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Thread: Growing, soreness & lifting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Growing, soreness & lifting

    So ever since I started my hope to be soon over intensely physical career, I have been sore to the point of where it makes lifting damn near impossible even when I find the time to lift.

    My question is; Can intense physical work cause muscle growth?

    Is it still sort of site specific or?

    Lets say I running a jack hammer for 3 hours - does this make up for doing an arm type workout? I am def sore to the point where I can not do a even half assed arm workout < So will cause growth over time?

    And if so, should I focus on other areas, like lets say abs & shoulders? which do not take a direct beating

    Reason why I ask is because I feel I can't lift even close to the same of manner as I have prior to having to do extreme physical work. And I really don't want any of myself to go to waste in the mean time.

  2. #2
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    Jan 2015
    When I was young (many moons ago) I worked for a contractor and to answer ur question, yes! We did hard physical work all day... We just worked our a$$ off so I feel Ya on the not wanting to lift... At some point u get used to it and it's a different kind of workout if u will...

  3. #3
    I was in the same shoes as you. Working for a masonry company. Carrying around 100lb bags of cement. Moving 60lb cinder blocks up and down staging. When I first started doing it. I was completely dead at the end of the day. Id force myself to get a workout. It eventually got better and even though I was completely dead after work. By time I got to the gym I worked myself back up and had a second wind. Like stated above doing the physical labor at work is different than your workout at the gym. I had more of a full body workout at work then focused in on a particular body part for that day.

    I wouldn't stop going to the gym thinking that your getting a workout at work. I think getting your gym time in is still crucial. Just ease in it and your body will adjust

  4. #4
    If you haven't already I'd adjust your Marcos for how much your working too. I ate as much as I could. Every chance I got

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by pitweiler
    If you haven't already I'd adjust your Marcos for how much your working too. I ate as much as I could. Every chance I got

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitweiler View Post
    If you haven't already I'd adjust your Marcos for how much your working too. I ate as much as I could. Every chance I got

    Exactly what I have been doing since I started

    I been putting down as much clean only food as possible - before I'd feel full from less, but now I now I barely find enough food to take down

    Weight hasn't dropped, but I seem to be more cut up < a little at least

  7. #7
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    Jan 2015
    This is a great opportunity to build stamina and endurance! We would just make a game out of it at work all day, lol... Me and the guys would make every task a comp.... Really made the day go by faster and looking back on it now, hell of a lot of fun!!!!

  8. #8
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    I wouldn't go all that far - we work for the city. It takes about 2-3 hours to inspect the job, then 3-5 to complete < then wait another 2-3 to have it inspected.

    It's kind of the opposite most days. Just stretches them out - we work, stop, stop some more, then work again

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I wouldn't go all that far - we work for the city. It takes about 2-3 hours to inspect the job, then 3-5 to complete < then wait another 2-3 to have it inspected.

    It's kind of the opposite most days. Just stretches them out - we work, stop, stop some more, then work again
    That actually sounds worse than working hard all day... Start stop, start stop... Plays games w/your mind and body...

    I used to do similar work... And I would hate goin to the gym... I/we know where your coming from... I would still try and get in there say 3-4x rather than 5-6(even 3 splitting it up push/legs/pull etc(try more compounded movements to keep size/strength... Just a few thoughts...

  10. #10
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    Exactly what I have been doing - went to the gym 3x each of the last 3 weeks. Diet is clean & heavy, drinking over a gallon of water per day.

    Taking 320mg of sust every 5th day. Started low dose dBol at 20-30mg's a day(30 on days I lift).

    Starting on Deca in a few days at 250mg a week.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Exactly what I have been doing - went to the gym 3x each of the last 3 weeks. Diet is clean & heavy, drinking over a gallon of water per day.

    Taking 320mg of sust every 5th day. Started low dose dBol at 20-30mg's a day(30 on days I lift).

    Starting on Deca in a few days at 250mg a week.
    I think it's smart that your doing it 3x wkly to ensure no overtraining occurs, w/all the physical labor involved... As well as reducing injury, & the Deca will help(in my case it did & I got a real bad shoulder joint!

    You know what and how to listen to your body better than most(moreso than most), & if your not losing gains consider it a plus w/all your goin through! Just my thoughts on the situation at hand!

    I wish ya the best brother!

  12. #12
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    Thx bro,

    Only downside is that I never feel like I recover. Since I am doing some sort of heavy physical work 7x a week.

