I like skulls drop set twice right into rope cable pushdowns then super set last set of those..I only do triceps a few times a month..when I was young in a quest for 20 inch arms I used to skull crush piles of weight and spend hours torturing my triceps and now got elbow problems..
I've really tried to find the most comfortable way to do skulls and incline skulls are it for me
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
That was the one cheek sneak
Wow. Wow Wow. Incase you didnt know. This Dungeon/Castle was supposed to be a parody. A weapon to hurt the big man Another dumbell on his toe. But, as things roll it seems like this Castle has it owns place. Like a mean littlebrother.
A rebellion. Sort of.
So...But...i guess the big dogs will continue to drop off topic bombs and make fun of us, but in the end....this Castle is gonna kick the dungeons ass so hard it would never do a squat anymore.
Last, if some of you are afraid of that joining here will put you on the vets and famers hatelist, its ok. Really, they are all humans with bad breath too and most of them arent that big really and the only one who matters is admin and admin is on my side on this one. That i know for sure. Agree Barack??
Finally last, these vids are old. Many years before i got the knowledge from this forum on use of aas and when i just used the weigths as a hobby and didnt know nothing about the principples of HIT.
Now things have changed a bit....
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-22-2016 at 07:24 PM.
When I was doing them before. When I had the weights at top (so with my arms extended) the weights would be lined up with my mouth.
Ones one of the guys here. Can't remember who maybe Marcus( Not sure if it was him. Just wanted to throw a dig in there like everyone else haha) told me to have the weights past my head and that fix alot of problems
Well what's your suggestion of doing this? You haven't given one piece of advice on this "castle" of yours. Or your workouts or anything else? Let's here it what's the big crazy workout to get us pumped up and lifting better? Or should I jump over to the real dungeon and see what's going on haha
This now starting to suck.... badly
Dont ask what the Castle can do for you. Ask what you can do for the Castle!
LOL NOT AT ALL... I believe BG said it best - you know when your driving and there's an. Accident on the side of the road... We know not to look yet we do.. A lot like this thread...
Just to see your demise, Sil! Your just looking for attention now and It's sad you had to go and try and copy a real HIT thread in which someone(Marcus) has totally poured all his passion into that thread and his willingness to help others achieve freak status or beast status(if not freaky yet) when yet everyone else usually closes off all they're lil tips and tweaks he's opened up even more... Now look at His thread - it's got some of the biggest brightest and most knowledgeable members in there b/c we share the same passion - True HIT and pain!!! It's very obviously you did not read one single page in there as you've got zero inkling to what and how HIT works! Just for reference I'm still learning and it's been 2+ yrs in there... Always room to grow with knowledge... What your doing here is just for attention - C-mon Sil - no one here can take you seriously - really consider a whole new thread change b4 you lose ALL CREDIBILITY!
Exactly what's happening, could not been said much better.
Credibility? I think its something only Piana and other youtube smarts can accredit to him personally at this point...
It seems he believes in sarms, in almost anyone who is bigger and looks cooler than him, believes in almost everyone who talks louder and runs better material life than him... I believe Sila is good dude at heart, but...all I have seen so far from Sila is buckets and buckets of hearsay storeys and lots of speculation based on empty-air between his "friends" ears on youtube
Nach , he's the class clown![]()
This is the best thread to get answer from Sil http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-l...ny-female.html
A car accident?. What...so that is what the Castle is for you man? That was pretty rude i think.
Well, we already had an interessting triceps moves discussion and we are growing.
And Marky, i had to dissect your interview thread. So...almost 50 are we?..Time to grow up or?. North of England where real men lives..lol....almost scottish??...friiidooom?....guess you would have some scottish genes then. Explains a lot. And sexually abused as a child and you went to child hospital for 4 years????..Bullied and started the weigths.
U should hav told me this. Then i wouldnt be so harsh on you man...
But, you are rude. And there is no way im gonna let you interview ME. Thats a NO NO...sorry mate.
Don't go to far man.
How about u contribute in your own thread instead of acting like a child.
Today I worked out legs killed it with squats 3 sets
Leg lunges 3 sets then a 1 drop set until I couldn't get up!
10min break
Leg extentions 3 sets high rep feeling the burn real bad
Calf raises 3 sets
After that I did stairs for 15 min (yes my legs didn't like that at all)
Looks good. Also study Pianas narrow hack squats. Continous with 20 reps. His knowledge is Charles Glass like and i have tried it and there is no better exercise for getting that difficult outter sweap.
This is a pic of mine before we went to holliday.
Never had thighs like this before and i didnt use that much gear. Just tried to fill in those narrow hacks in my workouts.
