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Thread: Can Steroids be used for strengthening ligaments and tendons in the knee & wt. loss?

  1. #1

    Can Steroids be used for strengthening ligaments and tendons in the knee & wt. loss?

    I am looking to gain some knowledge about using Steroids for injuries, treatment, and if they can be used for weight loss. I have almost ZERO knowledge and I'm really wanting to be educated on these matters.

    Before I experienced consecutive injuries in the military I was decently strong and fit. After my last injury, I said to hell with it all. That was 6 years ago. Now I have decided to start doing what I love and what I grew up with, Weightlifting.

    I can not afford to take off work to have knee surgery, so I'm looking to other ways to treat my knee until I can have surgery in a year or so. A training partner/friend said he heard anabolic steroids can help. Is this true???? Also, can steroids help with losing weight?

  2. #2
    Google search goes a long way

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Read all the steroids profiles here. Steroid Profiles - Steroid .com
    For your weight loss can really be helped with your eating. This is the place to ask questions about it. DIET AND NUTRITION and You might want to read this about benefits of TB-500 for injuries rehab
    Times Roman also has a great meal calculator to help keep track of your meals so you might want to ask him for a copy of his spreadsheet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    This should be a must read for you as well. Can answer a lot of common questions. Austinite worked hard on this information and did a great job.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the help guys. I am looking now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Tendons and ligaments can take years to strengthen. Steroid use can often trigger trauma to these connective tissues due to muscular strength outpacing tendon/ligament strength resulting in injury. Mainly due to a serious lack of blood vessels in the area, strengthening these areas is a slow process.

    There is a peptide called TB500 that significantly heals the recovery/rehab time when connective tissue is injured. What ordinarily takes months to heal can take as little as a few weeks. To find out more, follow the link in my signature.

  7. #7
    Thanks Roman,
    After starting my research about an hour ago I found a note book is needed. I started weight lifting again 3 months ago. I I've noticed my chronic pains are being levitated. I'm not new to weight lifting but I'm new to lifting with past injuries. My knee pain has went from constant pain all the time (every step) to minor pain. My MCL and ACL has been torn but not completely. If I can just have my surgery next year and the doc just has to fix my cartilage, then I'm willing to do whatever it takes for that to happen. I will go to your link now.

  8. #8
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    first, it might be a good idea to try MSM. Natural sulphuric based compound, very inexpensive, 5 lbs for $35 or so, lasts 15 months. 5 grams a day forever (get the powder). Mild anti-inflammatory and helps improve collegen synthesis. Takes a minimum 30 days before you begin to notice the effects. I've been on for over 15 years.

    second, if your knees are bugging you, also consider HA knee injections. It's been called a "lube job for the knee". Annual shot in the knee. I had this done several times and was happy to find relief.

  9. #9
    I've taken MSM, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin for about 16 years now. Is HA knee injection nicknamed called Goo or Peanut Butter? I got a shot in my knee about 10 months ago and it was the worse pain ever. I can't say it helped. It did cost 600 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
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    Back from Afghanistan
    no. it's injected into the bursa behind the knee cap. I've never heard those nicknames. Yes, it's a tricky shot, and if the clinician doesn't get it right, can be painful. if she gets it right, then your bursa will feel very full and strange for a couple of minutes.

    read more here:

    Hyaluronan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  11. #11
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnum44 View Post
    I've taken MSM, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin for about 16 years now. Is HA knee injection nicknamed called Goo or Peanut Butter? I got a shot in my knee about 10 months ago and it was the worse pain ever. I can't say it helped. It did cost 600 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I've taken all three too. The G and the C only provide minor relief, and yet are expensive. You need a minimum 5 grams of MSM/day if you want to see improvement. Anything less and not so much. If you are taking tablets, you probably were not taking enough MSM. Drop the G and the C, and only take the MSM. MSM is very expensive, and at 5 grams a day, this is about 8 cents a day. Compare to the blend you were taking with insufficient MSM at around a dollar a day.....?

