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Last edited by Daniel256512; 09-03-2024 at 10:39 AM. Reason: Pls delete
keep in mind you grow and recover on days off, not in the gym....try working your way down to 4-5 days a week and see if that helps.
All I'll add is that you can't say your diet is in check if you don't track macros. You think your diet is check, but really you are only assuming it is. Nutrition plays a huge factor in your body being able to recover from workouts.
Most people that don't track and think their diet is ok, are greatly surprised once they track for a solid week just how off they were.
Last edited by Sark; 12-12-2016 at 07:03 PM. Reason: redundancy
Increase your routine to a 4 day split
Day 5 rest and pound back as much clean food as possible
Then repeat..
Take an extra day off whenever you notice you are getting low on energy
Never train a muscle that is not fully recovered...any tenderness from last workout means give it another day...cardio can be in place of these days..
Eat more,drink more water..get as much sleep as possible.
That's the basics but a good place to start..
So many factors to this....keep us posted and we can adjust as required
I think 6 days per week could quickly lead to overtraining. If your training hard and intense you shouldn't need more than 3-4 days per week weight training.
I have to agree with the above 6 days is too much.And as far as your diet goes.You do need to count macro's or you wont know wat you are taking in.
TBH - I think your short changing a body part(or more) each time your doing chest/shoulders/tris?!?? No way could I give everything to that BP(chest alone and maybe delts / or just tris w/chest) your on the verge of overtraining.... how do u feel.... lethargic low energy etc?
Also, why not hit rear delts/& traps with your shoulders as they're 3 major muscles in your delts(anterior/front delt - medial delt - and rear delt)
- Chest/bis
- Shoulders(including rear delts) and tris
- legs
- back/traps and(if rears delts are lagging hit them on fill in days)
I would do this but I'd do either Eod training on this split or 2on 1off approach
Make sure your intensity is super high and shorten rest periods to get past any sticking points
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