    Oh wells, I'll b aight

  13. #13
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    My forearms are sore half the week because I am pushing in screws all week, I am a union carpenter. They don't seem to grow from it I just get aches in my triceps by the little bone by my elbow. And I am always exhausted from work so I started training every other day because I have been doing ten's hour days.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Thx bro,

    Only downside is that I never feel like I recover. Since I am doing some sort of heavy physical work 7x a week.

    Oh wells, I'll b aight
    You will be fine... I know it's frustrating, & constantly feeling tired or not recovered is a awful feeling(the only thing I can relate it to other than work is PCT - but you haven't come off a high TRT dose, right?

  15. #15
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    That's one of the pains I have noticed. It's like a ligament by my elbow

    The shit we do is pretty cool & fairly mentally empowering and what not. I drive this all day, run a tamper or a jack hammer, or man a shovel.

    I'm staying on a upper cruise dose with a little extra.
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  16. #16
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    Oh yeah... I've seen those in the cities... Abd saw them work(hard labor indeed)...

    The upper cruise + should help out significantly, IMO... And for your sake!

  17. #17
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    Hahaha, tamper baby! That thing will work u out for sure!!!! I was a plumber for YEARS... Digging ditches, tamping, running cast iron pipe, u name it... But I'll say, forearms get a good workout for sure... Lol, oh I miss those days sometimes

  18. #18
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    In my profession, we have a group of guys that do a rather physical job. They work damn hard.

    None of them know what clean eating is. Most of them drink themselves into oblivion every night. And none of them lift weights.

    They're solid as a rock. Never seen any of them without a shirt, but I've grabbed hold of a few of their arms.they literally feel like rocks.

    Tried to break up a fight one time. Never doing that again!

  19. #19
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    None of these guys look fit, but they r tough that's for sure.

    But, they have diets of true crap. We go out to eat every day & I am the only one who brings my lunch.

    It is what it is for now - these guys think I'm like some gym hero God or something. All day - what you do man? How u so big man?!

  20. #20
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    [QUOTE="bsh"]This is a great opportunity to build stamina and endurance! We would just make a game out of it at work all day, lol... Me and the guys would make every task a comp.... Really made the day go by faster and looking back on it now, hell of a lot of fun!!!![/QUOTE

    This is exactly how things are done, i love it we always race each other, i remember me and a mate had to fill sand bags one day and stack them on pallets! Well next minute we was pretending we was columbian coke dealers adn we was filling bags of coke for international orders lol

    Lets just say the boss was blown away when he got there and seen how many bags we had filled hahha

    Like u say makes the day go faster

  21. #21
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    I personally think you shouldnt be upping your doses if your not training as much. Thats just wasting/ using for lack of reason! Just let urself adjust to the new work load. Sounds like u have a great job if you ask me manual labour with the right blokes is one of the best jobs! I could never do inside/desk work.... Its easier to work hard and then train hard goodluck with it

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    So ever since I started my hope to be soon over intensely physical career, I have been sore to the point of where it makes lifting damn near impossible even when I find the time to lift.

    My question is; Can intense physical work cause muscle growth?

    Is it still sort of site specific or?

    Lets say I running a jack hammer for 3 hours - does this make up for doing an arm type workout? I am def sore to the point where I can not do a even half assed arm workout < So will cause growth over time?

    And if so, should I focus on other areas, like lets say abs & shoulders? which do not take a direct beating

    Reason why I ask is because I feel I can't lift even close to the same of manner as I have prior to having to do extreme physical work. And I really don't want any of myself to go to waste in the mean time.
    According to M Mentzer you could not benefit from the daily work. To grow muscles the body needs a certain intensity, and the manual labor work all day is low-intensity. It will work your CNS, and make you tired to a degree. But you dont grow big. If it where so all the workers would have been massive.
    You can however strengthen ligaments and such with work. If you wants to do strongman-stuff you need strength in places like hands and stamina to get heavy things done. Strongmen usually build muscle at the gym and the rest with hard work or strongman-practice with lower-intensity over a longer period of time.

    Ive had a physical job my self before. I was really tired after work and couldnt get much done at the gym. Stretching is important to prevent injuries, wrists especially but also shoulders and chest. Otherwise you can build up tension and get sore.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    So ever since I started my hope to be soon over intensely physical career, I have been sore to the point of where it makes lifting damn near impossible even when I find the time to lift.

    My question is; Can intense physical work cause muscle growth?

    Is it still sort of site specific or?

    Lets say I running a jack hammer for 3 hours - does this make up for doing an arm type workout? I am def sore to the point where I can not do a even half assed arm workout < So will cause growth over time?

