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Thread: CrossFit - What Does Everyone Think?

  1. #1

    CrossFit - What Does Everyone Think?

    I was watching the CrossFit games on ESPN2 these past few weeks and was thinking of giving that program a try for something different. The guys/girls on there seem pretty strong for there body weights and in good shape. What do you guys think of this type of training?

    Will it produce gains or more functional strength / conditioning?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    I doubt you'll be seeing "gains", as it isn't that kind of program. I suppose if you want to be the best at exercising with not a whole lot of weight, it's great.

  3. #3
    I been crossfitting for a year now and i can tell you i feel overall better than before. If you're looking towards gaining volume and getting bigger you won't get it in crossfit. I personally incorporate some isolation workouts to concentrate on certain body parts. Crossfit is intense and will improve overall physical fitness and wellness but just remember to include heavy lifts in addition to crossfit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Do crossfit endurance! brain mckenzie runs that site and you do strength training along with cardio! It made me a beast and i think its the best program to go by! Bodybuilding makes you slow, crossfit make you so explosive!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I just feel like some of the workouts are so random, I did it once and our workout was:

    7 sets of 29 reps of 135 on squat, then sprint a 400

    I feel like it's really easy to get injured doing crossfit, but I have some buddies who swear by it and have gotten great results!

  6. #6
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    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by randymeans View Post
    Do crossfit endurance! brain mckenzie runs that site and you do strength training along with cardio! It made me a beast and i think its the best program to go by! Bodybuilding makes you slow, crossfit make you so explosive!
    You're a beast? LOL...Crossfit, wow. "Crossfit makes you explosive!" This might be the greatest comment ever made on

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by randymeans View Post
    Do crossfit endurance! brain mckenzie runs that site and you do strength training along with cardio! It made me a beast and i think its the best program to go by! Bodybuilding makes you slow, crossfit make you so explosive!
    Sorry mate, if that's you in the pic your far form being a "beast". Crossfit actually fits the description of a cult pretty accurately because that's what it is. Its a waste of time. A lot of people think circuit training and crossfit are the same thing, however that's a huge misconception. I personally love circuit training when I am trying to cut because its effective. Crossfit on the other hand will have you row for 2 minutes, do 8 pullups, repeat twice and call it a day. It is a joke

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I encourage people to do whatever exercise makes them happy. Having said that, Crossfit is not designed to add muscle mass.

  9. #9
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    Crossfit makes girls sexy and guys skinny

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I encourage people to do whatever exercise makes them happy. Having said that, Crossfit is not designed to add muscle mass.
    Quote Originally Posted by pikenat View Post
    Crossfit makes girls sexy
    100% truth on both accounts

  11. #11
    I can tell you that Crossfit is the new rising thing and there's a lot of money in it now. Tones your body pretty good, builds up that stamina in the lungs, builds alright strength and strength endurance, But as far as Explosiveness or absolute strength, NOT EVEN A CHANCE!!!! I have some good friends that are crossfit freaks, but these guys couldnt even jump to there feet with 100lbs on there back from there knees and when I had them do box squating with light band work ( that was funny) oh man did they have trouble with there concentric phase from the box. Now with that being said not all crossfit people have this problem, but 70% of the ones I have came across they do. They all complain about sticking at the bottom.

  12. #12
    Woops double post.
    Last edited by AllAmerican-PCS; 02-02-2012 at 05:14 PM.

  13. #13
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    South Jersey
    I apologize to everyone both for and against cross-fit for even bumping this old thread. And sorry for flaming on dude up there, hes probably never even on here anyway.....I needed to do some cross-fit venting, our gym was bought out by 4 people a yr ago and one was a cross-fit guy, and not the good kind. Our gym has always been the "meat-head" gym in the area, and the new owners have been slowly but surely trying to push out all the bbers and powerlifters, and Im really just so fvcking sick of cross-fit.....Its been said a million times on here, whatever gets you off the couch and in the gym and staying active. And Marines, MMA fighters, Poli***en, etc that are doing it for their careers and livelihood, i certainly have nothing against them. And i know I shouldnt give a damn what other people in the gym are doing, buuuttttttt I just cant help it man. These dudes suck. Its not even cross-fit itself that I dislike, seems like a very effective way to increase cardio endurance and burn fat. Its just the way these 165lb ballbags walk around the gym with their shirts off like they are just so fvcking awesome. Lol.....Ok, Im done now, lets burry this thread and all others pertaining to cross-fit.

  14. #14
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    anyone can train olympic lifts and out lift these crossfit homos on everything in a fraction of the time

  15. #15
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    Did it for 6 months before returning to traditional BB style. It will get you in overall shape, and your cardio will be awesome. It will do little to nothing for sculpting your appearance. You might get skinnier, that's about it.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by scotts View Post
    Sorry mate, if that's you in the pic your far form being a "beast". Crossfit actually fits the description of a cult pretty accurately because that's what it is. Its a waste of time. A lot of people think circuit training and crossfit are the same thing, however that's a huge misconception. I personally love circuit training when I am trying to cut because its effective. Crossfit on the other hand will have you row for 2 minutes, do 8 pullups, repeat twice and call it a day. It is a joke
    Exactly my thoughts. One of my best friends swears by it... always makes it sound like he climbed everest. When I get him to come to a real gym- all the sudden his "numbers" are much different.

  17. #17
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    Disagree vehemently with all the naysayers. I've been body building for years. A healthy dose of cross fit incorporated into a weight lifting regimen enhances overall stamina and endurance, and legitimately makes you less tight. I lift heavy. But i dont workout for the sake of working out. I want to get better at the sport i play and find that simply weight lifting, and nothing more, makes me stiff and impossibly unathletic.

    Theres a reason athletes use cross fit. No interest in being able to bench 350 and have that be my glory. I rather gain functional strength, look good naked, and excel at the sports i partake in.

    Never understood lifting weights for the sake of lifting weights. Just my 2 cents..

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuban1983 View Post
    enhances overall stamina and endurance..
    Yes, but no more than a good cardio routine. In my own experience, I find that by focusing on interval cardio, or an entire workout only on cardio, my resultsincrease far more quickly than "run around the block, then do 10 deadlifts, then do 10 situps and repeat"
    Quote Originally Posted by cuban1983 View Post
    look good naked...
    Developing a symmetrical, even physique and maximum aesthetic is far more easy with a BB style routine - otherwise, fitness models, BB'ers, etc. would have discovered Cross-Fit years ago.
    Quote Originally Posted by cuban1983 View Post
    Never understood lifting weights for the sake of lifting weights. Just my 2 cents..
    If you aren't achieving results in how you look, feel and perform, then either your diet, routine, or rest is not working.

  19. #19
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    I found the routines were ideal to increase cardio fitness and keep you interested because they can regularly be changed and kept fun. But do make sure your instructors aren't muppets, I've seen a few people using really dangerously bad form and not being corrected which made me a bit :S

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julz_W View Post
    I found the routines were ideal to increase cardio fitness and keep you interested because they can regularly be changed and kept fun.
    Agreed. For overall fitness, and not getting bored in a "team" atmosphere, I think it's a great program. I was severely disappointed in it's claims regarding body shaping. I could see myself achieving my goals via BB'ing, and then returning to it for maintenance though, it's fun.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Not to keep bumping an old thread. However CrossFit for me, has been the most time effective program that I have ever found. I dont have time to spend 2 hrs a day in the gym. CrossFit has changed my body better than anything else. Granted I cant lift as much as when I was power lifting, but I dont care anymore. Because I can play 2 hours of BBall now with no problem...LOL
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