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Thread: Sustanon 7-week cycle before/after

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Sustanon 7-week cycle before/after

    I initially planned a 10-week cycle but I was forced to cut short to 7-weeks.

    This is my first cycle ever. I previously trained natural for three years and on a strict diet, but went on a binge and was out of gym for 1 year, upto the before pic So I hit the gym 1 month clean before starting the 7-week cycle, so the before was about 3 months ago.

    age 28
    Height 5'7
    Weight before 68kg, after 73kg

    week 1-3 250mg Sustanon (should've took 500, lesson learnt)
    week 4-7 500mg Sustanon
    week 1-2 25mg Oxymetholone
    week 3-4 50mg Oxymetholone

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    after (just woke up pic)
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    The Oxymetholone made me put on water weight like mad, but was quickly flushed upon discontinuing.
    I am overall happy with the results, but I still need to put on more weight, so if all goes well, next cycle will be test E in Apr, until then, no binge eating and no dropping out of gym. (i wanted to write it so i can commit to it! )

    I am to start PCT in a few days, so for what it's worth I'll try to put up post-PCT pics later.
    Last edited by acidking; 01-28-2012 at 03:56 PM. Reason: added my age

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You made some progress but were no where near ready to run anything. You did not build a base at all. 1 month of training is no where near enough before starting a cycle. I hope you are able to keep some of your gains

  3. #3
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    Oct 2011
    you saying my 3 years of training were in vain? Yes I lost a lot of muscle on the year of binge, but my lifts now exceed my max when I was natural, so apparently my previous training wasn't in vain if I can get a heads up and up my lifts in just 7 weeks, no?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Taking a full year off pretty much means you are starting new. Being back in the gym for one month is no where near enough before starting a cycle and im not trying to be a d!ck but it shows in the picture.

    I believe you are stronger now and i hope you keep your gains but i can tell you, dont expect too much

  5. #5
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    Oct 2011
    It wasn't one year off on the couch, it was a years of strenuous traveling and a combined couple of months in the gym, most of all I regret is the alcohol ... never again touching that stuff. I hope I'll keep the gains, I'll keep posted on how it goes.

  6. #6
    wonderful..! what do you eat? how have you trained? sorry for my english

  7. #7
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    Oct 2011
    I am traveling so I have no fridge or kitchen, I manage with what I can find ... I settled on eating a couple of Double Quarter Pounders a day (no cheese on request, and i squeeze the oil out of the patties with tissues), sometimes just 1 double pounder after the post-workout shake, and have chicken nuggets with some rice and low-fat yoghurt at night. I'd have peanuts and almonds for snacks. Other supps I take is fish oil, GNC multivitamin, and creatine.

    Upon waking up (usually in the morning) I'd have about 100gr of gummy bears (for quick carbs) and a whey protein shake, then I hit the gym, in the gym no warm ups of any kind, I jump straight to the heaviest I think I can lift. Once heavy exercise is done I'd have the post-workout shake and hit low-intensity medium heart rate cardio for 1 hour, switching between cycling, pedaling, and walking.

    Most people here would lash me for my diet, but if i had the facility I'd eat much better, though I doubt the result would be any different, I don't believe in all the dirty/clean fast/slow food bs, only because it would be cheaper to cook at home.
    Last edited by acidking; 01-25-2012 at 08:48 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    I am traveling so I have no fridge or kitchen, I manage with what I can find ... I settled on eating a couple of Double Quarter Pounders a day (no cheese on request, and i squeeze the oil out of it with tissues, and dri), sometimes just 1 double pounder after the post-workout shake, and have chicken nuggets with some rice and low-fat yoghurt at night. I'd have peanuts and almonds for snacks. Other supps I take is fish oil, GNC multivitamin, and creatine.

    Upon waking up (usually in the morning) I'd have about 100gr of gummy bears (for quick carbs) and a whey protein shake, then I hit the gym, in the gym no warm ups of any kind, I jump straight to the heaviest I think I can lift. Once heavy exercise is done I'd have the post-workout shake and hit low-intensity medium heart rate cardio for 1 hour, switching between cycling, pedaling, and walking.

    Most people here would lash me for my diet, but if i had the facility I'd eat much better, though I doubt the result would be any different, it would be cheaper though to cook at home.
    Chicken nuggets, double quarter pounders and gummy bears?

