
Weeks 1-14 anastrozole .25mg ed
Pct 14 days after final pin
Tamoxifen 40/40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50/50
Friday night decided to front load the test e. Only the first shot so put in 460mg.
177cm/ 5'9
10-12% bf
24.5" quads
43" chest
15.25" arms
31" waist
Training 5 day split
Chest and abs
Shoulders and abs(abs sometimes done on arm day)
Weights usually take 40-50mins and consist of 5 or 6 exercises with 4 to 6 sets. Eg. back day is 5 back exercises whereas chest and ab day would be 4 of chest and 2 ab.
Cardio done after each weight session at 50-70% of max heart rate for 40 mins.
Day 4
Stared to feel flu like syptoms yesterday and i'm not sure if it was from the winny or liquidex. i have experienced similar syptoms from winny before so i will discontinue winny and liquidex for now.
Increase morning, pre and post workout carbs by 20g each meal so my current diet looks like this.
Protein /carbs/fat
Meal 1 8.30 am
100g of oats
300g egg whites
30g whey
Universal animal pak
500mg vit c
Meal 2 10.30-11am
200g chicken breast
200g veggies
Meal 3 1.30pm
Same as meal 2
Meal 4 4-4.30pm
Large tin of tuna
100g oats
5.45 pre workout . Jacked, hemo rage etc..
Meal 5 7-7.30pm
45g of wpi
64g dextrose
Meal 6 8.30pm
210g home made lean beef patty
200g veggies
Meal 7 11pm
50g micellar casien
4 1000mg fish oil tabs
1 500mg calcium tab
Total 371/208/53
Total calories 2790
Non lifting days I will not eat pre or pwo carbs.
I sometimes have to work physically once a week (2nd job) usually on a Thursday and I add some carbs throughout the day whilst I am at work. The last few weeks I have loaded up 40g-50g of carbs into my first 4 meals of this day and has not effected my weight.
Day 6
Decided to drop the winny and basically make it a test e only cycle
Day 6
Took another shot of winny last night and had major dizziness and sick feeling today so I took 200mg of ibuprofen which is helping. It seems that the last 2 times I took a shot of winny I got really dizzy the next day.
So far I have taken
460mg of test e and 60mg of winny Friday night (right glute and left delt)
60mg winny Sunday night (right delt) then had mayor dizziness the following day
230mg of test e and 60mg of winny (mixed in my right quad)
I am gonna stop the winny and see how I go with just the test . Next shot is due on sat.
Day 8
So it's been 3 days since my last winny shot and also my last test e shot. Due for another test e shot tomorrow and feeling better so far. I will see how I go over the weekend after having that test e shot. If I feel fine it's 100% the winny that made me feel that way.
Amazingly I've still done all my training through this and have decided to stop taking pre workout for a while just incase it raises my bp. I'll stick to coffee pre workout . Also I've put on just over a kg in the last week. It's either the winny that did it or the front load of test e.. Or both! My muscles feel full and rock hard!
Day 9
Today woke up this morning with wood that won't go down lol weighed myself and came in at 78kgs so I've gained 1.5kgs in the past week. Still feeling a bit crappy but I'm feeling better than wed. Due for another shot tonight so hopefully tomorrow I wake up feeling alright meaning it was the winny that made me feel that way.
Day 10
weighed in at 78.5kgs. Felt really hungry yesterday so ate a bit more protein . Put on 2kgs so far and I recon alot is water as my muscles are looking fuller. Also lifted hevier this morning at training.
Still feeling a bit crappy. It comes and goes and sometimes I'm getting hot flushes. Feels like there is pressure on my head.. I'll check my bp again tonight and make sure it's still in the right range.
Shot my left glute last night with 230mg test .
Day 10
measurements were
Waist 31"
Arms 15.5"
Legs 25"
Chest 43.5"
Calves 16.5"
Day 11
woke up today still feeling slight pressure on the head but the second half of yesterday I felt awesome! So I'm definitely improving weighed 79.3kg this morning!
Yesterday I ate more again but always stick to lean proteins sources and fibrous veg.
Day 11
Still haven't started the liquidex and i may hold off till the end of the week. but since i am prone to bloating and sore nipples i will definitely start it at .25mg eod.