much better video. cracks me up
much better video. cracks me up
Last edited by davesah1; 08-05-2014 at 05:33 PM.
That guy is a douche, not even funny.
The worst ettiquette is not re-racking your weights.
I do get sick of people always wanting to pose in the mirrors at the gym. You have a mirror at home, use it and not the one at the gym. I swear there are a few guys that spend more time looking at themselves than lifting.
As far as the video I have to agree that the guy is a douche. I didn't think he was trying to be funny, was he?
speaking of etiquette, I let out a loud, well, fart at the gym yesterday...'s all part of what happens in the gym
Yes, I think he's a douche because everything he said he really stupid, thats why I found it funny. Everything that came out of his mouth has nothing to do with gym etiquette, yet he thinks it does.
Awhhhh really. I never fart. Ever. LoLOriginally Posted by Times Roman
BTW the dude in vid is an idiot. I couldn't watch much past 1 min…..
I hate when people do their dumbel sets directly infront of the dumbell rack hindering people that are try to walk by or grab dumbells in the vicinity.
I heard your inside voice.Originally Posted by lovbyts
Tell that to my wife!
And yeah, I hate when weights are all over the place. Where I go, the people who work there are the WORST.
I also hate when people stand the fixed weight small barbells on end. I guess nobody has ever though about what would happen when one falls and hits someone on the foot? I usually put them down when I see them. Had someone come up to me and ask why I do that. I looked at her like she was crazy and asked whether she'd like it if one fell on her foot.
Or how about that guy who wants to tie up 3 different machines/benches at once for that SUPER set he's trying to do. Ugh...
Mine is the dumbells. People take the dumbells out of the db area and then don't put them back.
just realized the guy in this video got into 22 jump street (playing the douchebag of course) bc he became youtube famous off his videos.
I got to 56 seconds sorry. not funny. mine is dumbbells as well
Dumbbells are number one for me, it's a dick move to grab a pair and do a set right in front of the glass, because it prevents others from accessing them. Secondly I go to snap fitness, not all snaps have more than 2 bench presses - nothing is worse than waiting on bench and seeing someone playing on their phone, and wearing a shirt that's dry as a bone. If you're going to sit around and play on the phone, please at least have some sweat on your shirt.
the dumbbells at my gym are all the place. I got used to it lol. There in pairs but its common to see the 40's where the 15's should be.
Personal conversations that seem to go on with the same people are big ones for me. You see these same people with no results standing around like its a bar talking to others for several minutes wasting time.
Also the guy who likes to dance or head bang or lip sync can also be annoying.
Anything that's a major distraction for me is annoying. When your at the gym you work. Anything else is just wasting time or distracting others.
Last edited by jesse4466; 07-31-2014 at 09:16 AM.
4 am workouts is where its at. Douche bags and motor mouths are few and far between. Nothing like an empty gym
Goes without saying, one of the worst is taking plates off your station without asking first
I was spotting someone on the incline bench once and one of the gym employees was going around re-racking weights, and comes up to our station and moves the plates around while the guy was in the middle of the set, thankfully the weight wasn't that much otherwise he could have lost focus and got in some trouble =/
I gotta say I laughed.
BroScience dude is the shit lol. Also, near the same topic is this apparent "uniform" i have at my gym that's stringer tank tops or the muscle shirt with the arm hole cut down to the waist with the baggiest damn sweat pants so they never have to look at the dainty baby deer calves/thighs shaking like a leaf in the wind. Are calves that hard? Yes.. Yes they are..
What about the out of shape guy trying to explain to people how to use the equipment properly? I usually just stare at those guys and when we make eye contact I shake my head. Yesterday I was doing some lightweight laterals in between sets. This guy starts doing then next to me. I'm using the 15s and he is looking at me like I'm a ***** or something. I keep ripping the 15s he grabs the 50s and starts trying to do them. Gets them up to about his hip every rep and uses his legs and back more than his damn shoulders. I was freakin lmfao in my head. Just laughed out loud writing this crap.
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