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Thread: Critique my Cardio session

  1. #1

    Critique my Cardio session

    Hello all. I wanted to get some feedback on my cardio sessions. most of them look similar to this - Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cardio log.jpg 
Views:	140 
Size:	62.9 KB 
ID:	167324. Im wrestling with the idea of what zone I need to be in to burn fat. I've heard that you should be between 60 to 70% MHR. seems like I'm a bit above that very often but I have a hard time getting myself to back off. i almost feel guilty slowing down if I feel like I can keep the pace up, even if I'm at 80%. am I being counterproductive? any recommendations and critiques are welcome.
    51 yrs old
    2x cancer survivor
    working with 1 1/2 lungs.
    cancer can go eat a bag of dicks!

  2. #2
    50 views and no comments? wow.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by joerich25 View Post
    Hello all. I wanted to get some feedback on my cardio sessions. most of them look similar to this - <img src=""/>. Im wrestling with the idea of what zone I need to be in to burn fat. I've heard that you should be between 60 to 70% MHR. seems like I'm a bit above that very often but I have a hard time getting myself to back off. i almost feel guilty slowing down if I feel like I can keep the pace up, even if I'm at 80%. am I being counterproductive? any recommendations and critiques are welcome.
    51 yrs old
    2x cancer survivor
    working with 1 1/2 lungs.
    cancer can go eat a bag of dicks!
    Wow 1 hour cardio straight, your in better shape than guys 1/3 your age. Congrats.

    Well, I split mine into 2 or 3 30min sessions a day.

    Your cardio is very good to go.

    I wouldn't put too much thought into heart rate for fat burning, or rate for whatever. I think its all mumbo jumbo.

    Get on, break a sweat, and keep it there. The more intense, the more fat loss and cardiovascular benefits.

    The whole heart rate for this and that, I feel is for obese people to get them,somewhat motivated to start.

    Keep up the hard work brotheren

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by joerich25 View Post
    Hello all. I wanted to get some feedback on my cardio sessions. most of them look similar to this - Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cardio log.jpg 
Views:	140 
Size:	62.9 KB 
ID:	167324. Im wrestling with the idea of what zone I need to be in to burn fat. I've heard that you should be between 60 to 70% MHR. seems like I'm a bit above that very often but I have a hard time getting myself to back off. i almost feel guilty slowing down if I feel like I can keep the pace up, even if I'm at 80%. am I being counterproductive? any recommendations and critiques are welcome.
    51 yrs old
    2x cancer survivor
    working with 1 1/2 lungs.
    cancer can go eat a bag of dicks!
    Looks good to me brother especially on .5 lungs lol jk. As long as your eating less calories then your burning and doing the cardio you should be good. Just be sure to take 20grams whey protein before and 30g afterword. To preserve muscle mass somewhat

  5. #5
    My friend, 'high5" for being a fighter. Life is precious and meant to be loved. Obviously you have a cery strong fire/will and I believe that you have the inner strength to accomplish anything. I always tell my son, wife, abd daughter that you never know what youre capable of until you get put in a position whete you being challenged.

    Stay hydrated and consistent. You hit it hard but your diet is the key alongside your awesome gym efforts. What other cardio do you do and gym routine?

    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    hey, thanks for the feedback. much appreciated

  7. #7
    thanks. I've been trying to mix in some running now to change it up, sorta trick the body. problem is, I HATE running. bad painful arches. my routine is - legs day 1, chest day 2, back day 3, rest day 4, shoulders day 5, arms day 6, and rest again. so my day looks like - 30 mins cardio then into lifting for about 1hr. and if I'm up to it maybe an hr of additional cardio that night. my diet can be much better. I get sloppy and the guilt gets me back on the machines.

  8. #8
    thanks. I haven't been taking whey prior. only afterwards. I do some aminos prior. I'm gonna add the whey. I''l do 1 scoop prior and 1.5 afterwards. thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by joerich25 View Post
    Hello all. I wanted to get some feedback on my cardio sessions. most of them look similar to this - Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cardio log.jpg 
Views:	140 
Size:	62.9 KB 
ID:	167324. Im wrestling with the idea of what zone I need to be in to burn fat. I've heard that you should be between 60 to 70% MHR. seems like I'm a bit above that very often but I have a hard time getting myself to back off. i almost feel guilty slowing down if I feel like I can keep the pace up, even if I'm at 80%. am I being counterproductive? any recommendations and critiques are welcome.
    51 yrs old
    2x cancer survivor
    working with 1 1/2 lungs.
    cancer can go eat a bag of dicks!
    Good job! I run hard for 15 min and think I just really did some shit lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    What is your goal with your cardio? Are you doing it merely for the heart rate, fat burning, building endurance? When you are performing your lifting sessions are you lifting to get stronger, maintain strength, muscle tone, build or maintain?

    Your max heart rate is awesome for your size and age. I feel like you may be overdoing the duration and actually being counter-productive if trying to build or maintain muscle. The long marathon may be putting your body in a catabolistic state. What is your BF%, because you are burning some serious calories with that duration, 1,144 cals to be exact and that is just your cardio session?

  11. #11
    Hi. My cardio goal is fat loss. my target weight is 210. and I'm lifting with the goals of getting tone and adding some size. id say my bf% is around 25 right now, I've come down from 255 in December to 243 this past Tuesday. and I just did a 5 day fat fast and dropped about 8lbs so today I'm weighed in at 235. I don't want to be counterproductive so I think I might dial back the duration of the cardio to 30 mins prior to lifting and maybe a longer session once a week. and thanks for the feedback

  12. #12
    lol. thats funny. thanks bro

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    You're grinding it out. Well done. I'd get bored doing that much cardio and I definitely want to avoid the dread of getting in a cardio session. 30 mins is good and will allow you to hit it hard. I'd move the cardio to the end of your workout so you don't sacrifice strength on your lifts. HIIT works for me as I get tired of the long treadmill and elliptical grinds. I like 1 min jump rope, 30 secs break, 1 min battling ropes, 30 to 1 min break, kettlebell swings 1 min, 1 min break. 4 to 5 rounds of that and you have the equivalent of a 30 min treadmill session. start this one day a week and build from that.

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