Hi everyone,
I have decided to do a run of TB500 in the hopes that it will alleviate the shoulder pain I have been having for the past few months.
It was mostly my left shoulder that hurt but I think it is beginning in my right shoulder as well.
The pain ironically started suddenly, while I was just standing behind someone during one of my hobbies. I presume it might be an overuse/chronic injury considering it hurts during the day and not only during exercise or specific activities. I am linking the origin to posibbly opening a heavy door.
I have tried extended rest ( several weeks ) but to no avail. I have allready dropped the weights during the exercises that bother me the most ( bench press, shoulder press, lateral cable lift ) and have even stopped doing some ( narrow neutral grip pulldown and narrow grip seated cable rows, standing barbell curl ).
I bought the TB500 from a peptide supplier other than the board sponsor ( problem with creditcard, could not be resolved ).
However they sent me ( according to the stickers on the vial ) a lot more than I had ordered

I now have 5mg vials instead of 2mg vials. ( at least that is what the stickers say, I guess I won't know untill the first injection ).
That is why I was thinking of doing 5mgs/ week for 4 weeks and then following up with 2.5mgs for another 4 weeks.
Is this amount overkill?
Should I spread out the 5mgs to multiple injections or should I inject the 5mgs in one go??
Will the TB500 degrade if kept in the fridge for 3 days ( reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water )?
Is there any sense in using larger doses or is there a saturation whereafter increases in dose do not equal increases in effect?
Hoping to get some answers from people with more experience, although everyone is welcome to chime in.
I will be posting progress every once and a while.
Thanks in advance for any replies.