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Thread: Welts from mod grf 1-29 and ghrp2?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Welts from mod grf 1-29 and ghrp2?

    Please send the fukin word out, i would like to not have to waste all of this product. Bear with me here, as I am going to have a lot of info to put down. Please, I would really like some help with this.

    Let me first say i do not believe this is a sterility issue, and the source i procured these compunds from was recommended to me by several people. I have used their tb500 with no issues. If you would like to know what the source was, i will share it if it is permissable.

    Started ghrp2 and mod grf 1-29 (no dac) a few days ago, dosing 100mcg 3x per day. First couple injections, fine, no problem. I am pulling the ghrp2 and mod into the same insulin pin, injecting subcutaneous. Then I started getting red, itchy, hard lumps under the skin post injection at the site where I am pinning. BUT ONLY 1/2 OF THE TIME. Aka, I will inject one time, no welt, then come back for my next dose and end up with the welt after that injection. I always sterilize with alchohol pads, always make sure to not use a bent needle, new needle each time, pinch the skin, inject, let the skin go, stable the pin with the other hand. Inject slowly, pull the pin out quickly, place the alchohol pad back over the site and hold it there for a few seconds. For example, this morning I pinned in the oblique (sub q) no welt. Just pinned in the thigh, welt. What the fuk. The other welts I have stop itching and are no longer red after about five minutes, but if I run my hand over the site I feel a hard lump under the skin.

    What am I doing wrong? I do not believe I am allergic to the bac water, as every other thing I have injected with it does not do this, mild itching at most. I would understand just having an adverse reaction to the mod grf, but why only some of the time?

    Will the lumps go away? One has been there for about 3 days now.

    I am not going to pin again until I figure out what the hell is going on. I do not believe the potential benefits of this product outweigh having strange absesses all over my body.

    Does anyone have experience with this? I know this has happened with other people, and I have researched this as much as I can online amd through other forums.
    Thank you so much for any and all help!
    Last edited by AllKindsOGains; 03-22-2015 at 10:45 AM.

  2. #2
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    How much volume are you injecting akog?

    Typically with water based, I've noticed about .5ml will start leaving a lump.

    Also on the sub q, personally I remove the needle before I let go of the skin fold.

    I would venture to guess it's just volume.

  3. #3
    I have 2.5 ml with the ghrp 2 (5mg), 2 ml with the mod grf (2mg) so 15 iu total in my insulin syringe. If it's volume, why is it still present 3 days later? I have injected an entire 2ml of bac water and not had this issue with tb500

  4. #4
    Could it be that I have contaminated my mod grf with my ghrp? I have been pulling the ghrp 2 into the syringe first, which I just read it should be pulled second, because the mod grf is less stable. Still doesn't explain it happening sporadically vs every time...

  5. #5
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    I don't know anything about peptides so I can't comment on that.

    I meant how much are you injecting at one time, in one spot?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    I don't know anything about peptides so I can't comment on that.

    I meant how much are you injecting at one time, in one spot?
    15 iu. That's nothing really. Very small amount. I don't think it's the volume, because like I said I have injected nearly an entire syringe full of liquid and not had this happen. Only happens with these compounds.
    In fact I would say only with the mod grf, because when I started I was pinning them separately.
    Last edited by AllKindsOGains; 03-22-2015 at 11:01 AM.

  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I dont think its contamination because it is not consistent. Where did you get them?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post

    15 iu. That's nothing really. Very small amount. I don't think it's the volume, because like I said I have injected nearly an entire syringe full of liquid and not had this happen. Only happens with these compounds.
    I occasionally have an issue with dime to nickel sized welts from my peptide injections. I take 100mcg cjc1295 no DAC, 200mcg GHRP-6 and 200mcg of Frag 3x daily as well as cycles of IGF DES and LR3. I have also used TB500 in the past.

    I too am very careful about sterility, I have chalked this up to some spots on my body, simply being more sensitive to injection than others. SubQ specifically as I never have a problem with IM DES or my Test E injections.

    Are you relatively new to peps and subQ injection? I've noticed over time my body seems to have gotten used to it and I only see this occur once a month if ever these days. My first round of peptides I remember having this issue almost daily. I'd be tugging my shirt down doing decline chest presses lol

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I dont think its contamination because it is not consistent. Where did you get them?
    Allamericanpeptide. I got the normal sides and everything else that comes along with these peps (sweating, throbbing head, numb hands) so it's the real thing. Maybe not as clean as it should be? I just know other people on other forums have had this lump issue.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Badblues View Post
    I occasionally have an issue with dime to nickel sized welts from my peptide injections. I take 100mcg cjc1295 no DAC, 200mcg GHRP-6 and 200mcg of Frag 3x daily as well as cycles of IGF DES and LR3. I have also used TB500 in the past.

    I too am very careful about sterility, I have chalked this up to some spots on my body, simply being more sensitive to injection than others. SubQ specifically as I never have a problem with IM DES or my Test E injections.

