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Thread: Help Me Tweak My Diet

  1. #1

    Help Me Tweak My Diet

    I'm quite new to the forum though I've been reading quite a while.. this is my first post and if i got things right I think I should be pretty close to ball park with the calories/macros that i've set up. I understand most of the diets take some trail and error but if we can shorten the time to get it dialed in it'd be better especially since I notice a lot of people lose motivation trying to figure it out..

    21Yrs old
    230lbs/25% BF

    5 day training split (Chest, Back, Legs, Shoulders, Chest) Monday - Friday (Chest is weak point)
    training day-240g carbs, 65g fats, 245g protein = 2525 Cals
    non lifting day- 160g carbs, 65g fat, 245g protein = 2205 Cals
    Cardio 5 times a week I try doing HIIT I feel like it helps my metabolism (dead slow atm)

    96/4 Beef
    Chicken Breasts
    Omega 3 Eggs

    Brown Rice

    Greek Yogurt

    any questions please ask, I'm sure I left some things out. Like I said first post..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Macros looks good.

    I would add:

    Egg whites
    Whey protein after workout
    Casein protein before bed


    Egg yolks

    Also you should add some vegetables like avocado, salad, brocoli etc.

  3. #3
    Thanks man!

    Like I said I forgot to add some stuff, I got Tuna and Egg Whites on deck!

    I'll try some oats as well

    Yeah I bought me a big bag of almonds and pistachios!

    I knew the greens would come into play! I'll add them little by little

  4. #4
    Anyone else?

    Any tips, feel free to add to the thread

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaD View Post
    Anyone else?

    Any tips, feel free to add to the thread
    Hey my man, at 25% bf and only 2,500 and 2,200 calories/day looks like you're trying to cut. I successfully lost 30lbs and cut my bf% from 20 down to 10 in 5 months with a very similar diet to yours. I did the whole 40:40:20 ratio with 40% of calories coming from carbs and protein (250g of each/1,000 calories) and 20% from fat. I was only eating about 55g of fat a day, and healthy fats like from almonds, avocado. I think that did the trick. For carbs you can't go wrong with Oatmeal, and I've incorporated Ezekial bread into a lot of my meals. Those complex carbs and all that fiber does wonders. Fruits are good but most of then have simple sugars in them so it's good to mix it up with some complex carbs with vitamins and minerals. Alcohol too, I was losing weight but really didn't lose the belly until I chilled out on all those light beers.

    I think you'll do fine my man.
    Last edited by GeorgiaSoldia; 05-25-2014 at 11:19 PM.

  6. #6
    Thanks!! Well I don't drink or smoke so there's no temptation on that side

    I've heard a lot of good things from Ezekial Bread I'll give it a try next time around.

    Once again thanks for the support guys. I'm at the point where this little extra support goes a long long way.

  7. #7
    My metabolism will slowly start speeding up by itself right? With the proper diet and training

  8. #8
    Weight hasn't budged ....

    I'm thinking maybe I over estimated my activity level, I'll probably start adding an early morning walk (1Hr)
    Maybe I'm under estimating some calories,.. I'll try and eat fairly similar for the rest of the week plus the walk.. see how that goes

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaD View Post
    Weight hasn't budged .... I'm thinking maybe I over estimated my activity level, I'll probably start adding an early morning walk (1Hr) Maybe I'm under estimating some calories,.. I'll try and eat fairly similar for the rest of the week plus the walk.. see how that goes
    Calories are to high IMO. Lower to 2000/day and do that for two weeks. Then lower by 100kcal each time you stall and always leave 2-3 weeks to see any effect.. Until you hit 1700-1800 and then increase cardio even more if you feel like you are stalling again.


  10. #10
    Much Appreciated I'll drop some Calories and I'll check back in 2-3 weeks

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