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Thread: Turinabol Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Turinabol Questions

    Alright gents, it's that time for me to pick the brains of you Veterans out there.

    So I've been on a test and masteron cycle for about 6 weeks now, and I'm feeling great. This is my 6th cycle so I'm not new to AAS, but I AM new to orals like Anadrol, Dbol, and Tbol. I know virtually nothing about those compounds except for the obvious, i.e.: hard on the liver, typically increase water retention, good for strength/bulking.

    I have some Turinabol on the way and I've read about it and done my research, I like what I've seen. I'd like to get some input from others who have used it? What were your gains like? How long did it take to feel the effects? What were your doses like? Did you prefer it over Dbol or Adrol? Anything you'd like to add in will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    I find TBOL to be great.
    Used it several times, but it's been a while since last time now.
    Hmm, think I'm gonna buy some soon.
    Lately I've just been using DBOL.

    Like DBOL, I find TBOL to be a very gentle compound.
    How can I call DBOL gentle?
    Because it is, in terms of side effects, except water retention.

    For a blast and cruise type, you can stay on TBOL for long without feeling bad or raising liver values. Well, it depends on the dose ofcourse.

    I've never gone over 50mg ED with TBOL. Most often just used 3-40mg, and that was enough to give some decent boost. Felt it to be pretty much comparable to DBOL in terms of anabolic potential. No water weight though.
    When I use it again next time i will investigate this further,
    because I know it's considered weaker than DBOL, but it didn't feel much weaker to me. But then again, 50mg DBOL ED is a high dose for me.

    I also liked the feeling of TBOL, which again were comparable to DBOL.
    I felt good while using it.
    A cleaner (no estrogen sides) version of DBOL. Plain and simple.

    Shit, now i know I have to get some.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Haha thanks for the info man, makes me excited to get my hands on it.
    How long did it take to feel the effects? I powerlift so I'm really looking for some good strength gains, and of course some lean mass would be nice too lol
    Just curious since I've never taken anything as far as orals go. Thanks again!

  4. #4
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Vincentino View Post
    Haha thanks for the info man, makes me excited to get my hands on it.
    How long did it take to feel the effects? I powerlift so I'm really looking for some good strength gains, and of course some lean mass would be nice too lol
    Just curious since I've never taken anything as far as orals go. Thanks again!
    You begin seeing the effects from tbol around week 3 or 4.

    Tbol was developed to be a performance enhancer and was originally taken for an entire season or career.

    If you want to gain new tissue from tbol then it needs to be taken for 10+ weeks at 80-100mg/d.

    If you're powerlifting and looking for maximum strength gains then you'd be better off using adrol, dbol or halo.

    Tbol is a great AAS that everyone in the lifestyle should try at some point.

    I feel that tbol excels over other more powerful orals in that it will not cause debilitating back or calf pumps.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    You begin seeing the effects from tbol around week 3 or 4.

    Tbol was developed to be a performance enhancer and was originally taken for an entire season or career.

    If you want to gain new tissue from tbol then it needs to be taken for 10+ weeks at 80-100mg/d.

    If you're powerlifting and looking for maximum strength gains then you'd be better off using adrol, dbol or halo.

    Tbol is a great AAS that everyone in the lifestyle should try at some point.

    I feel that tbol excels over other more powerful orals in that it will not cause debilitating back or calf pumps.
    Can always count on you for no bullshit info man, thanks a lot. 80mg ED? Geez that seems like a lot! I'll be getting 50 50mg hard-pressed pills from Militia Pharm, so I think at most I'll probably do 75, but I'll start with 50. Definitely appreciate the insight guys!

  6. #6
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Vincentino View Post
    Can always count on you for no bullshit info man, thanks a lot. 80mg ED? Geez that seems like a lot! I'll be getting 50 50mg hard-pressed pills from Militia Pharm, so I think at most I'll probably do 75, but I'll start with 50. Definitely appreciate the insight guys!
    80mg of tbol is not that much when you look at the how it was used by the East Germans.

    60mg/d for an entire season was a common dosage for as a performance enhancer.

    Last time I ran tbol I used Axel's, 100mg/d for 11 weeks.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    80mg of tbol is not that much when you look at the how it was used by the East Germans.

    60mg/d for an entire season was a common dosage for as a performance enhancer.

    Last time I ran tbol I used Axel's, 100mg/d for 11 weeks.
    Oh wow lol well there ya go, shows how much I know. Thanks brother I really appreciate the info. So Axle's Tbol is G2G?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincentino View Post
    So Axle's Tbol is G2G?
    There's no guarantees when it comes to UGLs.

    His stuff was good as of last fall/spring but UGLs quality can change at the drop of a dime.

    Did you ever get my PM?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Hou guys are recommending way too high of a dose and underestimating Tbol's potential liver toxicity (or you're just using shitty Tbol). 50mg for 6 weeks should be plenty for a first run. It is harsher than Anavar.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Hou guys are recommending way too high of a dose and underestimating Tbol's potential liver toxicity (or you're just using shitty Tbol). 50mg for 6 weeks should be plenty for a first run. It is harsher than Anavar.
    You'd be lucky to gain one ounce of new lean tissue from using 50mg/d of tbol for 6 weeks.

    Var is more anabolic than tbol and have little effect on new tissue when used at that dosage for 6 weeks.

    Why do you say tbol is more hepatotoxic than var?

  11. #11
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    May 2015
    I also heard that Anavar out of those c17aa badboys, is the least harshest on the liver

    numbere always wants an explanation at the molechyllevel...nerd
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-07-2017 at 02:57 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I cycled Tbol several times and I prefer it over dbol 100Xs over. I would best describe it as dbol only with less water retention. I also hold my gains a little better with tbol but I did not strength gains as I did with dbol. Not as harsh on the liver as well.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Land of the screwed
    Im wondering if the TBOL ive used has been overdosed all the times.
    Because I've never even gone close to 100mg ED.
    I started seeing god results at 30mg.
    I did stack it with test though. Never run it solo.

  14. #14
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    I'll be running it at 50mg ED and may go up to 75mg after a few weeks but won't be going above that as I only have 50 tabs. Can you guys recommend a good on cycle liver support? Like I've said, I've never taken any orals so I've never had to worry about liver toxicity before so I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to that type of supplementation

  15. #15
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  16. #16
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer View Post
    Much appreciated man!

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