    I really dont want to bash you more man but that diet may be the worst i have ever seen on here

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Chicken nuggets, double quarter pounders and gummy bears?

    I really dont want to bash you more man but that diet may be the worst i have ever seen on here
    True, it gets really boring day after day, for diversity i'd sometimes have a Triple Whopper.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    The thing is i really cant tell if you are being serious or joking

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    for a 7-week cycle, the result couldn't have been any better regardless what diet i was on, considering i even started on the wrong foot with 250mg sust instead of 500mg.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    God I hope you're joking. Please be a troll.

  13. #13
    well in any event he only did a 7 week cycle and i think he got his moneys worth. OP if you are now walking arounf more confident and can hold your head up then the money and time was worth it. Now you know what to do in the future. Dont get yourself down. I say what you spent of gear was worth it and keep up the good work.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Thanks TRT2010, I appreciate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrbradg View Post
    God I hope you're joking. Please be a troll.
    No troll ... what does a man need to do to be taken seriously around here?

    My strength gains in these 7-weeks shot up more than I managed to get to in a natural 3 years. Today I did dips, my weight +22lb 8-reps 3-sets, something I never done before. When I started a couple of months ago after the binge I couldn't do 1 rep! This cycle made me feel great and look better.
    Last edited by acidking; 01-26-2012 at 05:05 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    you cant be serious? hate to bash but noles is completely right.. in the before picture it looks like you hadnt trained a day in your life, and double quarter pounders with a variance of triple whoppers? chicken nuggets and gummy bears? you may not believe in the slow and fast stuff, which some of it i believe is bro science too, but you cant seriously believe thats an adequate diet? i dont care how much quick carbs gummy bears have, they are pure sugar and LARGELY processed.. they have pretty much no nutritional value.. the gains you got would be expected on a first cycle in which you had no base to begin with no matter what you ate, but as noles said.. its going to be damn near impossible to keep, ESPECIALLY if your eating habits remain the same.. good luck anyways though man.. hope you can keep it..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ajordana View Post
    in the before picture it looks like you hadnt trained a day in your life
    here are before-before pics (that's before the binge year) from around early 2010 when i was a proud natty:
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    Last edited by acidking; 01-26-2012 at 05:26 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    I am traveling so I have no fridge or kitchen, I manage with what I can find ... I settled on eating a couple of Double Quarter Pounders a day (no cheese on request, and i squeeze the oil out of the patties with tissues), sometimes just 1 double pounder after the post-workout shake, and have chicken nuggets with some rice and low-fat yoghurt at night. I'd have peanuts and almonds for snacks. Other supps I take is fish oil, GNC multivitamin, and creatine.

    Upon waking up (usually in the morning) I'd have about 100gr of gummy bears (for quick carbs) and a whey protein shake, then I hit the gym, in the gym no warm ups of any kind, I jump straight to the heaviest I think I can lift. Once heavy exercise is done I'd have the post-workout shake and hit low-intensity medium heart rate cardio for 1 hour, switching between cycling, pedaling, and walking.

    Most people here would lash me for my diet, but if i had the facility I'd eat much better, though I doubt the result would be any different, I don't believe in all the dirty/clean fast/slow food bs, only because it would be cheaper to cook at home.
    That's probably the worst diet I've seen on here, or maybe close second to the KFC diet from years ago. If you can't dedicate yourself to a proper diet(if you're travelling) you should never start a cycle. Keep that diet up when you can't take advantage of better nutrient partitioning from the extra test and you are destined to go back to a worse state.

    Oh and the bold^ you couldn't be further from the truth.

  18. #18
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Keep that diet up when you can't take advantage of better nutrient partitioning from the extra test and you are destined to go back to a worse state.
    Are you saying i am going to lose my gains before the cycle i am planning for April? i guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    Just note I am not advocating this diet in anyway, I am against it as much as everyone else. If i have the facility my diet would consist of grilled chicken breast, oat meals, cottage cheese, grilled beef steak.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    Are you saying i am going to lose my gains before the cycle i am planning for April? i guess we'll just have to wait and see.
    Most likely, prob gain fat back too. If you keep doing this you'll end up nowhere. If you are dedicated enough, even if on the road, you would take a grill and find proper food or prepare meals ahead of time. If you're out in the sticks and can't get access to any food or facilities you should not cycle. I don't believe in half arse anything, you're either in 150% or you're not in at all.