  12. #12
    Ok, thanks. Man, lots of info today. I didn't think their was this much information out there about proper steroid use.
    Apparently, STEROID a generalization I think. So many products with different purposes. wow

  13. #13

    Red face Update on knee treatment

    Sorry, It took me so long to hop back on here. I figured I would wait til I had something to say.
    I went my ortho doctor (a german doc) today about my knee. He asked how my knee was doing and I told him it was feeling better of all. he asked why I was there. I asked asked if he remembered why I could not have my surgery and he said yes. I told him I've been doing research about alternative treatments to prolong a surgery or not have one at all. I asked about Deca Durabolin, if it actually works for tendon and ligament regeneration. He looked at me like I had a horn growing out of my head. After that though he explained that studies have shown this to be true and he talked about side effects But he said he DOES NOT PRESCRIBE MEDICATION FOR THAT TYPE OF TREATMENT. He said in the best case scenario I can hold off surgery for maybe 2 or 3 years. One big surprise is, he brought up Growth Hormone therapy and said he thinks I should consider it. He did give me two websites to look at and number to call a clinic in Nurnberg or one in Switzerland to make appointment.

    So, after reading all damn day again, it seems HGH is kick ass! I don't like the bone growth side effects and possible tumor causing side effects but thats mostly from abuse it seems. What do you guys think??? IT SEEMS GREAT FOR MY NEEDS. BTW Times Roman, I got my MSM in the mail last week. I've been taking 5mg a day. I'll keep you posted on that.

  14. #14
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    if you can get legit pharm grade prescribed from your legit doc, and your out of pocket is just a few hundred bucks, I'd say give it a try

  15. #15
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    if you can get legit pharm grade prescribed from your legit doc, and your out of pocket is just a few hundred bucks, I'd say give it a try
    I 2nd that. ^^^^ That would be my #1 choice (HGH) but ONLY if it was rx. #2 would be TB500 and supplementing with MSM like TR suggested.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-28-2014 at 11:39 PM.

  16. #16
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    Nov 2012
    I had a good result treating my patellar tendon with TB-500 and MGF. The tendon had been partially ruptured and operated on about a year prior. Had a great reduction in pain and felt normal finally.

    If it were me and I had access to legit GH I could afford I would run GH along side an MGF/TB-500 dosing schedule

  17. #17
    Add deca to your next cycle, for a lot of guys the joint pain while on a cycle without deca is unbearable.

  18. #18
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    Thumbs up

    Hey Magnum44,
    I know what you are going thru here... It's great to hear that your back in the gym! I've had over 10 surgeries & I'm 31... Tore my labrum in half/& 3 other places(they took my bicep tendon from my R. Arm and 2-3 screws to fix) thAts where my chronic pain started(@ 17 yrs old)... Then an accident landed me in a coma for a month and a half(had a tracheotomy, crushed spleen, L. Heal was in pieces, and broke all my L. Ribs, too... Then 4 Ventral Hernia repairs)! Also, lost 90% of my connective tissue in my R. Shoulder!

    But look I'm back to where I feel comfortable and I too, am gonna ask my Doc for HGH RX... I've done a lot of research and my options are 1. Total reverse joint replacement, Stem Cell research(if ever approved), or HGH... And GH seems to be the best fit since they won't do my surgery till I'm in my 50's/60's !

    Im sharing this w/you b/c I know not being able to do the exercises you want or know you could be using heavier weights(which is the wrong way to go)... Try strengthening your supporting muscles(I.e, rotator cuff, ligaments in your knee- one legged leg press w/lite weight if that feels ok, etc!

    So, keep your head up bro, and it seems your doing your reading as well as gettin info from great knowledgable members(who care)!

    Good luck my man!

  19. #19
    I've read deca is a steroid that also heals ligaments/tendons but would it interfere with the HGH? Also, it wouldn't know how to go about getting Deca. sephirothus, honestly I am gathering information and taking notes but have yet to do a cycle of anything yet. If I can get the HGH which I think i can. I have the MRI's, X-rays, bloodwork ready to give them. Also, since I'm over weight it will help.

  20. #20
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    Jun 2014
    Deca does not heal tendon. This is not true. It can decrease pain, however its damage tendon while it hide pain. There is two article they showed deca could efect collagen shape on mouses tendons which can cause more damage. I am on deca cycle and it decrease my patteller tendon pain. But now I feel like I injured my rotator cuffs. And it wasn't there before cycle. So dont trust deca that much
    Last edited by xzed; 07-29-2014 at 06:08 PM.

  21. #21
    xzed, I have no personal experience with it. I'm stating what I read and what my orthopedic surgeon has said. Actually, unbaised clinical studies are few and far between because the demonization of steroids. Thats the main reason why I joined this forum, To get actually real world answers. My dad once told me if you want to learn the best way to dig a ditch, ask the ditch digger not the company owner.

    xzed, thanks though and I am still researching and I will look into your statement.

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