    And if so, should I focus on other areas, like lets say abs & shoulders? which do not take a direct beating

    Reason why I ask is because I feel I can't lift even close to the same of manner as I have prior to having to do extreme physical work. And I really don't want any of myself to go to waste in the mean time.
    I think it doesn't. Unless you have superior genetics constitution work will wear you down. Your bad workouts due to your energy being depleted and how would you grow from it? Your not. The work is not short, intense and using Max poundages......its grueling in a totally different way that would be more geared towards an endurance athlete.

  24. #24
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    I kinda agree, growing size is quite a special task & task strategic lifting, all around fitness & training + diet & juice of course

    Physical work for bunk ass pay is def not my thing. But, life happens - it's what brings down most into the garbage looking, standard pos job working Joe Schmos - if all goes well, this will be short lived & will be doing what I enjoy.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I kinda agree, growing size is quite a special task & task strategic lifting, all around fitness & training + diet & juice of course

    Physical work for bunk ass pay is def not my thing. But, life happens - it's what brings down most into the garbage looking, standard pos job working Joe Schmos - if all goes well, this will be short lived & will be doing what I enjoy.
    Yup....frustrating for sure but you have to do what you have to do. You will be in a better place soon enough and that is what will fuel you to not give up.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    I kinda agree, growing size is quite a special task & task strategic lifting, all around fitness & training + diet & juice of course Physical work for bunk ass pay is def not my thing. But, life happens - it's what brings down most into the garbage looking, standard pos job working Joe Schmos - if all goes well, this will be short lived & will be doing what I enjoy.
    Every industry has fat unfit ppl in it, whether they are office jobs or labour intense jobs. It comes down to the individual and will power! Ive put on 18+ kilos in 4 years and in those years ive worked in a much higher physically demanding job. But ive had access to more food in those years assellz So i cant see how my job can hold me back as such.. I work hard and train hard to me its a perfect life kid on the way aswell cant wait. Anyways another 11hour shift down and to the gym it is push strength nite

    Happy training and goodluxk OP I hope it all comes together for u

  27. #27
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    Haven't even seen the gym once this week. Hit my weights at home once for like 30 mins.

    I don't see any physical positives to this type of work for myself at all. But, we're all different

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Haven't even seen the gym once this week. Hit my weights at home once for like 30 mins. I don't see any physical positives to this type of work for myself at all. But, we're all different
    You have already answered your own question. Too bad you have to get such an early start. Training before work would be your only option except for the weekends. If you could get in there early morning for a shoulder workout and an another for back you would be golden .... Sat chest and Sunday legs

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    So ever since I started my hope to be soon over intensely physical career, I have been sore to the point of where it makes lifting damn near impossible even when I find the time to lift.

    My question is; Can intense physical work cause muscle growth?

    Is it still sort of site specific or?

    Lets say I running a jack hammer for 3 hours - does this make up for doing an arm type workout? I am def sore to the point where I can not do a even half assed arm workout < So will cause growth over time?

    And if so, should I focus on other areas, like lets say abs & shoulders? which do not take a direct beating

    Reason why I ask is because I feel I can't lift even close to the same of manner as I have prior to having to do extreme physical work. And I really don't want any of myself to go to waste in the mean time.
    Most hard-labor jobs give the best forearm workouts.

    Yes, they get you bigger forearms, but that's really about it...

    There is no job out there that requires you to recruit even half of the motor units in your legs. Therefore, there is no excuse not to squat.

    However, forearms, upper-arms, shoulders, and your entire back can get heavily taxed with lots of these types of jobs. And most of the time, it's just an endurance stimulus than a strength stimulus. Which is great for the forearms since it's mainly an endurance muscle, but I believe everything else must still be trained heavy.

    You just have to cut your gym-workload to make sure your job doesn't suffer. No excuse of going light on squats though.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Haven't even seen the gym once this week. Hit my weights at home once for like 30 mins.

    I don't see any physical positives to this type of work for myself at all. But, we're all different
    I've found that going to the gym early am has really benefitted me.... That way when I get home from a 10-12 hr day buts time to unwind(but then again I don't have a family) and that's more important inn the long run! Just my experience..,

    Everything else will work itself out... Again you'll find what works best for you(over time) unfortunately!

    Best of luck movin forward!

  31. #31
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    On the positive note > I have been a on a low dose of dBol for like a week and a half(20-30mg) and my joints already ache less.

    I don't need an "real man" muscle - I like looking good. . . lol

    It's even more to see someone fit in a construction type job than anything else. . . . This shit is just a beating, glad that there people who are willing to do it.

    These guys are like - I'm surprised, he just keeps going and don't talk back < what's the point

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