  20. #20
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    whatever you say. i am quite happy with the result, it turned out better than i expected.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ajordana View Post
    i dont care how much quick carbs gummy bears have, they are pure sugar and LARGELY processed.. they have pretty much no nutritional value..
    you're mistaken ... gummy bears (the ones i have) have 8.6g protein per 100g, and 0 fat and sodium, the rest is carbs.
    Last edited by acidking; 01-27-2012 at 01:09 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking
    whatever you say. i am quite happy with the result, it turned out better than i expected.
    I'm not trying to beat you down but I'm not sure why you posted here if you didn't want to get any opinions from other people. Just saying. Anywho, good luck in your endeavors.

  23. #23
    you look like your diet.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    obviously op does not care in the least about sense or knowledgeable members, good luck

  25. #25
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    west coast
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    I am traveling so I have no fridge or kitchen, I manage with what I can find ... I settled on eating a couple of Double Quarter Pounders a day (no cheese on request, and i squeeze the oil out of the patties with tissues), sometimes just 1 double pounder after the post-workout shake, and have chicken nuggets with some rice and low-fat yoghurt at night. I'd have peanuts and almonds for snacks. Other supps I take is fish oil, GNC multivitamin, and creatine.

    Upon waking up (usually in the morning) I'd have about 100gr of gummy bears (for quick carbs) and a whey protein shake, then I hit the gym, in the gym no warm ups of any kind, I jump straight to the heaviest I think I can lift. Once heavy exercise is done I'd have the post-workout shake and hit low-intensity medium heart rate cardio for 1 hour, switching between cycling, pedaling, and walking.

    Most people here would lash me for my diet, but if i had the facility I'd eat much better, though I doubt the result would be any different, I don't believe in all the dirty/clean fast/slow food bs, only because it would be cheaper to cook at home.
    burger king amd gummy bears... i thought you were kidding.if i were you i would cut out the bk and gummies and find a subway if you cannot prepare meals on the road.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    What made you cut it short? If ya dont mind.

  27. #27
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112 View Post
    What made you cut it short? If ya dont mind.
    my source is out of gear, but this is just temporary, i'll be home in a few weeks where there's a handful of reliable sources. I tried to get all the gear before hand, but availability fell a little short.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    And also becareful of tendon damage. When u run a cycle u can get toooo strong for your tendons and rip em. So yes u should def get some solid natural time in the gym before u hit some stronger and longer runs

  29. #29
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112 View Post
    And also becareful of tendon damage. When u run a cycle u can get toooo strong for your tendons and rip em. So yes u should def get some solid natural time in the gym before u hit some stronger and longer runs
    yes i've read about that somewhere. perhaps it's not so bad i cut short this cycle, i am probably still experimenting, there's certainly much more to learn.

    Quote Originally Posted by Densekid View Post
    you look like your diet.
    Quote Originally Posted by ajordana View Post
    obviously op does not care in the least about sense or knowledgeable members, good luck
    no offense, it's actually due to 'knowledgeable members' that i am seeing results, because i spent the last two years reading over the internet almost every day, educating my self about the proper use of gear, you would think i would want myself to be in a position to finally start my first cycle and see it fail? i knew what i was doing, and i sure damn got what i want.

    Perhaps it's time you and other brainwashed tight аssеs relax it little and take it easy, stop calling food by their names, improvise with what you have, see if you'd want that food in your stomach or not, it's as simple as that, nutrition is just a bunch of guidelines to adhere to, not a protocol. The human body has gone through about 3.5 millions years of evolution, it can barely tell a beef steak from a double quarter pounder, or gummy bears from a banana, it isn't going to make any difference.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking

    Perhaps it's time you and other brainwashed tight ?ss?s relax it little and take it easy, stop calling food by their names, improvise with what you have, see if you'd want that food in your stomach or not, it's as simple as that, nutrition is just a bunch of guidelines to adhere to, not a protocol. The human body has gone through about 3.5 millions years of evolution, it can barely tell a beef steak from a double quarter pounder, or gummy bears from a banana, it isn't going to make any difference.
    After browsing this forum for about a year I have never thought of making an account until I read this. The shear stupidity in this statement dumbfounds me.