    Are you relatively new to peps and subQ injection? I've noticed over time my body seems to have gotten used to it and I only see this occur once a month if ever these days. My first round of peptides I remember having this issue almost daily. I'd be tugging my shirt down doing decline chest presses lol
    I refuse to inject on my stomach any more for this reason. No point in having "increased gains" if you look like a heroine addict or what have you. Yes I am new to peps but site sensitivity? I injected once in my thigh, no welt, then again literally an inch away from that spot, and got a welt. I can't say that thats what it is either.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    Allamericanpeptide. I got the normal sides and everything else that comes along with these peps (sweating, throbbing head, numb hands) so it's the real thing. Maybe not as clean as it should be? I just know other people on other forums have had this lump issue.
    Id tend to think it is something of a cleanliness issues etc. Id suspect some form of contamination the thing is who knows what man. Thats the thing, you are injecting this shit- its scary not knowing wtf is in it thats causing this crap. Ive used a couple GH stacks form arr and never had any issue like the one you are speaking of. I inject both in the same syringe etc. It is smart that you stopped using it IMO.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Id tend to think it is something of a cleanliness issues etc. Id suspect some form of contamination the thing is who knows what man. Thats the thing, you are injecting this shit- its scary not knowing wtf is in it thats causing this crap. Ive used a couple GH stacks form arr and never had any issue like the one you are speaking of. I inject both in the same syringe etc. It is smart that you stopped using it IMO.
    I understand that arr is the "go to" for everyone, but honestly the prices are not worth it to me. Edit: Arr's prices are now worth it to me. I can't believe that this source would only have one out of 3 products that are contaminated? I had a vet from this site point me there. Idk, but definitely noT continuing. Wast of $.
    Last edited by AllKindsOGains; 03-22-2015 at 01:11 PM.

  13. #13
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    I understand in rare instances some to respond this way to ghrh products. Prospective researchers should test the waters before investing much in CJC-1295, etc. Thank you for sharing AKOG! May I suggest setting the grf to the side and continuing with GHRP and TB?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post

    I understand that arr is the "go to" for everyone, but honestly the prices are not worth it to me. I can't believe that this source would only have one out of 3 products that are contaminated? I had a vet from this site point me there. Idk, but definitely noT continuing. Wast of $.
    I too use a source other than the site sponsor, for the same reason as you. I've had no problems with my source whatsoever.

    My apologies if this was asked before but what size pins are you using?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Badblues View Post
    I too use a source other than the site sponsor, for the same reason as you. I've had no problems with my source whatsoever.

    My apologies if this was asked before but what size pins are you using?
    31 guage 5/16 1ml

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    I understand that arr is the "go to" for everyone, but honestly the prices are not worth it to me. I can't believe that this source would only have one out of 3 products that are contaminated? I had a vet from this site point me there. Idk, but definitely noT continuing. Wast of $.
    Yeah its a personal choice where you go. Im not busting your balls to make you feel bad but the thing is, for me a few years ago I got burned and just decided there is some truth to you get what you pay for and shit like this I am injecting so I dont mess around. ARR has US made peps and really are known as the best quality around. For me I look for a sale, a good sale, and buy then. The deal is this, now you have shit you cant even use so you didnt really save anything man. Im sorry you are dealing with this.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    I understand in rare instances some to respond this way to ghrh products. Prospective researchers should test the waters before investing much in CJC-1295, etc. Thank you for sharing AKOG! May I suggest setting the grf to the side and continuing with GHRP and TB?
    Would you think ordering my grf from a different source would clear the problem? Synergy of the compounds is significant.

  18. #18
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    Sent you a pm akog

  19. #19
    Bro you said it yourself, waste of money. You would have been better off spending some extra cash and using arr and getting good peptides. There is more to researching than a vet saying a place is good to go. You should research the company. I just googled all american and found several quality issues. If I had a buck for every time I saw a post like this man. I bet that stuff is some Chinese crap. Say what you want about the sponsors prices, their stuff is the best around.
    Edited in: I just read this and realized I came off like a dick. I am sorry for that. I think it sucks what happened but I have seen it a bunch of times. I lurked here for years and then joined only to see a bunch of posts like this over and over when I decided where I was gonna get my rc's and peptides from. Thats all. Sorry you had this happen to you.
    Last edited by stevelifts; 03-22-2015 at 11:36 AM.

  20. #20
    Bro, my very first order was from arr. I understand that you think I'm just another one who got "dooped" for low prices. I did do research on them, saw some good, saw some bad, like just about everywhere else. I had multiple people say they were good to go. Like i said, no issue with their tb. Doesn't change the fact that, yes indeed, I did get fuking dooped. Fuk it all

  21. #21
    One last question: do you guys think my health is at risk? Infection, etc? All of that shit is going into the garbage.

  22. #22
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    I think it is good you stopped. You did the right thing and now you have to move forward and not look back. This occured relatively quickly and you caught it, stopped, and moved on. You did the best things you could do. I would just make sure the lumps all go away etc and thats about all you can do man. Next time you get blood work that will be a decent indication of your overall health.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    Would you think ordering my grf from a different source would clear the problem? Synergy of the compounds is significant.
    No, I do not. Quality control is not likely the issue. Fortunately growth hormone releasing peptides offer benefit as stand alone products, inclusion of ghrh will not make or break the cycle. You're #1, thanks again for sharing and listening so well to your body!

  24. #24
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    I'd used AAP's ghrp-2 and mod grf for about 2 months previously, never got any welts but plenty of itching around the site (to be expected). Although I've never gone anywhere but the love handles and abdominal fat. I rotate the sites and use a 31g .5ml insulin pin, never had any issues.

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