Nowadays i just do squats at home. Maintaining and easing down before i go all in 1. Oktober. For sure i will add Pianas narrow hack squats by then. And maybe start with them. Outer sweap is where you wanna have the beef, but it burns like a mf and there is noway u can do this at the end of your workout.
Idealistic you need sr9009 or cardarine with creatin cause this will be aerob training and breathing and pain is hillearous.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-23-2016 at 03:24 PM.
Rude... I was stating the obvious! You don't know what HIT is and stop pushing sr9009 Bullshit up people's asses - you don't even know what your taking lol! -- and I'm positive Marcus won't be asking you to do an interview lmaooo
And of course you can finish with hack squats(feet close) it's called a..... What??? Oh that's right you may not know this protocol - pre-exhaust methods.... Hahaha and your talking about DP who sure as hell don't train HIT... Try changing to DPs castle of Overtraining and implants![]()
Last edited by NACH3; 08-23-2016 at 04:01 PM.
Thats rigth. We don care for your HIT. This is the HIT Castle, an improved version of the oldshool HIT. Time changes, so does HIT. Here we use knowlegde from Rich Piana, James Tiny West, Jerry Brainum, Charles Glass and Dave Crossland even. To mention a few. All guys with 40 years + with indept experience from all aspects of the world of iron.
We are iron warriors.
Please dont relate this Heaven of Wisdome to your little HITwannabethough with all that 40000 semiquality posts.
Its below our standards.
Dungeons are located below the castles. Think that says it all.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-23-2016 at 04:31 PM.
What ... the fuck ... is this ... ?
Sila, you must invite your fellow member Keep_It_Moving here, you must get along well together here, both of yous seem very alike, eager to learn and share, why not?
Honestly, I am bailing on this one, for a while since I joined here I thought I was looking at a dude in his age and with potential to learn and reach new heights... but from what is evident to me now I clearly see, you are a trainwreck already in the process that has no end in sight.
On the other hand if this circus continues for much longer, it will attract thousands of dumbasses from all over the place online and soon this forum turns to trash.
Golden rule - alike attracts alike.
Comes the bull, drops his shit and before you know it - it stinks like the end of the world and there's hundreds of flies eating that dirt and not wanting to ever leave.
If this will continue and will be tolerated by mods and admins for much longer it wont be too long when it will be too little too late to fix the situation.
Good luck and so long!
Last edited by InternalFire; 08-23-2016 at 05:47 PM.
What happened to the epic hit thread???
Ouch...we aim to please but that would be violention of the Castle laws. For sure this is the Castle of HIT but its also the Castle of liberty. Meaning, everbody is welcome. If you believe in Jesus, Allah, Thor and Odin, yourself OR Rich Piana you are accepted. Black, white, indian, dont do hcg, wanna do aas before 25, do two orals, run - 10 weeks test cycles, train chest/back/shoulders and tris on same workout. Stil...ur welcome.
Even if you are a marcushiter its ok!!
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-23-2016 at 06:05 PM.
I love to do my dumbell flys with a light weight really focus on the stretch. I have completely eliminated flat bench from chest workouts incline and decline only!!!!!
Smart. Chest gotta be the number one bodypart where its really important to move the muscles, not the weigths. I dont get it....95% of the gymrats at my gym load up heavily and proudly shouts when they are able to move the weigth. They look like nothing. What are they trying to do??...yell out at the beach...Hey people, why are u not looking at me.....im moving 4 plates godammit!!....or...yes, i did 4 plates...now life will smile at me..
I realize this is a HIT thread (or so you argue)...but realize that not everyone trains for hypertrophy and aesthetics. I train mostly for powerlifting. I don't care about people turning their heads to look at me on the beach, or getting stares from the opposite sex. I just want to be able to pull a train. I train for me and no one else. I agree that most people, women especially, do not care about how much you bench or squat. But guess what, I don't care about what they care or don't care about. If that's you're thing, then carry on; I'm not judging how you train or what you train for. Just try to be respectful of how others train. While you're looking at the guy on the bench pushing 405 for 2 or 3 reps (which, coincidentally, is exactly what I did last night) and telling yourself "Oh look at this guy. He wants to impress everyone with how much he can lift", he might be looking over at you and thinking "Oh, look at this meat head; all show and no go". Or he might be like me and not care and not judge you because he knows his objective and that's all he cares about. Training for a certain goal (bodybuilding/aesthetics is not more important or special than training for anything else (strength).
To quote a very respected member on another board: "Id rather have the core of a silverback than the abs of a squirrel".
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