    As a medical student I can tell you the human body is smarter than you think. Just 1 atom difference in a chemical structure will change how the body reacts.

    Not to get off on the wrong foot for my first post so I'm not trying to upset or insult anyone, but please have your facts correct first.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. R.

    After browsing this forum for about a year I have never thought of making an account until I read this. The shear stupidity in this statement dumbfounds me.

    As a medical student I can tell you the human body is smarter than you think. Just 1 atom difference in a chemical structure will change how the body reacts.

    Not to get off on the wrong foot for my first post so I'm not trying to upset or insult anyone, but please have your facts correct first.
    Ditto. I'm dumbfounded myself. Happy first post!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    yes i've read about that somewhere. perhaps it's not so bad i cut short this cycle, i am probably still experimenting, there's certainly much more to learn.

    no offense, it's actually due to 'knowledgeable members' that i am seeing results, because i spent the last two years reading over the internet almost every day, educating my self about the proper use of gear, you would think i would want myself to be in a position to finally start my first cycle and see it fail? i knew what i was doing, and i sure damn got what i want.

    Perhaps it's time you and other brainwashed tight аssеs relax it little and take it easy, stop calling food by their names, improvise with what you have, see if you'd want that food in your stomach or not, it's as simple as that, nutrition is just a bunch of guidelines to adhere to, not a protocol. The human body has gone through about 3.5 millions years of evolution, it can barely tell a beef steak from a double quarter pounder, or gummy bears from a banana, it isn't going to make any difference.
    Until you can learn the differences between processed food and quality food, you will have a lot of trouble reaching the look im sure you are going for. Good luck

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Carving Stone with Steel

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    I spent 2 years reading, so no, I shouldn't have.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    yes i've read about that somewhere. perhaps it's not so bad i cut short this cycle, i am probably still experimenting, there's certainly much more to learn.

    no offense, it's actually due to 'knowledgeable members' that i am seeing results, because i spent the last two years reading over the internet almost every day, educating my self about the proper use of gear, you would think i would want myself to be in a position to finally start my first cycle and see it fail? i knew what i was doing, and i sure damn got what i want.

    Perhaps it's time you and other brainwashed tight аssеs relax it little and take it easy, stop calling food by their names, improvise with what you have, see if you'd want that food in your stomach or not, it's as simple as that, nutrition is just a bunch of guidelines to adhere to, not a protocol. The human body has gone through about 3.5 millions years of evolution, it can barely tell a beef steak from a double quarter pounder, or gummy bears from a banana, it isn't going to make any difference.
    I f you truly believed ^^^^ this BS ^^^^, you would not have posted this...............
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    Are you saying i am going to lose my gains before the cycle i am planning for April? i guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    Just note I am not advocating this diet in anyway, I am against it as much as everyone else. If i have the facility my diet would consist of grilled chicken breast, oat meals, cottage cheese, grilled beef steak.
    You would just keep eating your garbage & eventually arrive at the diabetic, pear shaped body you have been striving for. Truth is, you know dam well that "body dont know the dif" BS is something you spewd just to suit your cause & justify your inexperienced actions. If your body doesn't know the dif. then why bother eating chicken & lean beef, oat & such, why not just eat the same old garbge you've been eating for the rest of your life...................your body doesn't know the dif right.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-30-2012 at 06:25 AM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    If your body doesn't know the dif. then why bother eating chicken & lean beef, oat & such, why not just eat the same old garbge you've been eating for the rest of your life...................your body doesn't know the dif right.
    Why? I'll tell you why, a couple of reasons, for the price of a double quarter pounder I can get 2.5lb of chicken breast, and also, the whereabouts I live unfortunately have non of my favorite junk food joints.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Those jeans look great on you. I like your boobies also.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    talkin' to me? i am not wearing any jeans, i never do.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    This thread is such a dam fail its shocking. I hope this is all just some big joke.

  40. #40
    Buddy do yourself a favor and try to be natural for atleast six months and keep your figure. Everyone that has been serious about ther health and bodybuilding knows diet is more important than there lifting sessions. You have came a long way due to a first time cycle that was done to early. Try to learn from it and build off of it. Don't depend on it to keep your very basic figure.

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